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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    United States

    Default Moving to Japan!

    My husband is being transferred to Japan in July. We are all going and are all very excited. I am half japanese so i will be with my family. I am just wondering if anyone out there knows how bad the sv is over there. I know that they have had problems with noro this year so badly that they had to close some schools in the prefecture where my cousin lives. I also know that they had a problem with noro a few years ago as well. I hope that i can get my antiemetics over there on the army base. Anybody heard of anything?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    London, England

    Default Re: Moving to Japan!

    Wow that's so exciting! I've never been to Japan by my Japanese friend visits family there lots and it looks so cool! I have no idea about the noro situ, i'm guessing it's similar to everywhere else. They closed schools in parts of America where people on here live so that's not overly unusual
    I know they have very healthy diets involving lots of fish and less fatty foods so adopting their diet may give you a nice immune system boost I hope you like fish!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States

    Default Re: Moving to Japan!

    I visited for a month once through college. I stayed with a host family for 2 weeks and still keep in contact. My host mom's son was very very sick with a sv* this year while at school in hokkaido. It does happen there. However, when I was there, I got vertigo from all the planes and trains, and felt really sick for awhile. I went to a doctor and they gave me some meds that helped with the n*! There's hope for that!



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