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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    Just wondering what everyones strategies are when they start panicking if they think they are going to v* or after if they have v*

    I struggle to calm myself down and i was wondering what do other people do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    A lot of people do not always check this section. If you do not get a lot of replies, then see if you can move it or repost in general.

    The best answer would be to practice deep breathing exercises or mediation. The say it takes some time and practice. When you get good at it, then you should be gradually able to revert to a happy relaxed place when you experience a trigger. See emetophobiahelp.org. You could always try to rationalize the situation, but most have a hard time doing it due to the phobia. Therapy is always good. Some use anxiety meds or SSRI meds. I am on prozac and it has taken my anxiety down quite a few notches. Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sydney, Australia.

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    When I'm really anxious or panicked, for me, the best thing I can do is go for a walk. Sometimes the anxiety or panic is too debilitating to do so, and I end up lying on my bed or on the coach watching TV because there is literally nothing else my brain can do. Some other relaxation techniques include:

    - listening to your favourite music
    - listening to calming music (on YouTube there is a guy called PaulfromStokeUK and he does lots of relaxing music designed for people with mental health problems)
    - go for a walk/run/swim/any kind of exercise
    - watch a movie
    - take a shower or a calming bath
    - involve yourself with friends and family and try to get it off your mind
    - deep breathing- I usually do sets of 10 breathes in and out while lying down and relaxing every part of my body from my toes to my head
    - hobby - I love photography and writing, so that can be a good escape for me and relax me

    Hope you can use some of these next time you are feel stressed or worked up.
    All the best.
    "One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching"

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Upstate NY

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    if I'm all worked up and anxious, I have to distract myself as much as possible. If I'm out of the house and real anxious, I get out my iPod and turn on my piano instrumental playlist or my Relax Melodies app where I can turn on different combinations of calming sounds. Once I get something to listen to situated, I do some slow deep breathing, and if that doesn't work, I play one of the puzzle strategy game apps that I downloaded to give my brain a workout so it can't focus on being nervous. If I'm at home, I do the same sort of thing, distracting myself with a funny tv show or a talk show, or something entertaining on the tube, if not, I'll turn on some music and start playing computer games or chatting with friends, whatever it takes to distract myself. If I'm actually having a panic attack, I do the same method of trying to "turn it off" before it starts by distracting myself and relaxing and such, but if that doesn't work, sometimes I find myself crawling into my Mom's bed in the middle of the night just to have her tell me that once again, I'm going to be okay, and to go back to sleep..... I've also got different organic lotions and sprays of lavender and chamomile blends to help chill me out too, they're fairly effective.
    keep a cool head, and breathe easy, my friend
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    I do whatever I need to to quit obsessing over it. I use salt alot when I feel icky....I do tapping (EFT), I get up and move around...anything to help me stop worrying about it.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    I usually lay down somewhere quiet, get comfortable and do some deep breathing. Sometimes I'm back to normal after 20 minutes of doing just that. Sometimes I have to do stuff, like drawing or walking to distract myself.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    When I'm feeling anxious and nauseous I have a few little tricks that help me, although they may seem a bit odd to others.
    -I pace back and forth while taking deep breaths in order to distract myself.
    -I drink very fizzy room temperature soda, but no colas. Usually either Mountain Dew, lemon lime sodas, or ginger ale.
    -I make myself burp by pushing air into my stomach. (Probably not at all good for my stomach but is one of my only coping methods.)
    -when I swallow my saliva and feel as though I might gag, I clench my fists as I swallow.
    -I sit/lay in bed with my heating pad on my stomach.
    Like I said, odd coping methods but they work for me!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    Thanks for the tips everyone
    listening to calming music (on YouTube there is a guy called PaulfromStokeUK and he does lots of relaxing music designed for people with mental health problems)
    thanks, i try to listen to music alot, ill definatly give that a go.

    thanks everyone

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Los Angeles, CA

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    Honestly, the only thing that seems to work for me is a steamy hot shower and a glass of alka-selzter, preferably with a loved one. I usually turn the water very hot so as to steam the bathroom up, and I turn the shower head away and just sit in a patch on the bathtub floor where the water isn't hitting directly. The steam and the sound of the water really relax me. Occasionally I'll drink alka-seltzer in there. 99% of the time I leave the shower usually a half an hour later feeling totally fine, and just sleep off the anxiety-induced fatigue!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    Sometimes I can't relax at all, then other times I can. I usually end up napping or resting my eyes and listening to some soothing music. Or, if it's during the day I go out for long walks with my Mum, do some animating, draw or play video games. Listening to music and trying to nap is the best for me though. Sometimes I feel SO nauseous so I go to lay down and 20 minutes later I'm perfectly fine again, and usually am for the rest of the day. Strange huh?
    Virtue - "You don't need a reason to help people"

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    North West England

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    Drawing or listening to music usually, for some reason my favourite song to relax to is 30th century man by catherine wheel, that song has saved me many times If i feel confident enough that its nothing serious and i can go outside, then ill go for a walk until i feel better, sometimes ive ended up walking 10+ miles and only getting home and 2 or 3am, but in alot of ways i like doing that, especially if it helps me get over n* and puts my mind at ease.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom!

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    Walking, playing video games, listening to music, watching a film, reading occasionally or napping. I've noticed a lot of people do these too but they seem the most relaxing/distracting ways from feeling worked up.

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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    I've been emetophobic since high school. 9th grade to be precise. Over the years (I'm 25 now), I have a little routine that I do. If it's a cold night, I open my window to let the cold air in. Cold really helps my N*. I'll also go to the freezer and get an ice pack to put on my head and neck. I usually alternate between the two. While I'm in the kitchen, I get a cold glass of water. I sip it. I never gulp it. Usually the walk from my bedroom to the kitchen helps a lot. I have Dramamine just in case the attack gets too much for me. I also have ginger root capsules just in case I can't stand the taste of the Dramamine. Y'know, it's chalky. I normally have a prescription of Zofran but I don't have it right now. Usually, if I take a ginger capsule or Dramamine, I will lie down and tell myself "I'm gonna be fine. I just took Dramamine (or ginger). It will kick in soon and I'll be okay." Telling myself that it'll pass helps too. Now, when I was in high school, nothing would calm me down. I'd usually beg my teachers to let me go to the bathroom, if only to just be able to walk. Or I'd lie to my teachers and say I was sick and needed to call my mom so I could check out of school early. Usually telling my mom that I V'ed when I didn't really but was just going through an attack worked and she'd tell the administrator to allow me to check out and I could drive myself home. It's a wonder I passed my Senior year. I was calling my mom almost every day. But over the years, I've learned how to control my attacks. Normally, the ice pack works. But watching cartoons also is very calming to me. As long as no one in my house bothers me, I'm okay.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    Quote Originally Posted by itsJoe View Post
    Walking, playing video games, listening to music, watching a film, reading occasionally or napping. I've noticed a lot of people do these too but they seem the most relaxing/distracting ways from feeling worked up.
    Sorry for OT, but what video game console do you have Joe? :P I own a PS3, PS2, PS1, Gamecube, Nintendo 3DS, PSP, Xbox 360 and a Wii, so basically, nearly all systems. I'm a geek but people never think I am, until I tell them. (H) hahah
    Virtue - "You don't need a reason to help people"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    a hot bath, with a good book, sipping a glass of ice water....that is what I have to do to get rid of the shakes I get. It helps my body relax, but I still have trouble trying to sleep or anything because my in my head I'm still freaked out. So sometimes I take a fenegren(sp?) that will help with the nausea and help me sleep.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    watch anime, go outside because every time I've thrown up, it's been inside. Exercise since I'm convinced that if I can exercise, i don't have the sv. Another weird thing I do is I isolate myself from other people. Whenever I use to have panic attacks, I would go to my mom or dad. Just being around them comforted me. However now, it just reminds me of how I use to be. Now I try to isolate myself, it works best.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    US - NY

    Default Re: What do you do if your worked up to relax?

    What about in public situations. I noticed a lot of posts regarding hanging out with friends and such. For me mine translates greatly into social settings forcing me to become quite the lone wolf if you will. Any tips on how to remain socially active and relax when have an attack? I rarely have issues with this unless I'm out of my comfort zone like at bars, other peoples houses, restaurants. I initially actually thought I just had some from of social anxiety but it's not the people or crowds I'm directly affraid or anxious of it all comes down to the fear of V*. If I didn't have that fear I know sociallizing, eating out, drinking, etc would not bother me one bit. I'm affraid of going to the bars because too much drinking can = V* and then all the people being around is debilitating because a, they'll witness it and it's embarassing, b, they'll be in my way if I need to run out V*ing. Eating out same thing, everyone would witness it and be in my way and I'd just have to face it in front of a bunch of people. I do occationally get it in the comfort of my own home, well more than occassionally I guess. even if just one more person is there it's worse. Again, sounds like a social anxiety but it's about the V not the poeple.



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