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  1. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    west michigan

    Default Re: BEWARE GRAPHIC: it's here!

    just an update, i promised myself i would try to limit my visits here. both kids have been good and so far my wife and i have not caught the stomach bug. my youngest did get very constipated after her bout with it and had to go to the ER for laxatives. ive been handling things pretty well but the past week has just been a nightmare, especially for a emet. my stomach has been giving me issues but i think it's nerves. i did wake up today super nauseated and started having alot of D. i did take a dose of mirolax yesterday because i had been having troubles going so that might be whats causing the D. i hope i didn't catch the virus but we shall have to see how things play out. got my trusty anti-nausea's in case. i just hope this is it and we can enjoy the holidays. i am going to make a doctors appointment next week and ask for my stomach to be checked out and see if i cannot get on some form of a anti-anxiety med.
    Last edited by fixxxer2012; 12-08-2012 at 10:57 AM.



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