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Thread: oh god :o(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United Kingdom


    okay guys im goin crazy an i cant stop shakin - i think ive got a kidney infection an i feel so sick, im so scared of what might happen, i cant get to a doctor till monday at the earlist an by then it will have gone !! please sumone help?! what can i do to make it go away?!
    \'I know it aint easy, but thats okay because we\'re hopeful....\' - Faith Evans

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    If you can't get to a doctor or a hospital, drink 100% Cranberry Juice. It cleans out your system and your pain will eventually go away. When I feel my kidneysacting up I drink and drink Cranberry Juice, make sure it is 100%. I always have a bottle of juice in my place just in case. I hope this helps out. When I went to the hospital in excruiating pain from kidney stones the specialist told me that when I feel a infection starting (not stones) in my kidneys to drink that juice and it works!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    thanku so much ! *runs out an gets cranberry juice* im so scared ( xxxxxxxxxxx
    \'I know it aint easy, but thats okay because we\'re hopeful....\' - Faith Evans

  4. #4
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    United States


    I agree if it's really bad just go to the hospital or if you have a walk-in clinic nearby even. I remember when I got a UTI it scared the hell out of me so I really do feel for you and hope you feel better soon! And like ontariogirl said cranberry juice is a Godsend! Keep us posted! Oh another thing when I had my first and hopefully last UTI I was peeing blood (that's what really scared me) and the doctor said keep off your feet, I think the blood is why but maybe it will help you too?
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I have had a UTI and a kidney infection. It is not pleasent. Wear cotton undies to help keep any extra moisture out, and drink lots of water to start flushing your system out. Cranberry juice works too until you see a doctor.
    <font color=RED><font size=\"4\"> FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL----fear</font>

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United Kingdom


    thanx everyone, im drinkin cranberry at this very second, i feel so sick. is it normal to feel sick with a kidney infection? im so miserable guys, i dont no how much more i can take
    \'I know it aint easy, but thats okay because we\'re hopeful....\' - Faith Evans

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I have had a kidney infection, and yes, I am sooooo sorry to say that it is the sickest I have felt in my adult life!!! And keep in mind, I am going through my 3rd pregnancy~the kidney infection was worse. Take some motrin, too, and if you have any antibiotics or you know anyone else that does~~take them~~don't worry about how yucky you think they will make your tummy feel~the kidney infection is worse!!! I know you aren't supposed to take medication not prescribed by a dr. but having been through a kidney infection, I'd rather not follow that protocol!!
    I hope you get some relief, you can also buy cranberry tablets at most stores!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    You can feel sick with a kidney infection. I have only had 2 urinary tract infections, but I felt sick with both of them. I did not *v* though. I see that you are located in the UK. Here in the US, there is a medication you can buy over the counter that contains pyridium, which "numbs" the bladder spasms you may be having. There are several popular brands like, Azo-Standard and Uristat. If you can find something like that, you should definitely take it. It will not make the infection go away, but it will make you feel more comfortable. You will still need to get antibiotics from your doctor to completely rid yourself of the infection. And drink lots of water/cranberry juice! Hope you feel better--those are miserable!


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    United States


    Oh no....your best bet would be to get antibiotics. I have only heard that cranberry juice prevents those types of infections, by keeping bacteria from sticking to your bladder walls...sounds like you already have bacteria stuck to your bladder walls, and cranberry juice won't kill that.

    IF you do have a kidney infection, that can be very serious; for I have had 2 of them in my life...not to mention I get a UTI like6 times a year! You must get some antibiotics if you think you have a kidney infection!! Do you have a "dull" ache in your lower back?? Or is is more in the bladder area?

    Keep us posted, and get some antibiotics!!! Feel better soon! [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img] Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    United Kingdom


    thanx everyone! i have had about 10 big glasses of water and have some cranberry juice too ! im gunna go to the walk in centre 2moro if the pain hasnt got any less, it may not be a kidney infection so im gunna wait till morning. ive had pains in *that area* (i think u know what i mean [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img] ) for a week, which are less than what they wer, but the pain in my side only started yesterday. i dont feel sick anymore and i dont have a temperature which is a good indication right ?! im still so scared tho, doing everything i can to take my mind off it! please pray 4 me that the pain will be less 2moro !
    \'I know it aint easy, but thats okay because we\'re hopeful....\' - Faith Evans

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    good luck, i sure hope you feel better, this realy sucks this time of year

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    If you are still feeling a little off go see your doctor. Drink lots of water and still have thecranberry juice. He will put you on medication for the infection and you will be feeling great in no time.Here is some information I found about kidney infections from a medical site. I will PM you.

    <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=3 width="100%">
    <TR vAlign=top>
    <TD width=112>Medical Term:</TD>
    <TD align=left width=330>
    Kidney Infection, Acute (Pyelonephritis, acute)</TD></TR></T></TABLE>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=3 width="100%">
    <TR vAlign=top>
    <TD width=112>Causes:</TD>
    <TD width=330>Most kidney infections result from lower urinary tract infections, usually bladder infections. Bacteria can travel from the vagina or anus into the urethra and bladder. Because of the location and size of their urethra, women are more prone to have bladder infections than men. In both men and women, lower urinary tract infections may spread to the kidneys, causing pyelonephritis.</TD></TR></T></TABLE>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=3 width="100%">
    <TR vAlign=top>
    <TD width=112>Prevention:</TD>
    <TD width=330>. For females:

    After bowel movements, always wipe from the vaginal area toward the rectum (front to back).

    Urinate within 15 minutes after sexual intercourse.

    Don't hold urine; when you have the urge to void, do so.

    Increase fluid intake.

    Avoid bubble baths.</TD></TR></T></TABLE>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=3 width="100%">
    <TR vAlign=top>
    <TD width=452 colSpan=2><B class=sub>Signs &amp; Symptoms[/B]</TD></TR>
    <TR vAlign=top align=right>
    <TD width=452 colSpan=2 height=32>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=3 width="95%">
    <TR vAlign=top>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle width=5></TD>
    <TR vAlign=top>
    <TD vAlign=top align=middle width=5><FONT face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I am quite surprised that nausea and vomiting are not on that symptom list, because when I had my kidney infection , I had the WORST nausea and came close to v'ing a few times!! I went to the doctor about my nausea (it set in before the severe back pain) and he laughed at me when I told him my symptom and how it was unlike me to feel that way, so then over that weekend, my back pain started and I realized I had a kidney infection, I saw the same doctor and he had to "eat crow" so to speak, since I was right and I KNEW something was terribly wrong with me!!!

  14. #14
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    Apr 2004


    Symptoms of Kidney Infection
    Symptoms and signs of acute glomerulonephritis are often vague and ill-defined. On the other hand, symptoms associated with pyelonephritis are often acute with fever, chills, back ache, and nausea.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I hear you Donna I felt the same way.Infections are not fun. When I had a kidney stone it was worse than labor!! Thank god I haven't had another attack. When I feel a infection coming on, I drink lots of water and cranberry juice. Women go through so much!!!!! Not fair!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I agree, no fair!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United Kingdom


    hiya im just recovering from a kidney infection! i had sever pain in my lower left abdomen, kinda where your ovary would be located. it was so severe my mum took me to the walk in center because we thought it was an ovarian cyst or something, but turned out i had a really nasty kidney infection. i was given antibiotics and told not to drink any fizzy drinks or tea or coffee. drink only cranberry juice, fruit juice and water for 2 weeks. Please goto the walk in center as soon as possible, the faster you get antibiotics, the faster they will start working. The antibiotics will not make you sick. I feel nausea pretty bad, but i did not v*. it will be painfull but you will be ok. Just get some rest and hopy you feel better soon. xx

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    I can agree with everyone, I had a nasty kidney infection about 5 years ago...scared the hell out of me cause mine just started with a really high fever and nothing else.....then later came the back pain. I know I didn't v* and I can't remember if I was nauseuos or not...I do remember that I was EXTREMELY tired for about 3 or 4 days and slept alot.

    Get to the doctor and get on anti-biotics as soon as you can. Keep drinking water and cranberry juice in the mean time. Hope you feel better soon.
    msn IM: Abbey_Normal

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Kidney infections are TERRIBLE!! I know that even through 2 1/2 pregnancies and a couple of tummy bugs, when I had that kidney infection, it is the most nauseous I felt in my entire adult life!!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I just had surgery on my kidney two Wed's ago. I had a lot of fluid in my left kidney, and it turned out to be a birth defect. But my symptoms of kidney problems just started off as nausea. I had very severe nausea and I almost v*. I finally went to the doctors, and I knew something was wrong, but the doctor didn't know so she ordered an ultrasound. After the ultrasound they found my left kidney so enlarged I had to go the hospital, then the back pain started. It was the worst pain I have ever had! They thought it was kidney stones in the beginning, after hunderdeds of tests, they found the real problems, UPJ. So I know all about kidney pain, and infection. I agree with you Donna. Nausea and v* should defenitly be on the symptom list. That was my only symptom of my kidney problems! But I never did v*!!
    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  21. #21
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    guys either I'm seeing something or I've got the wrong list but it does say that symptoms are nausea and vomiting after the abdominal pain word.....maybe I've got the story wrong!!!!! anyway i hope u feel better soon and will be thinking of u....

    take care Vicky x

  22. #22
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    Nov 2004


    abbey_normal, the back pain was so bad with me, everytime I took a breath the stabbing pain was so excruciating that I felt sick to my stomach. The worse pain ever. Donna you are so right the nausea and feeling sick can be so bad, so intense.

  23. #23
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    United Kingdom


    thanku so much for all ur support and replies. i went to the hospital and saw the doctor, he gave me pretty strong anti biotics so hopefully i shud start feeling better soon, altho they are givin me really bad nausea. i didnt sleep at all last nite and had the worst panic attacks of my life, i just wanted to die. today im doin a lil better, just tryin to keep my head straight an not panic, the good news is i still have no fever or anything so hopefully this will go soon!
    thanx again everyone i really appreciate your support xxxxx
    \'I know it aint easy, but thats okay because we\'re hopeful....\' - Faith Evans

  24. #24
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    United Kingdom


    just a lil update 4 u guys - got back from the doctor an ive got more antibiotics, not as strong and ive had these ones before so hopefully this shud fix me up. the pains have got by my kidneys but i still feel VERY sick, proby the anti biotics still in my system! neways just lettin you know!
    \'I know it aint easy, but thats okay because we\'re hopeful....\' - Faith Evans

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    United States


    Why kind of antibitics are you on?

    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  26. #26
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    i dont know there name but its a general one for all things, not just infections!
    \'I know it aint easy, but thats okay because we\'re hopeful....\' - Faith Evans



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