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  1. #1

    Default oil of oregano/tips for staying healthy

    Hey All,

    So i just found a bunch of info on oil of oregano and I am hearing that is supposedly is a great cure for stomach bugs? I am so stressed with it being winter and bugs going around I really dont want to catch one and am really worried about what to do if I do catch one. Has anybody used oil of oregano as a treatment or know anywhere I can buy it? Also anybody have any tips on how to not catch a stomach bug at all? Just wondering about these things. Thanks for any help!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    North West England

    Default Re: oil of oregano/tips for staying healthy

    As for not catching stomach bugs its probably what youve already heard, basic hygiene and cleanliness, from what ive seen, alot of people who complain about catching bugs arent the cleanest of people anyway. I have no experience with oil of oregano but i can tell you that peppermints or peppermint chewing gum has worked for me lots of times as an emergency stomach settler, obviously that wont stop you from getting a bug but it does help me if im feeling worked up or worried

  3. #3

    Default Re: oil of oregano/tips for staying healthy

    Yea, I guess I should just be on top of washing my hands and being careful with things. It's just annoying living in a house with a bunch of people who I don't think are the cleanest and it worries me about what germs they're bringing home. I have heard of peppermint and I've chewed gum a few times when my stomach is upset. I just heard about this oregano oil while I was researching but it seems to only be available online. Thanks for your help!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Dallas, Texas

    Default Re: oil of oregano/tips for staying healthy

    If you live in the US try Central Market/Whole Foods/Sprouts/GNC. Any health food store should have it. I buy mine at Central Market. I use it as an immune booster.



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