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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    bedford, unit kingdom

    Default Emetophobia is so bad I am getting sucidle thoughts

    The last couple of weeks, are so bad, that I am getting sucidle thoughts, I can't leave my flat, can't eat, In constant anxiety, 24/7, I am now getting desperate, worried about what I will do, even wrote a letter.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Emetophobia is so bad I am getting sucidle thoughts

    Is there a family member you can talk to? Or a suicide hotline you can call in the UK?

    Killing yourself isn't the answer to your problems. I know living like this can be really hard, but with therapy and medication the emetophobia can be controlled. Without it I would probably be where you are since I'm both depressed and emetophobic. Have you seen anyone in terms of therapy? I promise you.....it would help you greatly. If you don't have anyone to talk to at the moment, feel free to pm me. I'll probably be online for a while

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    bedford, unit kingdom

    Default Re: Emetophobia is so bad I am getting sucidle thoughts

    Thanks for your comment, I was dealing with it up to about a couple of weeks ago, i vomited for the first time in 34 years, i guess it kind of traumatised me,i have this constant fear that i will vomit again, i my mind is on constant replay about that night, i can't even leave my flat, as i get panick attacks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Emetophobia is so bad I am getting sucidle thoughts

    I understand that. Some people comment (about my emet) that "if I just v*ed I would see it's not that bad". But that's not true at all. V*ing doesn't help most emets, it may seem to help for a little bit but then the anxiety comes back in full force. I've experienced that.

    I know right now you are feeling really alone, depressed, and anxious. I felt the same way in the past when I v*ed for the first time in years. But it will eventually get better and you'll go back to being able to control it again. I'm sure you'll be feeling better by summer

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Emetophobia is so bad I am getting sucidle thoughts

    Please don't hurt yourself. Things are going to get better, don't give up. If you are really considering suicide please call a hotline or go to the hospital. I'm sure you have people who care about you and would be devastated if you were gone, and even if you don't feel like you do I care about you. You are on this earth for a reason- you have a purpose.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    bedford, unit kingdom

    Default Re: Emetophobia is so bad I am getting sucidle thoughts

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenyxAngel View Post
    I understand that. Some people comment (about my emet) that "if I just v*ed I would see it's not that bad". But that's not true at all. V*ing doesn't help most emets, it may seem to help for a little bit but then the anxiety comes back in full force. I've experienced that.

    I know right now you are feeling really alone, depressed, and anxious. I felt the same way in the past when I v*ed for the first time in years. But it will eventually get better and you'll go back to being able to control it again. I'm sure you'll be feeling better by summer
    I know exactly what you mean, when i was sick, it wasn't as bad as thought, but over the next couple of days the anxiety returned, and it was worse than ever, my mind was completely in overdrive, kept reliving that night, i am ok in the daytime it hits me more at night, find it hard even to leave the flat, when i do i get all panicky even going to shops, my chest feels tight, and i get a nervouse cough, just so fustrating.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012
    bedford, unit kingdom

    Default Re: Emetophobia is so bad I am getting sucidle thoughts

    Thanks for your nice comment, it worse i have been in years, but i will get control again, maybe therapy is the answer, i need to do something



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