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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Gettysburg PA

    Default Several mini/major triumphs

    1, My brother came down with food poisoning recently. He got sick Monday after eating bad food Sunday at a friend's house. He was sick all of Monday and Tuesday and he hadn't eaten anything Wednesday. I was able to visit him on Wed. I didn't know about him being sick before that, but I didn't leave when I found out about it. I even went out to eat for my mom's birthday that night. My brother was even feeling good enough to come along. I did question him to make sure it was food poisoning and I did freak out the next day when someone said "yeah, that stomach bug is going around, but at least it is over quickly," but I regained my senses after thinking "two days is HARDLY quickly!" plus his friend who ate the same food as him was sick too.

    2. I work with a boy who has developmental delays and other medical concerns. The medication he takes for these other medical concerns sometimes makes him get sick when they increase the does. Poor kid has to take a LOT of really strong meds. Knowing that he had been sick the day before, I was able to see him in school. Another day, I showed up and he was in the nurse's office because he had already gotten sick. There was some of it still on his shirt (nothing big, just little bits where he wiped his mouth. He didn't understand that he should use a napkin). Previous times he had gotten sick multiple times in a row. still, I was able to walk with him back to class.

    3. Another boy I work with lives with his little sister who is only 4. She had been sick for three or four days when I went to see him. She'd seem fine and happy, hungry even, and then would just suddenly get sick. The entire time I was there, I worked in the kitchen with the boy while his sister laid on the couch with a bucket next to her. I was still able to stay focused on my job.

    4. I was working with a kid in kindergarten and they have a girl in the room who has some sort of muscular disease that leaves her in a wheelchair. She has problems even with leaning forward. Well, several kids had gone home sick, most of whom got sick AT school. Now this girl felt sick and they just had the trash can next to her, although with her muscular issues I am unsure if she could have made use of the trash can. I remained in the class room.

    These have all been since the end of January. I feel rather accomplished.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Several mini/major triumphs

    Wow well done! You are alot braver than I am! *applause*

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Several mini/major triumphs

    Mini! Those things are great! I hope I'll be like you soon!



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