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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Other ways emetophobia makes you feel poorly

    I'm not sure this is the right forum, or really needed, nor am I sure I worded the title very well! But basically i've been thinking of this for a day or two. Does anyone else think that on some level, the stress of worrying about getting ill actually makes us a little bit ill? I know stress causes nausea, but it feels even more than that. Given the stress of the winter and how worrying it can be with someone with emet, I've been feeling really tired, getting head aches, random belly aches, random bouts out of nowhere of panic and worry and depression; feel disorientated, like there's far too much on my mind. Feel like it's hard to focus on anything. Basically feel like i've had a year's worth of bad stress and need a holiday, feel exhausted! I know a lot of you are probably thinking "well yeah, duh" but it's literally only just dawned on me how debilitating this can be, how tiresome and draining, both mentally and physically. I always feel guilty too for feeling generally unwell when i'm not unwell, and i guess that doesn't help either.

    Basically I want the winter to be over already so i can go back to my ordinary, not-dreading-every-single-day way of life XD not that it ever truly goes away ...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Other ways emetophobia makes you feel poorly

    I worry too much about touching door knobs everywhere I go! ESP school, then I touch my purse, then my pencil, and then leave class, touch my car door, then touch my car and steering wheel. It freaks me out. Sometimes I go to the bathroom after class just so I can wash my hands before touching my car. Then I go home and spray lysol on/in my purse and sometimes spray my pencils LOL

    It's also crazy because I put my iphone in a ziploc at work and school, and go home and take it out of the bag after I wash my hands, so that I can touch it without my phone being exposed.

    I am stressed 24/7!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: Other ways emetophobia makes you feel poorly

    Yes, definitely. I also experience stomach aches, headaches (sometimes), and frequent upset stomachs that all seem to go away whenever I'm relaxed. You know what's funny? I didn't experience bad nausea or anything like that before I actually realised about 4 months ago I had emetophobia. Sure, I had the odd occasional days where I did, but it was never this bad. I always knew I hated being s*, but never thought I had a phobia of it. Since then, I've noticed my physical symptoms are a lot worse. I'm nauseous everyday, get upset stomach frequently etc etc. UGH.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Other ways emetophobia makes you feel poorly

    It effects me in different ways but daily and regularly always.

    I seem to have this new found realization of food digesting when I eat. For example, when I take a bite of something I am really concious of it moving down my throat and into my stomach (whereas a few years back I probably didn't even feel that).

    I get dizziness, nausea, feeling sick, acid, needing to burp. etc

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Other ways emetophobia makes you feel poorly

    Ive had years of constant nausea, dizziness, GERD and general aches throughout my body. I never had these problems before my n* attack some years ago, so yes anxiety and fear bread physical symptoms imo.



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