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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Upstate NY

    Default Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    So, I was picking up one of my little nanny boys from school today, so I was waiting by the front door of the school. The students started rushing out of the building and next thing I know, about 10 feet away from me, this little girl V* ALL OVER THE PLACE, THREE TIMES. I immediately hold my breath as soon as I realize it happened, and I try to breathe very shallow and calm down, but the kids blasting past me were bringing the smell to me.....
    Long story short, is a kid V* 10 feet from me gonna get me sick? I don't know if I breathed any of it in or not, and now I'm a mildly nervous wreck. I swear, since my nanny boys are both healthy, somebody else had to wreck the happy! GAH!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Upstate NY

    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Oh, and the teacher that got covered in V* ended up standing directly next to me for 5 minutes talking to the nurse about what happened, I couldn't hold my breath for 5 minutes and the teacher stunk bad..... Am I screwed?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    As long as you didn't touch her or the v* I think your fine. I was standing in the room while my daughters were v* and I didn't get it.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Nope I didn't touch the sick girl or the teacher. I was just standing by the front door of the school. I know the only way to get the bug is either breathing in the V* particles or by touching it and getting it in your mouth. I'm just concerned that the kids running down the hall moved the V* particles to me for me to inhale and get me sick.... I know it's extremely farfetched and neurotic and crazy, but I can't think around it right now.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    If you were 10 feet away, you should be fine. The teacher being covered shouldn't cause an issue at all, other than getting that smell up into your nose. I have a real issue in being around kids due to this. I almost refuse to ride in the car with one. Luckily I am not a father...

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Wilkins, I wasn't close enough to breathe it in? Not even with the kids swirling it around?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    No, I really wouldn't worry about it. I think you'd have to have been right up on it. 10 feet would be a good ways for anything to travel, even with the kids running around. And you didn't get any on you, so I would most definitely believe you are in the clear. I worked in a pediatric clinic for awhile when I was in the military and parents would bring their sick kids in all the time. We had some toss their cookies in the waiting room, which was also probably about 10 feet from where I sat. I never caught anything.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    I'm probably in the clear then? Thanks Wilk Still leery but I'm probably fine, you're right.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Quote Originally Posted by RosieRoo View Post
    I'm probably in the clear then? Thanks Wilk Still leery but I'm probably fine, you're right.
    Yeah, you'll be fine. Take a shower and change your clothes. It will make you feel better. And you are welcome. Glad I could help your fears.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    I have snuggly pajamas on now, but I didn't take a shower..... Might've been a good idea, but it's a little late for that now. Oh well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Rosie, it can only travel three feet before it dies. You're okay.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    jade it only travels a three feet radius? really?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Yes! And sorry, I didn't mean dies, I meant isn't able to be contracted through the air. But yes, only three feet is what I've heard!

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    I read online that it spreads 50 feet if someone throws up and I'm just FREAKED. It's been exactly 12 hours since I've been exposed, and I'm still convinced that the kids running past me wafted the germs to me to breathe in and get sick.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Whoa, fifty feet? That seems pretty far-fetched to me. I don't think they can waft it toward you, but I know what you mean, I would be scared too. We find any reason to convince ourselves, don't we?

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Yeah we seriously do Jade.... I'm just sitting in my bed now, wide awake and shaking. I'm just not going to sleep tonight. I'll go to bed early tomorrow. I tried asking my mom what she thought and she said "nope, ask somebody else, you are not ruining my sleep tonight." So, the plan is just to stay awake all night now.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    That's my plan too, girly. I woke up n* from anxiety and now I have to stay up all night to feel safe. It's 3:30 where I am.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    I was up til 4am Jade.... we must be in the same timezone or close to it. I finally fell asleep, just woke up at 9am, and as soon as I got up I started feeling sick to my stomach..... if it's this damn kid from the hallway, I swear, someone's getting smacked.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Hey Rosie, hope you are feeling well. I honestly think you probably started to feel sick to your stomach from lack of sleep and from anxiety. Lack of sleep can definitely make me feel queasy. 50 feet is definitely far fetched for a virus to travel. I doubt even the cold virus could make it that far, and that's if it's sneezed out into the air! I'm more likely to believe that 3 feet is as far as it can go. I seriously think you're going to be fine.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Wilk its just, I don't know what's going on..... I've got absolutely no appetite, and I don't plan on eating anything until I feel hungry, which might be never. It's been 20 hours since the kid barfed, so far iffy, and I've gotta wait til 36 hours to be happy and know I'm in the clear.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Quote Originally Posted by RosieRoo View Post
    Wilk its just, I don't know what's going on..... I've got absolutely no appetite, and I don't plan on eating anything until I feel hungry, which might be never. It's been 20 hours since the kid barfed, so far iffy, and I've gotta wait til 36 hours to be happy and know I'm in the clear.
    Hey Rosie...maybe try to get out and do something, or if you are at work, maybe take a quiet moment in your car or something like that; something to get your mind off of it. Do you meditate? If so, give that a shot. I'm willing to bet it's nerves and anxiety. The mind is a VERY powerful thing. Even do a search on YouTube and you'll find some breathing exercises...anything to quiet the mind. Unfortunately for us emets, the mind/ego is the most powerful enemy.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Wilk I just can't think around it. I'm at the house today, no car, nowhere to go really. I'm completely relaxed, I just have my head telling me that I'm not allowed to eat, because if I do, I'm gonna throw it up. Whatever's going on probably is anxiety, but I think the bug probably is too, and I just have to sit and wait.

  23. #23
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    Portland, OR

    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Quote Originally Posted by RosieRoo View Post
    Wilk I just can't think around it. I'm at the house today, no car, nowhere to go really. I'm completely relaxed, I just have my head telling me that I'm not allowed to eat, because if I do, I'm gonna throw it up. Whatever's going on probably is anxiety, but I think the bug probably is too, and I just have to sit and wait.
    Okay, but think about it this way....n* will hit whether you have an empty stomach or not. Right? And...people will still dry heave even with an empty stomach which, is more painful than actually throwing up. That being said, a stomach with something in it will feel better than an empty one. You'll have something to protect your stomach against the acids and such that could further upset your stomach. Even if it's only saltines, it will help you feel better. And as you wait, remember this...you WILL get through this and you WILL be okay. I hope this has in some way, helped.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    Wilk, it's not gonna make me eat anything.... sorry to say. I just don't want to throw food up, so in fear of such, no food for me today. I haven't been hungry anyways. I'll get through it sure, but I don't like it.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    I know that Cynna. I do know about the dry heaves and that it'll happen whether or not I eat. Eventually I will, I just seriously cannot will myself to do it right now because all I can think about is eating, then because I put food in my stomach, my body realized it's been sick this whole time with nothing to throw up, and now that there's something in there, it'll start the launching. I just don't want to put things in if they're only going to come out.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    I'm listening to some crappy tv shows and doing some writing, and petting my cat, and surfing the internet.... lots of distractions usually help me. I was distracted til 2am from it because we had a hurricane party (it was a real crazy hoot) and I was feeling fine about the sick girl in the hallway until I couldn't fall asleep last night. I don't know why, it's dumb, the chance of a girl launching 10 feet away from me and me getting sick has gotta be slim, right? I mean.... it's been 22 1/2 hours since exposure, I should be good by now, I just can't shake that feeling that somehow, even though she was 10 feet away, the little vapor particles in the air wound their way to me from the air blasting through the hall. BLAGH.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    I'm sure you'll be okay. Try watching a few movies, and before you know it, 36 hours have passed.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    50 feet is accurate... FOR A COLD. This is due to the forcefulness of a sneeze. When a person sneezes, it can spread 50 feet...WOW Right? But that is not the same for vomit Smelling it will not expose you to it, in order to breathe it in, a person would pretty much have to vomit on youm and i don't mean like on your feet or leg. I mean like upper torso and head....

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    well aaaaalrightie then TM I had some lunch about 40 minutes ago, no problems, so I think I'm set, and officially I was exposed 24 hour ago, and I'm not sick. all clear, right?

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Because sick kids are my LIFE now!!

    It stands for twinmom . I think its actually better to eat when you have been exposed because then your body is in a better state to fight off colds, viruses, etc.



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