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  1. #1
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    Oct 2004
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    Hello all! I just wanted to share my excitement with you! I got a new pup for Valentine's Day! It is a 9 week old chuahua. (SP??) I named him Nacho. He is not bigger than a farret! He weighs 2 lbs!! LOL He is so adorable!

    Does anyone here own a small breed dog?...or has anyone raised their dog since they were puppies? Gosh, I need some helpful hints on when to start taking the pup outside to go potty (he uses papers in the kitchen right now because it is so cold) He also wants to sleep with me and hubby, and I don't want him to get in that habit. Any suggestions?? Thanks, Charlotte[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    Spring is here!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Awwwwww thats sooo cute, im so jealous, ive wanted a dog for ages but ive already got two cats (

    I have no idea what to do with small breed dogs, and if he keeps sleeping with u it wont stop lol they are like kids!!! Awwww what a lovely present!
    I couldn\'t tell you why she felt that way... she felt it everyday and i couldn\'t help her... i just watched her make the same mistakes again...

  3. #3
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    I am so happy for you! I love animals, I actually work with animal, I am a Veterinary Technician, so any questions you have, let me know and I wll be happy to help you out. Potty training any dog can be very tricky. A small dog is very hard to train. First small dogs usually have a more stubborn personality than larger breeds, and are always a little more difficult to train. I have a 2 golden retrievers, a westie, and a cat. The westie by far was so much more difficult to train! When potty training, you don't want Nacho to get to used to going on the papers, otherwise it will be the hardest habit to break. I would suggest getting a sweater or something to keep him warm when you do take him outside. Something that I suggest to a lot of people when potty training is, hang a bell on the the back door, or front door where ever you plan on letting the dog out. Hang the bell low enough to the dog can ring it with its nose. And when the dog goes potty in the house, go to the bell ring it with his nose than take him outside. Or if you think he might have to go potty ring the bell with his nose and take him out. Always remember to reward him when he does go outside. And reward him with praise, not treats other wise he will always think that when he goes outside he will always get a treat. Eventully Nacho will connect ringing the bell on his own with going potty! I have used this myself, and it works great. And the people I told about always have good results. Remember not to ever yell at Nacho if he does go, up if you do catch him in the act tell him no, and then take him outside. It can be a very long process, so don't get discouraged.

    I have never let any of my animals sleep with me, its not a good habit unless you want them there every night. Plus Nacho is so small you don't want to cruch him!! What I do is I put them in a kennel, you could get a small carrier, and at night put him in the carrier and than put a sheet over the carrier. The first couple of nights he will cry, but don't get up unless you think he might have to go the bathroom. And remember most dogs will not go to the bathroom in such somal quarters, so don't get a carrier to big.

    I hope this helps. If you have any questions, let me know.


    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I am so envious!! I want to have a dog sooo bad. But its hard to find apartments and / or houses that allow them (if you rent). I'm so happy for you though. The boyfriend and I almost got a chihuahua about a year ago...


    **No one knows what it\'s like behind my green eyes.**

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  5. #5
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    hey Charlotte what a lovely present.......i have a border collie,of course its a bigger breed but i had her from when she was 8weeks old........the only way i got her trained with potty training was to take her out side in the garden every 30mins,i know it sounds alot but u will be thankful,i was lucky as i had laminate flooring everywhere so it was easy to clean up,but don't wait for them to tell u,because at this age they don't know any different...but u need to stay outside with them until they wee or poo and when they do this praise them till your blue in the face.....becasue they will soon remember that they get "good girl or boy "when outside and u need to do it straight away after they have pooed or wee'd....if they do it in the house,just say no and bad boy or girl ,don't smack them as this will not make any difference but they will get used to it.........all breeds are different and it took for my dog to be a good 5mths before he was fully house trained.........as for the sleeping with u in bed,i advise u not to do this, firstly it is very un hygienic,dogs Carry lots of things that we are not aware of......and secondly it will get used to having your company at nite ,then u will have problems in the long run....i.e. doesn't like to be left on its own..........from the word go i left my dog Ellie down stairs,built a gate so she couldn't get upstairs and she was used to it within a week......and she knows when its nite time she goes straight for her bed......i did get alot of crying,wining and barking when i first did it but it does ease off.its so much like kids the more they scream and get your reaction they know how to wrap u around there finger as to call it........leave it when it crys and it will soon stop and get bored,but u need to keep with it.........anymore questions just ask?

    the pic on my avatar is my Ellie at 12weeks.......sh'es 18mths now and very big and is a sweetheart at most times,except for the chewing.....She chews alot.........

    anyway enjoy the growing up bit and being a puppy because like kids it goes so quickly......i got Ellie because i was agoraphobic and i knew that if i had her i would need to take her out a good few times a day.being a border collie they are used to being working dogs......

    take care Vicky x

  6. #6
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    Thank you all so much for your kind words, and helping me learn through this "puppy period". [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]I know now not to let Nacho sleep with me again tonight. He slept with me last night too. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]I am gonna put a stop to that tonight! We bought him a kennel to put him in at night; I'm just not looking foward to the yiping all night long. [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

    I suppose I should start taking him outside to go potty too!? I don't want him to get to comfortable with the newspapers. My last dog (miniature pinscher) that I had a couple of years ago, got so used to pottying on the papers, that she never learned any other way, and let me tell you...THAT SUCKED! The man that bought her from me says she still won't potty outside! My husband, (which was my fiance at the time) pretty much raised her when I had her.

    Another question I have is...do you think I need to take Nacho out on a leash to potty? I couldn't find a collar to fit him, since he is so tiny! I bougt a tiny cat collar with a bell, and it is still too big.

    How on earth do some people let their dogs out, and their dogs stay in the yard? My last dog was a "runner", and I had to keep her on a leash at all times. I don't want this pup to be the same way. [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

    I have already learned alot from you guys! Thanks...I will take any advice...since I don't know what I am doing...LOL!! I learned that after I "ruined" my last dog! She is now hyper, spoiled, distructive, and pottys on papers in this guys house!

    Also, when Nacho was in the car (when we were bringing her home) she got very car sick and...yep, you guessed it!!!! Vomited all over my husbands coat! Is this normal for dogs in the car? Will he outgrow this?? Hopefully! Thanks again, Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  7. #7
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    Apr 2004


    congratulations!!!!! hey mitch4133 what kind of cat is that in your avatar? it reminds me of my cat...lol. [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

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    Thanks to sarah140 for my avatar and Fiona for my siggie
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    \"We can\'t help everyone. But everyone can help someone\"

  8. #8
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    It's just a short hair black and white cat, but he is like 18lbs I really have to stop feeding him people food!

    Charlotte, Some dogs out grow vomiting in the car, and some don't. My westie gets car sick everytime she gets in the car. Its horrible. I have to tranquilizer if I take her anywhere. I think the best way to get over that is just keep taking Nacho in the car, every chance you get. Try to get him used to car rides. Plus, it might of been a one time thing, he was probably so nervous! And to get your dog not to be a runner, you should start now with the training. I wouldn't use a leash right now. If he learns early enough to stick by your side when outside, he won't run. MY smaller dog is a runner, but my Golden who is just a year old, doesn't run. We taught her by using a shock collar. I didn't agree with it at first, but now she never runs out of tghe yard.

    Good luck, and have fun!

    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mitch4133
    My westie gets car sick everytime she gets in the car.

    I have a westie to! Mine doesn't get sick in the car, though. He goes into little car comas, though, hehe. When we used to drive from Massachusetts to Virginia quite often, we'd set up a little bed with loads of pillows and blankets in between the two bucket seats for him. We'd tuck him in, give him a teddy bear, and he'd go into a really deep sleep while we drove. The second we'd stop, though, he'd suddenly wake up and start prancing about :P

    Anyways, that's great you've got a new puppy! I hope all goes well with him [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]I bet he'll outgrow the getting sick thing.

  10. #10
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    Charlotte the business with letting him off a lead,is something that u need to introduce from an early stage......start with calling him back to u in the house.....like getting excited and saying Nacho come here good girl.....do this regular and your dog will respond well ,to u calling him.....u should keep treats near u at all times and when he does come back give him a treat and praise him....the treats can be either something like fresh chicken,say u have had chicken the nite before for dinner,keep a little aside for treats,as long as its just plain chicken,nothing spicy or coated....what i used was the dry food that i gave Ellie for her main meals....I fed mine Iams and they are just small round dry food....just make sure u reduce his main meals so that u are not giving him his full meal as well as treats....once he starts to respond to u indoors...u can start putting it into practice when outdoors....i bought a very small cat lead when i first got Ellie but letting her out for her business wasn't a problem for me because i have a garden which is walled in....so she couldn't go anywhere except my back garden but when we went out....which wasn't till she was at least 12-13weeks as they are not allowed to be exposed to areas that other dogs have been just in case they catch any viruses that they are not protected against.....especially areas where there are other dog poo......i started training with Ellie from an early age and she doesn't just run off Willy nilly but if there is a dog about 10ft away she doesn't run up to c the dog but the person more,she just loves kids,people and dogs....i'm so lucky...as for the car sickness,Ellie was sick twice when i first got her but now i can go anywhere with her and she's fine.....i think its like exposure work ,little and often.....

    anyway keep us updated on how things are going and fire ahead with any other questions.....And I'm glad u have a kennel for him to go in....keep to it and its just like having a new born in the house,the crying will stop,u just might have a few sleepiness nites first of all

    take care Vicky x

  11. #11
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    Hee hee, I just had to add that I agree about not letting your puppy sleep with you, my Chloe (Eskie in my avatar) slept with us from the start, and she sheds really bad.... sometimes if my hubby has stubble in the morning, he gets up and looks like Santa from all the white fur in the bed!!!

    What a nice gift!! I LOVE dogs!!! Have fun with him![img]smileys/smilies_46.gif[/img]
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  12. #12
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    Thanks all!!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    I had a problem with Nacho tonight! First of all, I made tonight the night that he would sleep in his kennel. Well, I put him in there after he ate and went potty; all he did was yelp, and LOUD!!! It seemed like the yelping would never stop! After about 20 minutes of yelping, I smelled dog poop....yes, dog poop!!!! He had pooped in his kennel and stepped in it...smeared it (sorry) all over the inside, and all over the mesh bars in the front!! He had it stuck between all of his paws, and it was just HORRID!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img][img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]

    So, needless to say...I took him out and cleaned him and the kennel up really good, and now he is in bed with hubby! [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]I can handle the yelping, but since he was being so loud, I was afraid he would keep the kids or the neighbors up; not to mention hubby said there was no way he could sleep with all that noise.

    So...I have decided to start the kennel thing tomorrow during the day for a couple of hours. That way, no one will have to be disturbed by his loud cry. I felt sorry for him. How long does the crying go on?? I hate the fact that this is his 3rd night sleeping in bed with us!!!! He sleeps on a towel, right in between us. *sigh*

    Do you think that if I start putting him in his kennel tomorrow for a couple of hours, that after a few days of being in the kennel during the day, then he would be able to stay in his kennel at night without crying??

    I also took him outside 3 times today, just toget used to the outdoors. It was nice outside. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]I didn't put him on a leash at all. I sat on the porch and watched him. He was very scared to be outside though. Is that normal??

    It was funny though...he got in the grass, and started walking on his front paws only...LOLOL! He didn't like the feeling of the grass at all!! LOL. Do you think he will outgrow that too??

    Gosh, it feels like I have a new baby again!! LOL!! I hope this gets easier. [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]Any suggestions?? [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] Thanks, charlotte
    Spring is here!

  13. #13
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    Charlotte he's got u suss'd already!!!!!!...what sort of kennel is it,because if its enclosed he might feel trapped....the best ones to get are the iron ones that u can c through.....as for messing himself,u should have left him to it!!!!!.....as Ellie used to poo a good 4times at nite when i first got her.....and i would wake up in the morning and the first thing i had to do was clean it up,should would have walked through it and smeared it everywhere.....but the crying can last up for how long u stick at it.....if u are firm then i would say the crying normally stops within a week....i never used a kennel what i did first of all,was shut her in the kitchen but she hated being trapped in,so i let her have the run of the hallway and she was much happier....still didn't want to be on her own....because she knew that myself and the cat were upstairs...even my cat is not allowed in my bedroom at nite....he has his own room....but if u don't stop the sleeping with both u are your husband now u are going to have problems....as u already do.....U say your husband says he won't be able to sleep with all that noise but how did u cope with your new Born's when they cried through the nite.....u have to really want the responsibility of a puppy as its damn hard....i will never get a puppy again,i was a nanny for 5yrs and that was easier then a puppy.....do u leave toys and chews and things that he can occupy himself with,maybe leave the radio on for him,so that its low so it doesn't wake the kids.....the only other thing is to put him in a room that is as far away from the kids as possible,so as not to wake them....BUt please try to stick with it....u will thank yourself in the long run.....don't give in to nite,i promise u the laying in poo will not harm him and at least its all in one area.....don't make a fuss of him when u go to bed just get everything ready,don't make a big ordeal and just leave him....he will cry on and off all nite but like a new mother u will feel tired for the first few nites but he has to get used to being on his own.....I really don't know how u do it,sleeping in bed with him.....especially with your emet as they do carry bugs that we are not protected against .....c how things go but his crying is like a baby the more and more u give into him the worse it will get.....

    take care Vicky x

  14. #14
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    Oh gosh...so do you think Nacho is "ruined" now? [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

    His kennel is metal mesh in the front (door) and the rest is solid plastic with good sized air holes. It is the smallest one that Walmart had (cat kennel) but it is still a bit big for him.

    You think I would be better off just leaving him in the kitchen at night instead of the kennel? Would that help? I think he would stop is crying quicker that way.

    Yeah, puppy has lots of chew toys to occupy him, so that is good. [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

    Hmmm, I didn't know that dogs carry things that we aren't protected against; although I did just give him a bath the night before last. I just don't like sleeping with him because I don't sleep very "sound" because I fear rolling over on him. Also I hate worrying about him pooping or peeing on the bed.[img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    Well, it will be a tough night tonight, but that is ok. I will do what you said, and let him yipe tonight. No more sleeping in our bed! LOL! I will keep you posted on the progress.

    I have another question though....how do you train them to go potty outside?? Do you catch them going pee/poo then quickly toss them outside??

    Thanks for all your support!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  15. #15
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    the potty training is the same as potty training kids,they can't be forced,all breeds do it at different times and when they want.....but the going outside every 30-45mins,def helped me......if u c him stoop to wee or poo inside the house,just shout no bad boy and put him outside,even if he doesn't do anymore outside.....if he does once u put him outside,just praise him,he will soon realise that doing it outside is good and inside is not.....don't ever put his nose in the mess,it doesn't work.....it just scares them even more....but i don't know if u are home most of the day....but justkeep on top of it,be a bit obsessive with taking him outside for a wee or poo as much as u can.....becasue the more times he does and u praise him for doing it he will soon learn.....i know he's not at the age to tell u when he's ready to go but when he knows that outside is the only place for his business he will eventually tell u when he needs to go outside.....but stick with it,u are doing really well.....and as for letting him have the run of the kitchen or another room,one that he can't get up to mischief in,then to me that sounds better.....as long as he doesn't chew.....ellie has torn my house apart with chewing.....and like u i left every chew u could imagine,toys,i went through 3 beds now i have given up and she doesn't have one.....its a waste of time with her.....but thats to do with the breed she is....they are well known for chewing....anyway hope tonite goes OK and as for the germs that u pick up from them,they get worms and if u haven't wormed him yet he can pass on a deadly virus which is in there poo ,and can blind u!!!! so make sure u worm him....and if u imagine that your bed collects bugs just from ourselves,i.e mattress bugs,dust mites,and we clean all the time, but dogs are not as clean as us.....so eventually if your dog shares the bed with u constantly your bed will be full of different things....i don't mean to worry u but its not nice when u really think about it....but maybe ask someone proffessional to get some more advise just to put your mind at rest....i'm not qualified,even thou i have a puppy,every dog is different

    take care and good luck!!!!!!

    vicky xx

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Found this on the net for you. When we got my mom Ethel (the basset hound) we crate trained her....she's 6 years old now and still insists on sleeping in one. Which FYI trying to find a crate to acommadate a 72lb basset hound is a challenge.

    Hope it helps.
    <A name=crateacclim></A>CRATE ACCLIMATION
    "Getting Your Dog Used to a Crate: Includes Soft Crates"
    By Lyn Richards
    If you are planning to place a pup or older dog in a crate (especially a soft crate), and it has never been crated before, you would be wise to follow an acclimation process before ever locking or zipping the dog into the crate and walking away.
    The acclimation process requires you to be with your dog while placing him in a crate. This allows you to stop a dog from chewing/pawing a soft crate or frantically digging at a wire or fiberglass crate. A verbal "NO" will stop the digging or pawing, then you can offer him a toy to distract him.
    (BTW I do not recommend wire crates. This is because my own dogs, and many others have had accidents while in them. These include damaging toes when the foot gets caught between the pan and the wires, happy tails slapping the wires and breaking open, leaving blood on the walls everywhere and doors and corners not securing properly and the dog pushing out, causing injuries.)
    Start by placing your crate in the living room, or another frequently used room, which is occupied most of the time. Leave the door open, and place all your pups toys inside the crate (at least half way in) on top of his blankies or dog bed. If he wants a toy, he'll have to at least climb into the crate a bit and retrieve it. Move the toys further back day by day, till they are in the rear. After a few hours, or sometimes a day or two (depending on the dog), you'll notice he goes into the crate to lie down...eventually to fall asleep.
    Once the dog becomes comfortable enough to nap in the crate, wait a few days, then zip him into the crate, or close the door. Gentle wake your dog with your voice. Once he awakens, open the door, praise him and release.
    Continue this process, letting the door stay closed a bit longer each time, before releasing. Eventually, you will be able to stay in the room, with the door closed, and he will lie there quietly until he falls asleep.
    Now you can begin leaving the room while he is napping, and awaken him by voice from OUTSIDE the room. Re-enter the room, and release. At this point you can begin crating the dog and leaving the room while he is awake, and extending the time you are out of the room.
    Once this is comfortable for your dog, leave the house, (use your normal "leaving" ritual, including picking up keys, grabbing lunch from the fridge, whatever) and then return immediately. Move on to leaving himfor longer and longer periods of time (3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes, 1/2 an hour, and so on), until you do not hear any barking or crying at any point.
    This is the time to drive out of the yard, around the block, and come back in to check on him. He should be fine, but if he is stressed, go back a few steps and move forward again. Follwoing this progression should very quickly lead to a competely comfy, crate trained pup, in no time flat!
    msn IM: Abbey_Normal

  17. #17
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    Thank you guys for all of the info! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]Puppy is now in the kitchen for the night, yelping at the top of his lungs. [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]I feel sorry for him, but he has to learn. I made sure he has food and water, his newpapers, open kennel, and a blankie by the heat vent. I also made sure there were no cords or anything that he could chew up.

    I will take him outside again tomorrow just to get him used to the grass. He hates it, and I would be happy if he just walked on it for more than 20 seconds!! LOL! Today was way to cold for him, so tomorrow is a new day.

    That crate info is interesting!! Thanks for sharing. I may have to see about getting one of those! [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

    Nacho did pretty good today I must say. He is more relaxed in his new home. I must say though...my 1 year old spilled some milk out of his sippy cup tonight, and Nacho licked it up! BIG MISTAKE!! He had the runs not long after that. I take it dogs can't have milk??? [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]

    Thanks all, and I will keep you posted on Nacho's progression!! Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  18. #18
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    AWWW, he sounds adorable! Congratulations!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  19. #19
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    hey Charlotte i was just wondering how things are going with the puppy.....i haven't been on line for a few days and noticed u haven't updated this post so thought I'd find out how u are coping....hope all is well and speak soon

    Vicky x

  20. #20
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    Puppy is doing great!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]I have had him for a week now, and things have gotten so much better with him. He no longer sleeps with hubby and I, which is good. (but I do missit...lol) He sleeps in the kitchen with the gate up; he has his papers in there, along with his open kennel, food, toys, and his bed. The first night he slept in the kitchen, he cried the whole damn night! The second night was better, but still cried alot. The past few nights, he cries quite a bit still, but has some silent timewhere he actually sleeps..lol.

    He now pees and poosoutside most of the time, although he still has his accidents. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]He is starting to get the hang of being outside too. [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]He walks out with me, then he sniffs around, does his business (mostly pee [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]) then he goes by the door and has me let him in. He hasn't needed a leash at all...he just stays in my presence the whole time.

    I have learned in the past few days, that my puppy bites!! He hates when my 1 year old bothers him while he is asleep. My mom came to see him for the first time the other day, and he growled at her, and stupidly, she picked him up right away, and he bit her too!! Once he gets to know your scent, he likes ya...but he doesn't like total strangers unless he sniffs them out first. I must say, that I have picked him up when he was asleep, and he bit me too! *Sigh* [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]

    His bites are minor baby bites, but I sure hope he doesn't turn out to be mean...lol. My mom's friend said that this breed of dog is always "nervous" and they tend to bite more than alot of other breeds. Is that true about Chihuahuas?? (SP?)

    But, all in all, he is a great pup! He loves to snuggle and play with the whole family. He seems to be learning things at a fast rate too! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]I took him for his first vet check Wednesday, and he weighs 2 lbs 4 oz...lol. (what a brute)They checked him for everything, and they did find a parasite living in his stool, so he is now on meds for a week. (banana flavored liquid stuff [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]) I asked the vet if the parasite was contagious, and she said not to humans. (phew)

    Well, that is all for now, on my update!! Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  21. #21
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    hey Charlotte,thats great to hear that the pup is doing well,all thou i would get the biting bit sorted ASAP...if the dog grows up to think that it can bite u could face having the dog put down,and even thou he doesn't seem to hurt u if a friend was to come around with a young child and this was to happen to them they could take u to court and the first thing they will do with out even hesitation is to put the dog down......he could be doing it out of nerves or just u might be surprising him while he is asleep and the first thing he does is bites,but its not good.....ask a professional,with anything like that u need to talk to a vet or a behavioral therapist....Maybe u could e-mail mitch4133,as she had some really good advise....And I'm so pleased that he is staying in the kitchen as it showed u that u never know what is inside a dogs poo....the vet said that its not contagious but if it was worms,it def is,it can make u go blind.....so I'm so pleased that uhave keptto being firm about the sleeping accomadation....it will be worth it in the end....each day will get less and less crying and he will settle down.....U sound like uhave got things rolling with the house training,just make sure u praise him every time he does it outside...even if it gets boring....keep at it.....anyway glad to hear that all is well

    take care Vicky x

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    Oct 2004
    United States


    Thanks trickyvicky! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]It really is hard work, but Nacho is really picking up on things fast!

    Yeah, as far as the biting is concerned, he snapped at one of my kids today for taking his rawhide bone from him. I sternly said, "NO!!" and tapped him on his nose. After that, he buried his head (in shame) into the couch cushion. I think he is now learning that biting is a no no. I will keep you posted on how everything goes this week!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    Thanks for your help andconcern!! Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I want to say the same thing that Vicky said. If Nacho does have worms, chances are it is contagious to humans. Just make sure you pick up the poop, extra good, and wash your hands good. As long as you don't ingest any poop, you won't get the worms, I highly doubt that you or husband will eat poop, but just make sure that you clean up well until the medication is gone, or the worms are gone.

    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by mitch4133

    I want to say the same thing that Vicky said. If Nacho does have worms, chances are it is contagious to humans. Just make sure you pick up the poop, extra good, and wash your hands good. As long as you don't ingest any poop, you won't get the worms, I highly doubt that you or husband will eat poop, but just make sure that you clean up well until the medication is gone, or the worms are gone.

    LOL!!! Nah...been trying to cut back on the poop eating. LOL!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]

    Yep, we are extremely careful about washing our hands after cleaning up dog poop. Most of the time Nacho poops outside, so that helps! I would say about once a day, I find a nice little piece of poo on the floor,[img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img] then I pick it up with about a half a roll of paper towels, and wrap it in a plastic bag, put it in the bottom of the garbage, then wash my hands about 5 times..LOL! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] So far, so good! [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Charlotte i don't know if u have young kids as in ones that wear Nappy's but i pick my dogs poo up with nappy bags....i put 2 together and its so each no paper just turn the bag inside out and tie the handles....In the UK if u don't pick up the poo while out u can get fined so thats all i seem to do is pick up poo.....maybe that could be my new title for my job poo collector lol.....anyway good to hear all is well take care Vicky xxx



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