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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default So scared its gonna happen

    Ive just woken up (4am) randomly in my sleep, I was SOOO tired and tried to go back to sleep but couldnt coz I have the worst stomach ache and my stomach is also gurgling with it loads too! I have ibs but don't think this is that, I went to the loo to see if I have d but couldn't go (but for some reason even when I have d with ibs I can't go to the loo when Im tired my body has to be wide awake) anyway I feel really sick with it too! My stomach hurts so much and it must be a bug! I have had a bad weekend stressful and been worrying about stuff so if it had of happened earlier I would tell myself it could be ibs but it's just so random to wake in the night with it! Please help me I'm so scared its gonna happen! I currently have a buccastem (anti sickness tablet) in my mouth and I've taken one Cocodamol for stomach ache I wanted 2 but couldn't swallow the second! Sorry this is long I'm panicking so much please help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default Re: So scared its gonna happen

    It's now 4.17 so ive been awake at least 20 mins if I was gonna be sick or have a tummy bug would something have happened by now? My tummy still hurts and is gurgling like Mad but if it is ibs it might be coz I have eaten pasta today (well yesterday now) which triggers ibs (but usually straight away) and also drank fizzy pop which triggers me and had a couple of glasses of wine! But I was fine all night after that ive woken up with this so scared! Also I was at the doctors today and was touching the doors and stuff and didn't wash my hands then put my fingers in my mouth and I'm usually really careful with things like that but it didn't even hit me that I hadn't washed my hands until I'd done it! What if Ive picked up a bug? And I'm meant to be travelling to my boyfriends today so scared!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: So scared its gonna happen

    First, try to calm down. Watch tv, read, listen to music, anything to distract you. Try to go by a set amount of time to check yourself...say, every 20 minutes think, wow I'm still okay! Anytime that I've had an sv*, it hits pretty darn fast, and you kind of know that it's different. Wine upsets my stomach very easily, so it could have been that along with your ibs. I really think you're going to be okay, and that you probably would have felt worse by now. I doubt you picked up anything, and if you did, you wouldn't be feeling sick that soon anyways. You will be okay!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Re: So scared its gonna happen

    I agree with that deeendnamtoe said, the SV is a very differnt feeling you would know pretty fast if you had it.. any updates? how are you feeling now?



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