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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default so scared of catching the norovirus

    Hi I'm fiona and I'm 19 also new here I've been trying to find a place to be able to talk to people going through the same thing as me but obviously I am scared to death of being sick and even more so of catching this norovirus I've been cleaning my home so much, I've been stressing about this virus, every winter I become like this I constantly feel sick because my mind is playing tricks on me making me think that I'm ill when I'm not such as if I burp or have a bit of a stomach ache I presume I will be sick and I never do, its a constant battle I feel I am having with myself telling myself that I'm not ill. After winter went I stopped feeling like this and got on with my life I thought I'd beaten it but obviously not because I'm back here again, in 2011 I have the virus just without the diarrhea and it was on Christmas evening I had it and it pretty much scarred me for life this is where my phobia originated from so I've done my researching about the norovirus I know what o need to do but it doesn't stop me being paranoid or feeling anxious or wanting to cry and lock myself away from the world. Anyone going or has been through the same thing? x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    United Kingdom!

    Default Re: so scared of catching the norovirus

    Yeah, I'm 19 too and I'm kinda the same. The Norovirus scare cropped up for me only a couple of days ago since that's when I found out about it; I've always had a phobia of sick but it's since last year that it's been playing on my mind. With this Norovirus going round I'm trying my best to avoid it and that's the most you can do really... wash your hands with warm soapy water or hand sanitizes, try to avoid contact with those who have it or have recently got over it. I know it looks scary from what's being said in the media but just try not to worry! I'm nervous myself but I've been able to control it; I can still go out I just make sure that my hands are clean.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Brighton, UK

    Default Re: so scared of catching the norovirus

    Please try not to worry yourself - easier said than done I know - I'm good at calming people down but not so good at putting it into practice myself! Just make sure that you keep up good hand hygiene, wash them thoroughly before eating anything and try to avoid eating anything with your fingers. Just be really mindful of where you're putting your hands - keep them away from your mouth and eyes. And you can do all this without seeming 'Howard Hughes'.

    Keep eating fruit & veg and taking your vitamins - I know eating is scary if you're worried about V* but you need to keep your strength up and your immune system fortified! It's awful that you had it on Christmas one year, because that means you have that association - I hated New Year for years because I once got a stomach bug on New Year's Day... every NY without fail, I'd end up feeling ill. Finally got over it now (I think! Hope I'm not 'tempting fate'). Anyway - just because you were ill at Christmas once does NOT mean you'll be ill at Christmas again. Promise! Try and relax and have a lovely time with your family. Have a glass of wine every evening if that helps you - I find a nice glass of red wine and some comforting Christmas TV helps me to relax during the festive period...

    Also: I don't know if you're in the UK or not, but all the media hype is just that, HYPE. I was walking through town last night thinking that if the amount of people were as ill as the newspapers are saying there'd be people dropping in the street like flies...and they're not!



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