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Thread: I’m Back

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Hi everyone, I am feeling so much better! I am still in a bit of pain, but I am able to walk now! Thanks everyone for all of your support and prayers, it really as helped me. I just wanted to share the experience I had with almost v*. I was so close to almost v* from the anesthesia. I actually felt really nausous for the first time in a long time. It is such a different feeling from anxiety. I don't know if it was all the drugs, or what, but I can honestly say I really wasn't that scared. And I can say, that I still am feeling the same way today (and no I am not doped upon on any pain medications) *Graphic* It was really weird, I was soooo sick to my stomach, and everytime I moved my head, v* was rising and I was gaging, I had nothing in my stomach to get sick on so I never did v*, but I wasn't that scared. I was more concered about pain then v*. I really felt like if I am going to v* then it is just going to happen nothing I can do about it. I remained calm and just took deep breaths, and it went away. I was so proud of myself. I didn't get upset at all through this whole surgery! I never cried or freaked out once. I told the dr about my fear, and they did what they could. I was nervous about the surgery, but I did not freak out at all. I just kept telling myself what is going to happen will happen and there is nothing I can do. And it worked. I remained more calm then I have ever been. And I am so proud and happy with myself. I feel like my life has changed in a small way, like I can accomplish anything!

    My boyfriend actually has been super nice to me. That doesn't make me like him anymore, and I refuse to change my mind about wanting to leave when I am better. I am just happy that he has really been helping me, and took a couple of days off work to take care of me. It was nice, but it doesn't make up for the things he does behind my back.

    I am really going to concentrate on recorvering. Once that happens, I will be able to find a job and look foward to starting my life again! I am so happy that I got through this surgery and so proud that I did calmly. Thanks again for all of your support!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    So glad to hear you are doing better.....and that you made it through everything ok!!!

    Now start focusing on getting better and getting back out there!!
    msn IM: Abbey_Normal

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    That'sgotta be ahuge, huge step for your emetophobia. Congrats!

    What kind of surgery was it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I had a obstruction in my left kidney, and the had to go in and cut the obstruction out. Its a birth defect called UPJ

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States



    I've heard that abdominal surgery is much more likely to cause nausea than otherkinds of surgery are, just because your abdominal organs get jostled around so much. I didn't get at all nauseated from my leg surgery even after two anda half hours under general anesthesia.



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