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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Saint Peter Minnesota

    Default had a dream that seemed real. panicking now

    I had a dream that I ate something out of a can and it made my stomach hurt really bad. I had my panic attack happen in my dream. The kind that I have in real life when something is wrong with my stomach. I woke up feeling off now. I don't know if my stomach was really hurting or if it was just in my dream. I woke up with my panic. And my stomach is making noises. Just freaking out a little bit because I don't know if that was real or not, and I really don't want to have pains in my stomach.
    ~always wishing for the best, Eveningstar~

  2. #2

    Default Re: had a dream that seemed real. panicking now

    Oh my, this sounds very familiar. I dream alot of eating things like bread and cheese.. which when i wake if i think about them i feel physically sick and cant face them. not sure why but this is been ongoing for many years, especially with bread as i normally eat it but it comes in my dream and i am being forced to eat it and its so dry!

    Its normal for a dream to affect you the day after, i dreamt of a lost relatice the other night and i felt very strange the next day as it was so surreal but same affects!

    Hope this feeling passes anyway.. xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Northeast USA

    Default Re: had a dream that seemed real. panicking now

    Hope it passed!*
    I nightmare often and the fear seems to carry through to waking... It never makes me ill though.*
    Feel better!



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