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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Springfield, Ohio

    Default Sv* in the house, help! What do I do?

    The day before yesterday my 9 year old got sick just one time, and then she was fine. But now my 10 year old did. No other symptoms, just v* so I don't know what to do. I'm about to have a freakin heart attack from anxiety. I mean, what the heck could this be?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Springfield, Ohio

    Default Re: Sv* in the house, help! What do I do?

    Twice now

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: Sv* in the house, help! What do I do?

    Oh no, Hun! I'm sorry to hear it. It really sounded like it was a freak thing that happened to your 9y/o. How are they doing now? Are either of them having any other symptoms?
    Based on the info I've gathered from this forum, SV* is transmitted by ingesting the d* or v* particles. So unless you were next to one or both of them while it was happening, you should be ok. Make sure you keep your hands clean and try to avoid using their bathroom until you can get in There and sterilize the heck out of it with bleach.
    Are you doing ok otherwise, like keeping the anxiety at bay?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Springfield, Ohio

    Default Re: Sv* in the house, help! What do I do?

    Both of them only v* but their both fine now thank God. But my sister and niece also did the same, so I'm assuming it's just a weird strand of it? I'm trying to keep calm, I wasn't there during, but was right after because she was screaming for me. That would be my only exposure that I know of, so now I'm just kinda waiting and freaking Good thing for anti anxiety meds or I would be in a hug me jacket by now Thank you so super much for responding

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    United States

    Default Re: Sv* in the house, help! What do I do?

    awwww I am so sorry this is happening. It sucks. I dont know why kids catch it from each other. Its not like they stand next to each other when they V or have D but I guess they just arent hygiene concious. But you are! Keep washing your hands. Dont eat any finger foods. Clean with bleach. Hang in there. Eat light but keep eating to keep your strength up. Stay on your guard for at least 3 days. It seems like a 2 day incubation period for your kids but i think 3 is good to be safe. Try to keep your anxiety under control it only makes matters worse. Is there anyone that can help you with your kids?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: Sv* in the house, help! What do I do?

    Jb's moms right, keep your strength up and maybe pop a few probiotics to help boost your immunity. Be super conscious of shared surfaces, hands away from your face and remind the kiddos to wash up extra-good after using the restroom for the next few days to help prevent any accidental germ spreading.
    You sound like you are doing amazingly well, but I hear you about the waiting game-it flat-out sucks!!! I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you
    We're here if you need us-hang in there!
    Last edited by jmoore10; 06-10-2012 at 07:22 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Springfield, Ohio

    Default Re: Sv* in the house, help! What do I do?

    I've been washing and washing and preaching to them to wash too. I'm just kinda staying on alert. My anxiety is worse than anything, and my med just knocks me out :/ I really don't have anyone to help with them, but I'd rather them be here anyways, the way my anxiety is, I don't want them out of my sight. But thank you guys so much, every post is a huge boost for me, more helpful than you think



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