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  1. #1

    Default I think I may have a stomach virus?!

    So yesterday I woke up early around 730 in the morning with a horrible stomach ache, a lot of gas, and nausea. I had a busy day and figured it was just my anxiety but it never went away the whole day. I then had to go to work, and while I was at work I had stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea and basically just felt like crap. Also some chills and not much of an appetite at all my stool is soft but not diarrhea completely, thus far. But it's been kind of green..(sorry tmi) but I'm just trying to figure out what's going on. I have IBS also, so idk if that's what this is, but usually they don't last this long. It's been 2 days now, I've been able to eat little amounts of bland things like bananas, granola bars, soup, sprite and what not, but anything else really upsets my stomach. I got a good nights sleep, but woke up again today with stomach cramping, a ton of gas, and I had a soft greenish bowel movement this morning before class. I ate a banana, a granola bar, and drank some sprite so far, and my stomach is really starting to cramp up and I'm feeling like I may have D soon. My stomach has been really noisy and painful, and almost painful to the touch, like really super tender. I have to work again today 330 to midnight...horrible. And I'm wondering if this even sounds like a stomach virus or not. I have had pretty constant nausea but its been bearable thus far. I don't have any antiemetics, I ran out, so I might have to go get some. But does this sound like a stomach bug? Could I just be dealing with it better? Is it possible that I could just feel tired, crampy and have slight D or soft stools and it still be a stomach virus or do you think it's something else? I know it isn't food poisoning, I haven't eaten anything that would cause that. What do you guys think? I don't know what to think anymore. Also, it's weird. It's like I will get hunger pains, but they're like burning/gnawing feeling..and they almost come with nausea. I'm starting to wonder if its not H.pylori infection...does anyone else know what I mean? Anyway, just trying to ease my mind and figure out what this could be and I hope it goes away. thanks for any replies!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    London, UK

    Default Re: I think I may have a stomach virus?!

    Seeing as it's been 2 days, I think it's highly unlikely you'll v* now. I often have those kinds of days, usually it turns out to be a combination of the IBS, the anxiety, extra stress, tiredness, literally anything. And seeing as you haven't had actual d*, just soft stools, again it's highly unlikely you'll v*.

    Maybe it could be something you ate a couple of days ago? That would explain the gas, and the soft stools and cramps are just it hanging around for a while. If it is that then as soon as it's out of your system you should be fine.

    But well done for looking after yourself. Remember, if you were going to v*, you would have done so already by now so just carry on eating what you feel you can manage, get lots of rest and try to distract yourself.

    You will get through this xx

  3. #3

    Default Re: I think I may have a stomach virus?!

    Well the night before it started I had tacos at my boyfriends house for dinner and I felt fine then, but everyone else who ate it was fine, and so I don't really think it was that. And other people had way more than I did too. I'm sure I probably won't v anyways, but I just don't wanna do too much or eat too much and end up upsetting my stomach more to the point of being super nauseous. I'll probably just continue to eat bland foods, bananas, applesauce, crackers, soup and what not, and drink lots of water. The good thing is I'm still able to take my probiotics and fiber so that should help also. What's the best antiemetic that non prescription?



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