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View Poll Results: Alone or with others?

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  • I must be alone. My biggest fear is vomiting in front of another person.

    56 30.94%
  • I prefer to be alone, but it really depends on the situation.

    49 27.07%
  • I have no preference. I hate vomiting in all situations equally.

    29 16.02%
  • I prefer to have someone with me, but it really depends on the situation.

    23 12.71%
  • I must have someone with me. My biggeast fear is vomiting alone and feeling helpless.

    24 13.26%
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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kazzia View Post
    My worst fear is v* alone. I'm still petrified of v* in ANY situation but I can't bear the thought of being alone. I need someone to babble at and someone to reassure me/take my mind off it.

    Ideally I'd have my mum or sister with me. They are both nurses and know I'm emetophobic and would handle it well. They deal with v* everyday! They were both with me when I last v* 17 years ago and dealt with it with no fuss at all. That's what annoys me about the fact I became emet - because v* was never a 'bad' thing when I was growning up; it was treated as a normal illness and I was looked after well.

    Alternatively if I was with someone I truly hated, I could at least aim the v*ing action at them :-)

    Someone mentioned pets earlier - I remember the last time I v* my cat was sitting on the arm of the nearest sofa looking on in bewilderment at me spending half the night with my head in a bucket. It was comforting though to have him there as he was blissfully ignorant of the situation!
    lol thats funny. "aming the v* at them" xD
    last time i was sick with a bug my dad told me to go away and my mom wasn't there but my dog, teddy, was. usually if i sleep on the couch (sometimes i do bc its hot upstairs) he just ignores me and sleeps in his bed in the other room. but the night i was sick he came and layed by me all night and followed me around where ever i went. it was really nice of him because i felt so alone. so i agree, pets are also welcome in those situations.

  2. #32

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    I'd much rather be alone...I just find the whole thing stressful, disgusting and embarrassing as it is, and even more so if people are watching you.

    Although I do need a hug and some comfort afterwards, this is where my parents or boyfriend come in.

    I had no choice the last time it happened, my parents AND the plumber were there trying to fix our water boiler, and I just had to make a dash for the kitchen sink where they all were standing. I knew I wouldnt make it upstairs to the bathroom. It was a horrible experience, I couldnt look at the plumber for several months afterwards.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    that sounds really terrible.
    i'm sure the plumber didn't judge you or anything afterwards though, thats just something our emetophobic minds tend to make us believe. once i got sick at school in 3rd grade and hid from the school nurse the rest of the year! when i found out i was switching schools after that grade, my first thought was "great, now i don't have to see that nurse anymore!" lol

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    The last time i actually v*, it was from being drunk and I had a guy friend holding my hair and rubbing my back. I wasn't embarassed or anything. Too hungover ...
    Anyway... I. Guess I would rather have someone with me...especially a boyfriend...if I had one. Lol

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    I must be alone! I just don't want someone close to me when I have panick attacks.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Northeast USA

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    Only my mother or father can be near me if I'm Ving... If I'm (hypothetically) at school or in a public place, I'll get the heck out of there and try to be alone. If I'm with people who know me, I might let them care for me, but probably not.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    I definately want to be alone!!! It's embarassing I guess even though everyone does it. I'd feel like others would think less of me or think I was gross.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    I voted prefer to be alone but only because my fear has nothing to do with people seeing me vomit, it hasn't happened for 19 years so I don't really know what I would prefer but when I feel sick I don't want anyone around me which is strange because my fear partly came from being left alone to vomit with for hours with a sv when I was 8 so I not only have the fear but feel so alone like I don't have anyone in the world, but I wouldn't even let my ex who fully understood come near me

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    I don`t think that I`d be capable of vting in front of another human being. My parents never made a fuss if I vted as a child, but I always felt ashamed of what I`d done, & I`ve already mentioned what happened when I vted at school when I was 10. My classmates laughed at me, & I still burn with shame when I think of it. There have been other times since when people have gotten angry with me when I vted in front of them, then there is the fear that I have of appearing weak & vulnerable. V in front of other people, no way!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Iowa City, IA

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    Just yesterday I was feeling n* and I ALWAYS call my dad. If he doesn't answer then I completely panic. He's also very comforting and understands my phobia and is so sympathetic with my situation. I know I need to find some way to deal with it on my own because he won't always be there if he doesn't answer the phone...but for now, he's really the only person who can completely calm me down.

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Fremont, California

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    This may be weird, but i remember when i was a kid my dad was always there patting my back when i was sick. Unfortunately for him i still need him there at 20 years old. He has been there every single time i have been sick and i couldn't imagine being sick without him. I would be absolutely terrified. Every time afterwards he says, see it wasn't that bad right? you didn't die! And i say, it was just as horrible as i thought it would be and i never want to do it again..

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Hawthorne california

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    Even if I am just nauseous i prefer to be alone. I get so irate I don't want to talk to anyone or even listen to anyone talk to me. The last time I got sick was earlier this year when i lost my baby. One minute i was in so much pain holding on to my husband begging him to call an ambulance, the next minute I was yelling at him to get the fuck out of the bathroom so i could vomit in solitude!

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    Quote Originally Posted by bebzorg View Post
    Even if I am just nauseous i prefer to be alone. I get so irate I don't want to talk to anyone or even listen to anyone talk to me. The last time I got sick was earlier this year when i lost my baby. One minute i was in so much pain holding on to my husband begging him to call an ambulance, the next minute I was yelling at him to get the fuck out of the bathroom so i could vomit in solitude!
    Hugs. I am so sorry. I lost a baby also.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    Definitely prefer to do the deed alone...my husband poked his hed in once to see if I was ok and I was about to be mid retch and I said, go away *bleeeeeh* lol I even try to muffle the situation a little and run the faucet just cause I'm embarrassed when it happens.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    I never have *touch wood* but if I were to I'd HAVE to be alone.

  16. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    Huh, seems like I'm one of the few emets that HAS to have someone with me when I do. Then again, it depends who it is. I'd prefer to have my Mum with me as she's very comforting to have around.
    Virtue - "You don't need a reason to help people"

  17. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    United States

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    Alone, I can't stand people around me when I am sick.

  18. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Johnson City, TN

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    The only person I want with me is my husband. The last time I v*, I panicked so badly that he just talked me down and reminded me that all I had to do was breathe . I was alone at first and freaked out and called him to come home. He has no fear of v*, so maybe being with him calms me as much as possible in that situation-- I can feel his "non-fear," lol.

  19. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    i use to want to be with people but now alone

  20. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    your defiantly not the only one. I'm exactly the same way, only my mom or dad. usually my mom though cause my dad just pushes me away when I have panic attacks.

  21. #51

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    Alone! If I feel like I may v*, I get myself as far away from anyone else as possible - which at home, means locking myself in the bedroom (master suite w/ bathroom attached) so that nobody could come in even if they wanted to. Lol

  22. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    It depends on the situation because I cannot stand being sick without my mum next to me, but if she's not around, I get a lot more scared and anxious, but I don't like anyone else around, only her. If I'm at school then I'd hate for anyone to see me be sick.

  23. #53
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    I'm terrified of v*ing in front of others, especially strangers. The thought of the humiliation it would cause is too much to deal with.
    However I am also terrified of v*ing alone because I feel so helpless. I only want my mom with me, because she makes me feel safe.

    A few days ago when I felt really sick I actually had to ask my brother to leave the room because I was scared of v*ing in front of him!

  24. #54
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Alone or with others?

    Alone. Most definitely alone. As far away as possible from anyone. I would hide in a dark alley late at night if I had to.



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