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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Cleveland, OH

    Angry Calm to Panicky in 2.3 seconds.

    I was doing so good with my phobia over Christmas. I felt pretty good and all was well. Nobody at any of the 4 parties I went to were sick. I was feeling great! I got to work on Wednesday and one lady had called off because she was sick and another lady has a house full of people sick. The lady that was off yesterday is already back today and she talked about how she was throwing up all day yesterday The lady that had the house full of sick people still hasn't caught it but she isn't feeling good today and thinks she might be coming down with it. How can i go from feeling so calm to so panicked in 2.3 seconds. Ugh. I was all happy because nobody i knew was sick and now everyone i know is sick... Blah. This is stupid. The girls that are sick at work (we only have 10 people in 1 big room in the office) keep saying that I've been exposed along with everyone in the room and we'll all be taking turns getting it now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Calm to Panicky in 2.3 seconds.

    Poor you , I feel for you , it's horrible that total sense of panic that descends on you , try and remember that you will be fine if you just wash your hands and make sure you don't put your hands near your face . My older daughter was sick twice last night and I'm only just feeling a little calmer xxxx take care and be strong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Cleveland, OH

    Default Re: Calm to Panicky in 2.3 seconds.

    The worst part is i'm so panicky that i was headed to the bathroom to go pee and heard the lady in the bathroom whose family is sick and I darted out of there but she was flushing when i was in there so i'm worried that the particles will make me sick even if she hasn't been sick yet. I darted without even peeing. By the time i get home in 6 hours i'll really have to pee hahaha.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Calm to Panicky in 2.3 seconds.

    I know how you feel! I've avoided the sv like the plague this year and was doing well but then I came to stay with family over the holidays, there is 7 of us in the house, and only 2 of us have not caught the sv*, me being one of them. So I feel like I'm going to catch it, I'm just waiting on catching it. We only have the one bathroom as well so I really am doomed. The wait is killing me. But just aslong as you wash your hands and keep your distance and stuff you will be fine! I doubt you'll catch anything I've managed 5 days without catching it and I'm stuck in a house with them.. you'll get through this!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: Calm to Panicky in 2.3 seconds.

    Go pee. You do not have to touch the seat if you do not feel comfortable. Just wash your hand real good and you will be fine. You are not doomed. It will be ok.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Cleveland, OH

    Default Re: Calm to Panicky in 2.3 seconds.

    I have been sanitizing my hands and staying at my work station all day. The only mistake that i've made that i'm worried about is i touched the microvewave and then touched the center of my pizza with my finger to see if it was hot enough and i didn't sanitize before doing that. I'm worried because i know the sick people have used the microwave today and i could have picked up something there and then touched my pizza. Blah

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: Calm to Panicky in 2.3 seconds.

    Do not let this phobia get the best of you. This phobia makes you overthink and think irrational thoughts. Loose yourself in your work to distract your mind. Hang in there. Proud of you for eating.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Cleveland, OH

    Default Re: Calm to Panicky in 2.3 seconds.

    I always still eat. Eating makes me feel normal. As long as I am hungry i feel like maybe i'm okay. Otherwise I start getting nervous if i'm not hungry. I'm back at work today and the one lady never did end up sick even though everyone in her house had it. She's been staying with her mom a couple nights this week to help take care of her dad and that may be what saved her from getting it. Her boyfriend got it but he took an anti nausea and ended up never throwing up. I have anti nauseas left over from when I was pregnant (I miscarried at 10 weeks) so I will keep those on hand in case hubby or I get it and hopefully that would keep us from throwing up.



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