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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    GRRRRRR!!! Just looked at a fbook profile to see a friends daughter had d&v on Sunday and was supposed to be off school til tomorrow...BUT! Lo and behold the child was at school today...WHY don't some parents adhere to this basic request? Then they wonder why the bug is rife in schools!! RANT over! X

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    Totally agree. People need to learn how contagion works, and how to avoid it. Some people just think the hassle of putting up with a kid at home (missing work) isn't worth it, because they had to deal with the illness already anyway. It's selfish. I know some people really have situations where they cannot miss work to care for a kid who's missing school, and that's different, but some people just go with the "convenient" option.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    Our schools have a 24-hour rule for any fevers or tummy issues.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    I would post a comment underneath said status reminding the parent of the 48hr rule. And whilst it may be an inconvenience on their life, it could save another child the horror and potential danger of this nasty infection.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    los angeles ca

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    That pisses me off to no end. I kept my son out of school for an entire week when he got the sv*. Thats why it spreads so quickly in schools and daycares!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Eugene, OR

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cynna View Post
    As a parent of a special needs child, I agree with the policy.

    I still say that in the US there needs to be an official sick day policy that includes sick children. Some do not get paid time off and some may loose their job if they call in. This puts everyone at risk.
    Totally agree with this, there is nothing I hate more than going to work and finding out my coworkers have been/are ill but refuse to call in because they'll get fired.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Hove, UK

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    Schools need to be given more power to reinforce this really, if a parent calls on a tuesday morning to say the child has been up all night with d&v on a monday, the school should have to right to say that child cannot then come back (for another 48 hours) until the thursday and refuse entry if the parent does bring the kid in.

  8. #8
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    Sep 2011

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by AoD View Post
    Totally agree. People need to learn how contagion works, and how to avoid it. Some people just think the hassle of putting up with a kid at home (missing work) isn't worth it, because they had to deal with the illness already anyway. It's selfish. I know some people really have situations where they cannot miss work to care for a kid who's missing school, and that's different, but some people just go with the "convenient" option.
    Most people cannot afford to take off work when their children are ill. My parents rarely ever could. We usually had to go to school unless we were seriously ill. Whenever I had noro or some variation of a stomach virus, I was always at school after it stopped so usually 24 hours and my butt would be back in the classroom. Generally schools list a policy that any student that is experiencing vomiting or diarrhea should not be in the classroom. However, like I said in another thread, I have no clue how much they actually enforce that policy.
    I wanna feel the change consume me,
    Feel the outside turning in.
    I wanna feel the metamorphosis and
    Cleansing I've endured within
    My shadow

    Disclaimer: **I try and answer posts to the best of my knowledge but unfortunately, I am not a medical professional so take my advice/recommendations with a grain of salt.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2011

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Elski View Post
    Schools need to be given more power to reinforce this really, if a parent calls on a tuesday morning to say the child has been up all night with d&v on a monday, the school should have to right to say that child cannot then come back (for another 48 hours) until the thursday and refuse entry if the parent does bring the kid in.
    I do not agree with this, although the irrational side of me would like to. Usually it's after symptoms stop. It's not logical to ask them to stay home just for the sole purpose of preventing the spread of germs. You cannot avoid germs. However, there are the obvious steps you can take to prevent it. I understand children do not practice good hygiene until they are a bit older. Nonetheless...48 hours after illness has begun/stopped is a pretty long time to take off.
    I wanna feel the change consume me,
    Feel the outside turning in.
    I wanna feel the metamorphosis and
    Cleansing I've endured within
    My shadow

    Disclaimer: **I try and answer posts to the best of my knowledge but unfortunately, I am not a medical professional so take my advice/recommendations with a grain of salt.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    New Jersey

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    I usually keep my kids home for a few days after they are sick. However, while I was at my last job, I had the ability to work from home which allowed me to do so. The biggest problem right now is people are soo panicked about keeping their job, and are so financially strapped that they have to do whatever they can to keep their jobs. Yes, it is bullshit, a mother/father should be able to take off and stay home with a sick child, and a sick child shouldn'r have to go to school before they are 100% better. Keeping a child home for 2 more days when they are feeling all better is prestty unfeasable. Also, a child can only miss so many days of school before they threaten to keep them back. Back in my days of going to school, most households had stay at home mom/dad. However, that is rare nowadays, both parents need to work to pay the bills, and employers don't want to here that their employee needs to miss 3 days because their child might still be "contagious". I am sure many of the parents feel guilty and don't want to send their child back right away, but are so backed into a corner financially, they have no other choice.

  11. #11
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    New Jersey

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Elski View Post
    Schools need to be given more power to reinforce this really, if a parent calls on a tuesday morning to say the child has been up all night with d&v on a monday, the school should have to right to say that child cannot then come back (for another 48 hours) until the thursday and refuse entry if the parent does bring the kid in.
    Are you willing to be the one to stay home with these children or pay the salary of someone who loses their job for calling out too much? I don't like the spread of germs either, but I also know that any working parent doesn't have this option. Now, if this were a stay at home parent forcing them back so quickly, then I would be annoyed.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    This is why I could never take a job working in a school or a nursery, because of all the kids coming in carrying all sorts of germs I`d be sure to catch something.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Hove, UK

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by twinmom73 View Post
    Are you willing to be the one to stay home with these children or pay the salary of someone who loses their job for calling out too much? I don't like the spread of germs either, but I also know that any working parent doesn't have this option. Now, if this were a stay at home parent forcing them back so quickly, then I would be annoyed.
    It can also work the other way around though - say someone sends their kid into school still sick and the next kid catches it and that kids mum has to take time off work - she could be one of the ones you're referring to who loses their job for taking too much time off. It can affect everyone.

    Yes, I take the necessary time off work when my child is ill. My nursery has a 48 hour rule. I also stay off work for 48 hours if I have anything like this (my employers policy). I think I'm probably lucky in that I get a certain number of carers days or I'd have to take it as annual leave if the worst came to the worst.
    Last edited by Elski; 11-17-2012 at 04:36 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    New Jersey

    Default Re: 48 hour exclusion!! STICK TO IT!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Elski View Post
    It can also work the other way around though - say someone sends their kid into school still sick and the next kid catches it and that kids mum has to take time off work - she could be one of the ones you're referring to who loses their job for taking too much time off. It can affect everyone.

    Yes, I take the necessary time off work when my child is ill. My nursery has a 48 hour rule. I also stay off work for 48 hours if I have anything like this (my employers policy). I think I'm probably lucky in that I get a certain number of carers days or I'd have to take it as annual leave if the worst came to the worst.
    There's the problem! I understand what you mean about sending a sick kid back and other's getting sick, then their parents need to take off. It really is ridiculous. Our society has become so crazy, people no longer work 9-5, 5 days a week, now it is like 10 hours days with 2 hours commutes, and working weekends.
    Like I said, some of us have the option to take off, but many don't. I am sure these parents feel guilty sending the kid back in, but I think they are pretty much forced to do it by their employers. Same thing with people coming to work sick, they are made to feel like if they take a day off, they will be fired! I am sure most sick people would rather be at home, on the couch relaxing than at work. They don't want to be there as much as you don't want them there.
    We really can't put all the blame on the workers/mothers.... a lot of the blame needs to be on these workplace/corporation/businesses. PEople can't even raise their children anymore because both parents have to work to pay the bills. it is disgusting...then you have those who sit on welfare and just collect checks from our government, while the working man pays for it. I won't get started on that issue,...........



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