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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Unhappy nausea and anxiety

    im scared right now. so i got a s.v. about 2 months ago. i v* twice. before that, i had a stomach ache for a few days. i got panic attacks right before i did v*. ever since then, ive been nauseous constantly, and having so many panic attacks and worrying so much. my therapist says its from constant worrying. the past few days for some reason my minds telling me this nausea is different. ive been getting stomach aches which reminds me of the last s.v. I keep thinking i have it again and im really scared. how do i know that its just my anxiety making me feel this way and im not sick? is it common to get it again this soon after? ive had it 3 times in about 16 years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: nausea and anxiety

    I had a stomach bug about 6 months ago. Before that, my emet was calm and hardly thought about it. Ever since i got that bug, I've been panicing ever since. There were a few times were it really felt like I had the bug again and thought I woul dbe sick and never was. It seems to me like that's what you're going through. I also think it's the worrting making us feel like we're sick. It's no fun at all! I'm starting to calm myself down little by little and I think It'll get better as time passes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Johnson City, TN

    Default Re: nausea and anxiety

    My emet def kicked back into high gear after I had the sv 9 months ago. I, too, often think about my nausea, "No, this time is different... I'm really sick." I was doing much better, panic-wise, before the sv-- meaning, if I felt anxious in public (which always includes nausea / sweats / hot feeling) I would kind of just persevere through it-- and not give in to the "flight" response that I feel so often. The night I got s* though, I was in a meeting when my severe n* and d* started and thank goodness I left in the middle of it, because I barely made it home . It just really messed me up, because now, at the slightest sign of panic / nausea, I bolt! Can't tell the difference, I guess? I'm not sure if there is a certain immunity period-- think there is but can't remember specifics. For me, last yr was my first time with real sv, and I am convinced I got it because my immune system was compromised. I had been on several rounds of steroids for chronic sinusitis, then got shingles! Then mono! Then sv! Now I take immune supportive vitamins, probiotics, and def put self care up there on my priority list I, too, think it will get better as time passes. My emet seems to come in waves... Hope you feel better soon!!
    Last edited by jennjt; 07-20-2012 at 10:59 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: nausea and anxiety

    also do guys get stomach aches from worrying? I didn't use to but recently I've had bad stomach aches

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: nausea and anxiety

    I do all the time but I think it's the mind making it up.



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