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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default Really scared! Ibs or bug or other?!!!!!!

    So a week ago tonight my bf came down with the winter SV whilst I was with him and after spending the full day with him, which was very very scary! Although I only spent the first hour in the same room as him while he V'd until I moved and haven't seen him since then (coz of the phobia still) eek so I've been REALLY scared all week!!!! Ive only eaten plain food all week, dry bread and plain biscuits. Yesterday was my little sisters birthday and I was feeling a little more confident I didnt have my bfs bug in my system I ate a couple of mini sandwiches and bits of kids party food but not a lot.

    today I woke up with stomach ache, as if I needed to go to the loo (sorry for the info) but I couldn't go! Throughout the day it went off a lot and I ate a packet of crisps and some biscuits (I know my diet is terrible!) I then really fancied a veggie burger so I made one and whilst it was cooking I got slight stomach ache again but more so really bad bloatedness!! By the time my veggie burger had cooked I thought I'd try eat it anyway and I forced myself to and got even more bloated with worse stomach ache!

    I now have D too and am just SOOO bloated it's awful! I'm really scared I'm coming down with the SV, if not from my bf last week then from going out to my sisters party yesterday which was ful of small kids that have probably had it recently! (I was hand sanitizing regularly though!)

    I also normally have IBS but it comes and goes and whenever I do get it I Tend to convince myself it's a bug anyway and panic which I know doesn't help! So is it that?

    Another thing is.... It's my time of the month Xmas day I'm due... I do sometimes get a poorly tummy leading up to that too.

    IM SO SCARED ITS A BUG! and I feel sick too and this stomach ache is SO bad!!!

    So basically, from my symptoms, BAD bloatedness, stomach ache, feeling sick, gurgley tummy and D... Which does it sound most like??? So so scared!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Really scared! Ibs or bug or other?!!!!!!

    I'd say it's a combo of IBS and pre-time of the month stuff. I get bloated from both of those, and since you're close to your TOM and have IBS, I'd vote for a combination of both. Since you've been stressed about your BF being sick, that probably caused a flare up of IBS. It happens to me all the time after I've been stressed for a while. Feel better, but I bet it's not a bug!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default Re: Really scared! Ibs or bug or other?!!!!!!

    Thank you. You're probably right i'm just so scared! I feel more sick now than before just terrified! Touch wood i haven't been back to the loo since I first posted and my stomach ache calmed down a little but I can feel it coming back now! I think I'm more scared tonight as well because it's exactly one week since my bf started with it tonight and I have these weird OCD's with time distances between it and stuff like that and just keep thinking 'this time last week...' etc!!!

    Sorry to go into a rant but this phobia is SO ANNOYING! i mean i know nobody enjoys a phobia but at least if I had a normal phobia like snakes or heights etc i wouldnt be worrying on a day to day basis!!

    Omg im rambling on because i'm scared!! Feel really sick, tummy feels funny! This is horrible! I HATE winter i literally don't leave the house unless I really have to incase of catching the winter bug! AAARGH!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: Really scared! Ibs or bug or other?!!!!!!

    Aww you sound so stressed you sound a lot like me, infact I'm panicking right now because I think I could've caught it from my husband...but I'm not sure if he had it or not...

    I have some tummy aches now but I also have IBS like you...so I don[t know what it could be..I wish there was a way to tell..the anxiety is horrible isn't it?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default Re: Really scared! Ibs or bug or other?!!!!!!

    Oh no... if you need to rant your panics about your husband to me feel free because i've been a nervous wreck all week from my bf having it!!! If its any consilation though... i didn't catch it! It's been over a week now and touch wood I've been fine (apart from the stomach aches but everyones telling me that's IBS and even though I do panic and tell myself it's not... it's nothing AT ALL like how my bf was THANK GOD!)

    IBS is bad enough...IBS with emetophobia is even worse! I feel your pain!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default Re: Really scared! Ibs or bug or other?!!!!!!

    Omg now Im in full blown panic mode again!!! Really bad stomach ache is back don't know if it's a bug, ibs or lead up to the time of the month! If I was already 'on' I would defo put it down to that because it feels like that cramp, but then again that cramp is exactly the same as D cramp! Anyway because I'm not on yet Im gonna spend the night panicking! I go through this every single month I HATE being a woman!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Really scared! Ibs or bug or other?!!!!!!

    Amen. Every month never ending

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default Re: Really scared! Ibs or bug or other?!!!!!!

    Omg no I CANT COPE!!! I hate this stupid phobia ruining my life!! My stomach hurts so bad and i feel S what if I V??? I can't cope!!!! What if I've caught the SV literally everyone seems to have it! I haven't left the house in 2 days now coz I'm too scared of catching it but my mum and sister have what if they brought it back with them?! What if I caught it 2 days ago at my sisters birthday (a children's indoor play center to make it worse!) and my symptoms start tonight?? I have D which COULD be ibs but my stomah hurts so bad!! I'm terrified!!!! Every morning when I wake up and go on Facebook someone seems to have statused they have the bug and have been up all night with it ao I'm more scared of night times! I used to be able to cope slightly better with D (although never really completely) more than this coz I could tell myself it's IBS but I can't do that at this time of year it's too scary!! I don't dare eat I've been snacking on biscuits through the day but even that scares me and over this week of panic I've dropped from just under 8 stone to 7 stone exact, which according to BMI is anorexia for my height but I don't feel that skinny! ITS JUST THIS STOMACH ACHE I NEED IT TO GO AND I NEED THE SV TO NOT EXIST!!! sorry for the rant..... Just panicking!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: Really scared! Ibs or bug or other?!!!!!!

    I don't think you're going to v* I think you're okay You said you felt fine earlier so honestly I don't think you've caught SV* or anything, it's probably from that time of month. IBS or nerves but you're not going to V*

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: Really scared! Ibs or bug or other?!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jsb333 View Post
    Omg no I CANT COPE!!! I hate this stupid phobia ruining my life!! My stomach hurts so bad and i feel S what if I V??? I can't cope!!!! What if I've caught the SV literally everyone seems to have it! I haven't left the house in 2 days now coz I'm too scared of catching it but my mum and sister have what if they brought it back with them?! What if I caught it 2 days ago at my sisters birthday (a children's indoor play center to make it worse!) and my symptoms start tonight?? I have D which COULD be ibs but my stomah hurts so bad!! I'm terrified!!!! Every morning when I wake up and go on Facebook someone seems to have statused they have the bug and have been up all night with it ao I'm more scared of night times! I used to be able to cope slightly better with D (although never really completely) more than this coz I could tell myself it's IBS but I can't do that at this time of year it's too scary!! I don't dare eat I've been snacking on biscuits through the day but even that scares me and over this week of panic I've dropped from just under 8 stone to 7 stone exact, which according to BMI is anorexia for my height but I don't feel that skinny! ITS JUST THIS STOMACH ACHE I NEED IT TO GO AND I NEED THE SV TO NOT EXIST!!! sorry for the rant..... Just panicking!
    Hey, I've only just joined this website but we are crazy similar. I was diagnosed with ibs only about 3 weeks ago but I am pretty sure I have had it for years. I am in the middle of trying loads of medication at the moment and am apparently dairy intolerant. But I also have emetaphobia and am having cognitive behavioural therapy for it which the doctor thinks may be responsible for my major ibs bout because I am facing a fear and stressing out. I would definitely advise popping to the doctors for your phobia. I used to be scared of what happens if my boyfriend gets sick especially now we have moved in together but I feel better about things now. Trust me the ibs still makes my kind play tricks and even right now I'm unsure whether it's ibs or I'm ill. Casually drinking a lemon as ginger tea to calm my nerves. Ibs sucks because it is stress related, but I agree ibs with emetaphobia is ten times worse, the ibs itself stresses me out which makes it a viscious circle. Fun and games hey! Hope you didn't end up getting the bug though X



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