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Thread: Doom and gloom!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Doom and gloom!

    Oh my...seems my neighbours child, who is in y sons class at school has the v* bug, started about an hour ago, now I am paranoid my boys will get it, and being a single mum with emet it's a nightmare!! I haven't been on here for a few weeks as I found my emet got worse reading all the panicking posts!! I don't know what to do, my Dr. Gave me cyclazine for sickness thro some medication I take for cluster headaches, but since NORO been about I take one at night....just in case...getting to stage where I am starving myself so if I get it then I can't v*.....mind u, a friends little girl had it bad thro mon night, tues morning early hours, and today is right as rain...keep trying to rationalise that it's 48 hours at most....and really out of 65million ppl really only 1.5million get it, round that up to 2million for the people who don't report it, and hey, it's not bad odds to be bug free!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Coventry, UK

    Default Re: Doom and gloom!

    Hey, I get now you feel I have a 13 yr old boy who has questionable hygiene lol
    Just remember that kids pick all sort of tummy bugs up and may not even be noro! The press have blown it out of proportion if you ask me!
    Try to eat, bring hungry makes my *n worse! It can and will get better! Think of the amount of kids that get sick and the parents never get a thing! Do your boys normally get sick? I don't think mine has ever had an actual *sv, some people just aren't as likely to pick something up whereas some kids get something everytime these things do the rounds!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Doom and gloom!

    Been sick about 4 times each....4 yr old and 7yo...so nothing drastic, dumb thing is, I can clean it up, and if they ill during day that's fine, I can JUST about cope...it's the nights that are worse! I hate being s* but after I think...Well that wasn't so bad....I managed to get to it. And for two days I am like " YEAH!! Go me!!" Then within 2more days the emet creeps back in. Every noise, move they make in the night makes my blood run cold, my legs go to jelly...I sweat, and generally panic!! Luckily my partner who lives down the road takes his phone to bed, so if the worst happens I ring him lol I cannot rationalise WHY I am like this, I don't live like some emets ( NO offence meant) but I use public transport, eat out, eat at friends, etc, but if anyone says the got the s bug then I avoid them like the plague. My boys good at washing their hands, I bleach the loo often, and use that spray disinfectant, so I believe I am cleaner than most (again NO offence meant but some non emets don't use bleach the way we do!!) did think I would see a councillor, I went once...and tbh I doubt they would have helped....I can't pinpoint anytime that's set this off....but something must have...sigh

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Coventry, UK

    Default Re: Doom and gloom!

    I saw a councillor and it has helped so much, always worth a second try if things get on top of you! I was in a really bad place last year, only left the house for work and avoided people! Seeing the councillor and going to a self help group called 'share' for anxiety/depression helped more than I can say! I know feel like I'm living life again which is so nice, still worry about noro and bugs but not as much! Still won't touch door knobs unless I really have to! Your stronger than you realise and we all have it in us to beat this, just takes time and willpower!



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