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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Worrying about a Domino's pizza.

    Last night I ate 2-3 slices of a cheese and tomato pizza from Domino's. I wasn't going to eat any because I knew I'd worry, but I was starving, and there was nothing else in. It's been about 20 hours and I have a horrible stomach ache starting up. It's in my upper stomach and is making me feel nauseous. Obviously scared an ill worker handled my food.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Indiana, USA

    Default Re: Worrying about a Domino's pizza.

    I wouldn't worry too much, places like dominos and other pizza places are very salty and greasy and can make a persons stomach ache. I eat pizza a lot, and sometimes i get heart burn, sometimes i get nausea, sometimes i get gas, sometimes i feel perfectly fine. I might eat there ten times and be fine then on the tenth time it make me feel sick from all the grease and stuff. I'm sure youll be fine also when pizza makes me feel ill i take pepto and it usually goes away very quickly. If you don't like pepto then try mylanta

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Worrying about a Domino's pizza.

    O yea, pizza = heartburn for me and I panic!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Worrying about a Domino's pizza.

    Probably just the grease because such a popular place such as Dominos would be VERY strict on hygiene otherwise they risk their company getting sued.

    Also there has been no reports of anything like that there before.

    Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Worrying about a Domino's pizza.

    Pizza on an empty stomach usually isn't good. I know it's all you had but I think that combination always results in indigestion.

    Of course nothing to be done about that now. Hope you're feeling better! If not, try an antacid.
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    "Only if you believe it is."

    "I stood yesterday. I can stand today."



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