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Thread: Eating / N*

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    South East, UK

    Unhappy Eating / N*

    It seems that recently whenever I eat ANYTHING I feel n* for at least an hour/2 hours afterwards. Not necessarily s* as such; just really uncomfortable. It often clears up, but it's got to the stage where I don't even want to eat (particularly when I'm in the office) because I know it'll make me feel like hell for a couple of hours afterwards. Does anyone else get this?!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: Eating / N*

    Prob anxiety or maybe there is something that you are allergic/sensitive to. Have you tried a food diary to see if there are any patterns?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Eating / N*

    Gosh, do I know how you feel! For me it usually happens when I'm at work which is bad because I barley eat at work or I just eat something light until I go home. Right now, I'm eating avocado rolls, light and nice. But I still manage to get really anxious. It's very annoying!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Johnson City, TN

    Default Re: Eating / N*

    Yes! I feel n* and icky nearly every time I eat. Breakfast isn't as bad, and I am fine after my daily protein shake, but lunch & dinner? Forget it. Just had 2 small pancakes for dinner, and I have already eaten 5 Tums & taken a dose of pepto. It's always like this!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Eating / N*

    Breakfast is good for me too. I'm actually very very hungry and enjoy eating in the morning for some odd reason. Lunch and dinner, I freak out!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Eating / N*

    Same !! I think it's cause breakfast starts your metabolism so i feel hungry, but lunch and tea I allways think that if I eat too much I'll throw up :/

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: Eating / N*

    That is awful that so many of you feel n... all the time. Is it nerves? Is it belly issues? Have you talked to your docs? Do you guys needs acid blockers? Sounds like I was when I was preg and that was no way to live.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    South East, UK

    Default Re: Eating / N*

    I don't think so, Cynna...I've had various tests in the past and I don't think there's anything physically wrong with me. It just seesm odd, because even when I'm not consciously anxious I feel like crap after eating...but only in the daytime! Perhaps it's because I'm normally out/at work in the day and I'm subconsciously worried about v* away from my home...I don't know... Thing is, I have a very good relationship with food considering, so it really does baffle me!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Eating / N*

    Odd. I had a phase like that where I'd feel nauseous all the time except for breakfast too. There was nothing "wrong" physically and I wasn't under any stress, but any more than a few bites of food after breakfast would make me feel ill. It passed after a while, though. There were a few things I really craved during that period though, and those I could eat without trouble (like pepper salami). But anything else would make me feel ill. It could be hormonal maybe? Try to think of what you really feel like eating even if they are weird cravings and stick to eating those to minimize the nausea. Hope you'll feel better soon, it sucks to feel ill after eating, food is just too good.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: Eating / N*

    Yes, I'm always constantly feeling nauseous. Sometimes eating helps though, but other times it makes my nausea worse. I'm surprised I have not lost any weight since the past couple of months or so I've had this problem now and barely eating during the day. But I noticed that's around the time my emetophobia got worse, so I'm definitely blaming anxiety and nerves on this one.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    North Wales, UK

    Default Re: Eating / N*

    I feel like this a lot and can only eat very small amounts at a time. If I have a full meal I feel horrible afterwards but I must admit I find it quite hard to distinguish between nausea and normal digestive motions.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    South East, UK

    Default Re: Eating / N*

    Quote Originally Posted by indie.star View Post
    I feel like this a lot and can only eat very small amounts at a time. If I have a full meal I feel horrible afterwards but I must admit I find it quite hard to distinguish between nausea and normal digestive motions.
    I know what you mean - because most of us feel n* a lot of time due to anxiety, it's impossible to tell the difference between the natural digestive process and emet-related n*. As soon as I experience the 'normal motions' I immediately panic and the n* increases, thus blurring the line between what would be a 'standard' bodily function and anxienty-provoked nausea. Bloody nightmare.
    "If you are going through hell, keep going."
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