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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Thumbs up General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    Hi everyone,

    Ive been suffering from emetophobia for 2-3 years now and I have anxiety attacks everyday, due to my phobia or general anxiety and worry and paranoia.

    I wanted to ask other emets what they experience during an anxiety attack, so...

    What causes you an anxiety attack?
    How long does one last on average?
    How many you get in a day on average?
    How to you cope and get out of an attack?
    What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience?
    How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst? To what extremes to you go to to cope?
    Do you take medication for anxiety or not?

    Thanks for answering my survey!!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    What causes you an anxiety attack?
    general anxiety, fear I will be s* anytime soon, social anxiety, anxiety from being away from my comfort zone(home), sometimes I get random anxiety attacks like whilst out shopping for no apparent reason. Anyone else get this?

    How long does one last on average?
    can last from 2 minutes to a week. Mostly around 10 minutes on average. When I have a long long anxiety attack for like a week, I don't eat and I get dehydrated and I just rest and worry.

    How many you get in a day on average?
    3-4 per day.

    How to you cope and get out of an attack?
    breathe, panic usually in my mind, say positive thoughts, beg for reassurance.

    What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience?
    a mix of one of all of these feelings:
    Fast heartbeat
    feel n*
    Lump in throat
    stomach rumbles
    feel like I need to pass toilet
    pull my hair
    get up and walk around
    body feels tense

    How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst? To what extremes to you go to to cope?
    had it since I can remember, I realised I was emetophobia 2-3 years ago when I felt constantly n* and didn't eat or drink at all. Scale of 1-10, 8.5. Extreme lengths I go to is avoid restaurants, avoid ill people, carry anti bacteria and viral hand wash with me, I always carry a drink with me when I go out, oh, and paracetemol, i don't eat or drink when I have anxiety attacks, I don't like going to far place...

    Do you take medication for anxiety or not?
    nope. Just had psychologist help but have since stopped therapy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    What causes you an anxiety attack?
    Any situation that makes me feel uncomfortable in any way, shape or form.

    How long does one last on average?
    It depends on said situation. If it is something trivial, then it can last for less than an hour and if it's something more significant then time can vary. There's not really an approximate time frame in regards to a panic attack. I usually try to get it under control as soon as I feel it coming on.

    How many you get in a day on average?
    I used to suffer panic attacks on a daily basis, but for the past several months, I only experience them 2x a month @ most.

    How to you cope and get out of an attack?
    I used to self harm; cutting, burning, bruising, etc. I still fall back into old habits at times. I find that playing video/computer games or talking to somebody helps me to calm down immensely.

    What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience?
    Physical symptoms: nausea, loss of appetite, heart palpitations, hyperventilating, hot flashes, tremors, lightheadedness, muscle aches and pains, headache, etc.
    Psychological: depression, feeling of impending doom, crying spells, fear, hopelessness

    How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst?
    I would say a 6. It used to be much much worse.

    To what extremes to you go to to cope?
    See above

    Do you take medication for anxiety or not?
    Yes, I take the generic form of Zoloft (sertraline) 150mg
    I wanna feel the change consume me,
    Feel the outside turning in.
    I wanna feel the metamorphosis and
    Cleansing I've endured within
    My shadow

    Disclaimer: **I try and answer posts to the best of my knowledge but unfortunately, I am not a medical professional so take my advice/recommendations with a grain of salt.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Cardiff, Wales, UK

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    Interested to read the replies to this since panic attacks are the worst part of my emet.

    What causes you an anxiety attack?
    Unusual feelings in my stomach, eating anything more than a small snack, lack of fresh air, confined spaces, sometimes pain in other parts of my body and they occasionally seem to happen for no reason.

    How long does one last on average?
    I've been better are controlling them lately, and haven't had a severe attack for a month or so. But 10-20 minutes.

    How many you get in a day on average?
    1 every 2-3 days.

    How to you cope and get out of an attack?
    Fresh cold air, sipping water, deep controlled breathing, slapping myself (yes, I know that isn't healthy), telling myself I've had these feelings hundred of times before and plain old waiting for it to pass.

    What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience?
    A feeling of bleakness and blackness
    Extreme nausea
    Stomach lurches and spasms
    Blurred vision
    Shooting, tingling sensations down arms and legs
    Body becomes very tense
    Hardly breath

    How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst? To what extremes to you go to to cope?
    10. I've left the house around 5 times since last October, after I dry heaved over and over in public 200 miles from home because of exhaustion brought on by being malnourished which only reinforced the phobia. I don't allow myself to eat more than a small snack and have mostly stopped eating anything other than cake or bread. I only feel totally relaxed when I start to get those gnawing hunger feelings and aim towards them.

    Do you take medication for anxiety or not?
    No. I have little faith in anxiety medication and even if I believed they worked I'd refuse to take any because they aren't a genuine, permanent solution.
    Last edited by jet1550; 05-07-2012 at 12:06 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    Glad I can help you..

    What causes you an anxiety attack?

    It really all depends on how my day is going...what I've eaten, if I wake up suddenly with a twinge of pain, if I feel paranoid about somebody or something its worse sometimes than others.

    How long does one last on average?

    That too depends. It depends the time of day for sure and also depends on if I have a good distraction or not. If I have a good distraction for example, Scrubs on DVD, then it will go away withinin an episode (24 mins or so).

    How many you get in a day on average?

    I am proud to say that my anxiety attacks have gotten better over the last couple of months. My OBGYN changed my birth control to a cheaper one for me, but it was giving me about four panick attacks at night a month. It made me extra paranoid to it was horrible.

    How to you cope and get out of an attack?

    Again with the coping, the distraction thing works wonders. I have an iphone now so that also helps. I hate to turn on the TV sometimes and disturb my husband so I will come on the boards or play a game or something. I will also write down how I feel too if its extreme.

    What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience?

    I get paranoid, the shivers, the poops, rapid heartbeat, nausesous (the shivers sometimes bring that on) and throat nausea.

    How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst?

    I think I am about a 6 when it comes to me vomiting and a 9 when it comes to somebody else vomiting around me. But however, if its something that happens in public and again I have other distractions, its not as high...really hard to explain. If it is a family member in my house however, it freaks me out to no end. When it comes to vomiting on TV it really angers me and disgusts me, but doesn't make me go into full blown panic mode so thats probably a 4

    To what extremes to you go to to cope?

    Again, its all about distractions, however, when I travel, I always make sure I have stuff for diarrhea, stuff for inidgestion, gas, headaches, etc

    Do you take medication for anxiety or not?

    No, but I would love to get a prescription for "ease of mind" from my doctor when I can afford to go back.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    Urghhh, anxiety attacks will be the death of me. Anyone else wish they could be a YOLO type person who has no care or worry in the world?

    Thanks for the replies. I really identify myself with you all.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    What causes you an anxiety attack?

    -Genuine nausea - I don't start panicking right away if I feel something unpleasant in my stomach, but if it persists or gets severe, I will start to panic. I panic much more easily if I'm out in public or far away from home when I feel nauseous.
    -Being exposed to someone else vomiting, either seeing or hearing it - but only in reality (not videos/TV/sound clips).
    -Also, thinking about dying or getting old or life having no meaning will sometimes cause one.

    How long does one last on average?

    I've had them last from a few minutes to many hours. Not sure what the average would be. Probably about a half hour, but sometimes the after-effects can last for a week.

    How many you get in a day on average?

    I don't get the really bad ones very often, which I guess is why they are so traumatizing for me. I'm not really used to them. I haven't had one in 5-6 months.

    How to you cope and get out of an attack?

    Affirmations, deep breathing, guided meditation CDs, talking to my wife, distracting myself with word searches or crossword puzzles or funny websites, waiting it out.

    What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience?

    Physically - nausea, chills, shaking, heart pounding fast, throat nausea, tingling/numbness in my fingers and lips, loss of appetite
    Psychologically - doom/hopelessness, fear of dying, fear of going crazy, surreal feelings

    How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst? To what extremes to you go to to cope?

    Right now, maybe a 6. There are many things I avoid doing, but I am not experiencing a lot of severe anxiety or depression lately. I feel pretty okay with my life, other than the fact that I know I avoid too much.

    Do you take medication for anxiety or not?

    No, medication scares me. I would much rather fix things myself than have something else controlling me. But there have definitely been times I've felt hopeless/desperate enough to consider it.
    emetophobia shmemetophobia! -
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    What causes you an anxiety attack?
    My attacks are mostly random. there is no rhyme or reason for them and they pop up at random. any other anxiety attack is caused by thinking about getting an anxiety attack like when will the next one hit?!

    How long does one last on average?
    They range from 5 minutes to a day. I have what i like to call "anxiety days" where i am just worn down and there is no escaping the constant attacks. nothing helps. i just feel defeated as all heck.

    How many you get in a day on average?
    I can have days where i am anxiety free -no attacks at all. then there are days where i have 5 in a row for no reason. on average though i would say i experience 2 a day.

    How to you cope and get out of an attack?
    i isolate myself - run to the bathroom, crawl into bed, i call my mom who has severe clinical depression and knows exactly what i am going through. i listen to music. i play with my cat or dog. i try to distract my mind by keeping busy.

    What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience?
    nausea, tight chest, throat constricts, hot flashes, mind racing, wanting to bolt, crying, i feel defeated. i feel frustrated & embarrassed. i pray "please let me be normal. please make this stop"

    How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst? To what extremes to you go to to cope?
    i would say that i am a 6-7. i went and bought a thermometer and i keep it in my sock drawer. i contanstly check my forehead to see if i am running a fever. i pop airborne or vitamin c like its candy. i use hand sanitizer like you wouldn't believe. i lysol the crap out of everything.

    Do you take medication for anxiety or not?
    i take zoloft everyday. this is the 4th med that they have tried with me btw. i was on ativan as needed but even after taking 3 i still got panic attacks back to back to the point where i could barely funciton. now they are trying xanax as needed - its done its job so far. i want to be med free soooo badly.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    What causes my anxiety attacks?
    Usually it's because my stomach is acting up. This is not an unusual occurrence but if it feels "different" and I can't recognize it as being ulcer, gas or IBS related I start obsessing: " is this what it feels like.....theres no reason for me to feel like this......is it gonna happen.....I think this is it" until I have worked myself into a frenzy and am literally ready to rip my hair from my scalp because I cannot get away or escape the sick feeling or the thoughts spinning in my head.

    How long does an anxiety attack last?
    A full-blown, no-going-back attack will last usually several hours, and takes another hour or so to come down from it. The good thing is once it's over I'm usually so exhausted I fall asleep.

    How many attacks in a day?
    Luckily I dont get them daily or even weekly. If so, I would be house-bound because the attacks are incapacitating. Oddly, usually they happen in the middle of the night

    How do I manage an attack?
    I can't manage them by myself. I would probably claw the skin off my face if i was left alone. I have to wake my husband up to come sit on the couch with me. For some reason I always go to the family room couch when I'm having an attack. He sits with me and rubs either my hand or arm to help me calm down. We turn on the tv for background noise and just sit for hours. Sometimes it wakes my mom up (my mom lives with us) and if it's a real bad one I make her sit on the other side of me and hold my other hand-yes, I'm 41 years old and still want my mommy when this happens. Sometimes I ask them to tell me stories about their days and this can go on for several hours until it starts fading

    What physical and emotional feelings do I experience?
    Dry mouth, can't swallow, hyperventilating, nausea, throat nausea, full-body shakes almost like a seizure, cold sweats, can't talk, heart pounding to where you can see my shirt moving. Psychologically, I feel nothing but pure terror and i can't form a coherent thought other than "get me out of here" and "make it stop"

    How bad of an emetephobe am I? To what extremes do I go to cope?
    I'd say I'm a 7, with 10 being the worst. I'm actually seeing a therapist because my bad days are outnumbering my good days. I have 37 practices or rituals that I use to help me cope-too many to list (one of my exercises from the shrink was to count up the things I do daily so that's how I know the number)

    Do I take anxiety medication?
    No. The pills won't address what's made me this way. At this point, I just want to learn more ways to help cope. If I can get even 10% better then at least it's something.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    1.) What causes you an anxiety attack? Watching either Men vomit, hearing it, or more realistically, feeling nausea 2.) How long does one last on average? Hmm, about 15 minutes max 3.) How many you get in a day on average? 2x a month 4.) How to you cope and get out of an attack? I kinda don't? I usually take extra Promethazine, to deal with fake nausea and calm me. 5.) What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience? I get really nauseated, chills, hot and cold flashes and sweat. As for mental, extreme confusion and despair. 6.) How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst? I would have to say 7 with anti-emetics and a full blown 80 without them 7.) To what extremes to you go to to cope? Uhmm, I think I already answered that xD 8.) Do you take medication for anxiety or not? No, I am pescribed Mirtazapine, but I take a Promethazine pill when anxious

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    Sorry, I can't edit with my Ps3 ._."

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    What makes me have e panic attack: depends; people telling me they are going to vomit, me feeling like I'm gonna vomet, hearing it on TV, hearing someone vomet, feeling nacious. How many do I have: well it's not really daily, which could explain why it is so dramatic when I do get them... I'd say monthly or whenever something/someone triggers them. What are the Psychological/physical effects: crying, hyper-ventelating, feeling sicker and sicker and making me feel worse heart pounding..... how do I get out of an attack: well depending on how long they last- mine probably last from 20 minutes to an hour depending on how long the person/me are V* or feeling like I am going to V*... depends... like someone said, distraction... that's huge for me... listening to music, the radio, going on the internet, not thinking about it.......... but listening to music really helps........ and just trying to breath and calm down- self-talking myself out of it works too, sometimes... telling myself I won't V* and praying that it goes away... if someone near me V*s I blast my music/headphones to distract myself until it's hopefully over........ I don't take any medication for this... things I avoid: il people, bars, parties, people drinking....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    What causes you an anxiety attack?
    The fear that someone around me will vomit, including pets, the possibility of being late, being forced to make telephone calls.
    How long does one last on average?
    Depends. Anywhere between 3 hours and 5 minutes. I'm getting better at pulling myself out of them.
    How many you get in a day on average?
    It used to be at least one per day, but nowadays, more like 1 per month.
    How to you cope and get out of an attack?
    It used to be self harm in the form of cutting, but now I've learned to breathe and rationalise. The question "What's the worst than can happen in this situation?" is my best tool in the midst of a panic attack.
    What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience?
    Swimming stomach, shaking, hyperventilating, hair pulling, hot and cold alternating, sweating.
    How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst? To what extremes to you go to to cope?
    Firstly, EmetophobiC. Emetophobia is the noun, emetophobic is the adjective. Um... I used to be a 10 when it came to others vomiting, and like... a 2 when it was me, but everyone gets a little anxious before they vomit. Nowadays, it's more like... 6-ish. I've come a LONG way.
    Do you take medication for anxiety or not?
    Not anymore. I was on Lexapro, hated it, switched to Effexor, it helped for a while, but CBT had helped me immensely, so I went to my GP who approved me to wean myself off them. Which I have completely now.
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  14. #14

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    What causes you an anxiety attack?
    Pretty much anything can trigger me. Usually I'll just start off with a little twinge for any number of reasons, being hungry and leaving my home or eating too much. I'll make up a million reasons for why I'm having some legitimate sickness and then it escalates really fast and I'm having a panic attack.

    How long does one last on average?
    Sometimes if I've been doing well, I can talk myself out of it when I feel it coming on. Occasionally it'll only last a couple of hours and I'll be okay. Usually though, once it gets to a really high point, I'll stay there for a couple of days and sometimes a week on end.

    How many you get in a day on average?
    Usually at least a couple. Sometimes there's just a moment, but there's never a day where I don't think about it at all.

    How to you cope and get out of an attack?
    I try to focus on my breathing and make sure it's deep, and I really just try to force myself to keep a positive spin on everything. I try to keep reminding myself it'll be over and I'll get through it and I'll chat with my friends about it and ask them for reassurance. I take a lot of medicine and drink lots of liquids, and generally just sit in my bed shivering and shaking brushing my hair back. I'll light matches or candles and sometimes if I take a bath it helps.

    What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience?
    Physically I'll start to be short of breath, and just generally feel really nauseous. My stomach will rumble and twinge and I feel like I have to get away somehow but I can't. It's like I can feel it escalating up through my stomach and it's so scary to me somehow. Mentally, I just get really frightened and then really depressed. I feel hopeless and like it won't go away and nothing will help it. I feel stupid for being so bothered but then I can't calm down at all and bring myself down from the feeling.

    How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst? To what extremes to you go to to cope?
    I'd say maybe a 7 or and 8. I end up staying home a lot and it's really starting to affect my life, because I miss out on events with my friends and I haven't been going to school at all for a long time. I'll have my good days, so but when it's bad it just seems to be REALLY bad.

    Do you take medication for anxiety or not?
    I actually do to anxiety medication! I take Luvox, but judging by how my life has been going I really do not think it's working all that well haha. Definitely have to talk to my doctor about that.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Northeast USA

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    Hey! I'm glad I found this survey
    What causes an anxiety attack?
    Any unusual feelings in my stomach, anyone around me acting odd or ill, school, feeling trapped in one place
    How long does one last on average?
    um, anywhere from 2 minutes to 8 hours... depends on the situation
    How many you get in a day on average?
    Let's say 4-5 mild ones, but no more than 1-2 major
    How to you cope and get out of an attack?
    Get out of... those magic words... I cope by taking long breaths, drinking cold water, pulling at my skin (unhealthy, I know), and pacing or waving my hands. Not sure what good waving my hands does...
    What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience?
    Chest gets tight, like I can't breathe
    Sort of trembling and shaking all along my limbs
    Extreme, extreme fear
    Cold sweats
    Heart racing
    Psychologically, all I can think is GET ME OUT OF HERE.
    How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst? To what extremes to you go to to cope?
    Hmmm, I'd say a 7? Anxiety attacks are frequent (WAY too frequent) but I'm headstrong by nature and this isn't ruling my life if I say it isn't. I NEVER go to restaurants, though, and I prefer to stay at home than go out in public
    Do you take medication for anxiety or not?
    yep. sertraline (Zoloft) 175.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Tonawanda, New York

    Default Re: General feelings during an emet anxiety attack?

    What causes you an anxiety attack?
    My thoughts and focusing on them. Seeing someone v* and thinking "Oh no, do the have a st*?!"

    How long does one last on average?
    Mine last from 30 minutes to an hour and can keep returning.

    How many you get in a day on average?
    Depends, sometimes none, sometimes ten.

    How to you cope and get out of an attack?
    Take a bath, eat some tums, smoke a cigarette, talk to my mom, and cry.

    What feelings both physically and psychologically do you experience?
    N*, Trembling, Depersonalization.

    How bad of an emetophobia do you think you are? From 1-10, 10 being worst?
    To what extremes to you go to to cope? I think I am an 8. My fear of going crazy or having a heartattack is worse.

    Do you take medication for anxiety or not?
    Used to take Xanax. Just quit cold turkey 3 days ago. It's rough.
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