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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default long haul flight!

    New to the site...so glad I found it.

    Wanting to go to Mexico this year on holiday but am petrified of being s* or sitting by someone that could be s*.

    Only ever been on a four hour flight, and I was fine but I'm scared to death of a long haul flight just in case.

    Anyone give me any advice? I hate letting my emetophobia stop me doing things I want to do!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Re: long haul flight!

    It's no different being on a long flight as it is on a short one. I know I was terrifed when I went on my first long haul flight, which was almost 13 hours straight, and it was honestly no different to a 3 or 4 hour flight - except you get extremely bored! Nobody will v* and most people who experience travel s*ness know to take something beforehand...and honestly, it's extremely rare. I've been on 22 planes and only twice has somebody v* and it wasn't even near me. You can buy the wristbands or take some travel pills beforehand if you're worried about yourself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: long haul flight!

    This is something I worry about too! I always take travel sickness tablets before traveling, as I usually feel nauseous from anxiety anyway! I also listen to music with a good pair of headphones so can't hear anything that is happening around me, so hopefully I won't notice! Also, the good thing about travel sickness tablets is that they make me very drowsy depending on the brand, so hope to fall asleep too!! Good luck, Mexico is supposed to be lovely!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Chester UK

    Default Re: long haul flight!

    Oh I understand, the controls you put in place to avoid situations! I always feel the same whenever I take a flight no matter how long it is. I take Kalms to help me and even though I never get travel s* I always take travel s*ness tablets. I also find things to take that will help distract me from feeling that way-puzzles cards etc... My partner and son know how I am and so they don't bring it up and help to distract me. I like the food on the plane and don't worry too much about that because its usually a small meal.... I don't have to worry about feeling too full!

    I'm new here too and it makes me feel better when I hear things so familiar to me x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    United States

    Default Re: long haul flight!

    I always take long flights, from the East Coast USA to Japan. Its about 13 or 14 hrs. First and most important is something to control anxiety. My doc gave me some xanax, not sure what that would be where you are. I only had to take 2, one going over and one coming back. I also take lots of antiemetics in my bag with me, travel sickness meds and I wear seabands. Also I have just discovered ear planes which cuts down on the noise and makes my ears not get plugged up which in turn helps keep my balance and keep me feeling good. If you happen to sit by someone who is sick (very rare) just move. most planes arent completely full and you can get a seat somewhere else. The flight attendants will usually accomodate you.
    While in Mexico....DO NOT DRINK THE WATER. DO NOT USE ICE. YOU MORE THAN LIKELY WILL GET SICK FROM IT> otherwise, i hope you have a wonderful trip. Good luck on the plane ride!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: long haul flight!

    you will be fine. i fly alot and have been on many 10plus hour flights now. not once has someone been sick near me and not once have i taken anti emets before flying. i like to get on board, have a glass of wine, put on a film, have some dinner and chill. i also like an aisle seat (like to be able to get out when i like)

    you would be really unlucky to be near someone sick and as jbsmom said, usually planes arent 100% capacity and you can just asked to move.

    enjoy! we are off to cuba in 2 weeks. cant wait!



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