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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default New joiner. *v free years??

    Hi people, just joined the other day and was hoping to get some feedback to a few questions. I'm quite a severe sufferer and I'm a 29 year old guy, and it seems there are very little guys that suffer from this ( does nothing for my masculinity!). I literally have no fears of anything at all! Just this. I still love clubs and bars and dint think about it when I'm out, but if friends are I'll I don't see them for weeks, I dissect food by cutting it open to check the middle to check it's cooked and never been on rollacosters or anything like that due to this. My question is how long have you beev *v free?. This is my 19th year. All it makes me think is its my turn because it's been so long. Also who has had norovirus without *v?? I can handle *d no problem!.

    Thanks in advance! - also if anyone knows how I can pit a profile pic up would be grateful. Always good to see who your talking too x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    bedford, unit kingdom

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hey m8, hows you, your not the only guy, like you i have been suffering for years, , my record for being vomit free was 34 years, i finally broke the cycle last year when I caught a norovirus, after all those years about worrying about it, it wasn't that much of a big deal, the unfortunate thing about it throwing up, will not cure phobia, so it returned twice as bad.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hi Alex-London,

    I'm new here too, welcome to the forum! I have severe emet and OCD so am almost housebound just now. The last time I puked was 5 years ago, I'm desperately trying to avoid catching anything this year. About 7 years ago I got norovirus, all of my family threw up but I didn't.

    ps. I've also spent the last 2 years thinking that I'm 'due' a virus but it doesn't work like that- you're just as likely to puke a year after your last time as you are 10 years or 20 years later!
    Last edited by emet-ana; 01-10-2013 at 03:01 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Cheers Zombie0037. Good to see another guy here. I've been I'll a few times. No idea what they are, but never *v. I have usually stopped myself. Just this norovirus people seem to get it bad, but I just think when a regular person feels nausea they just let nature take it's course. Whereas me, I would fight all the way to prevent it. Is it true some people don't *v with it??. And heard blood type can prevent it. You did well not to get noro for 34 years!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Thanks emet ana. I think 90% of people catch it through having young children or people that work within hospitals etc. Obviously of someone *v while out then there is a possibility, but I haven't seen anyone yet. Plus we have good hearing and eagle eyes being emetophobic so we don't get it as much. Still annoys me this time of year. I just wash hands before I eat anything and never touch my face, or at least try not too. Hopefully we will all miss it.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Welcome! I am new here too! I don't ever remember throwing up. Which scares me to death. I have felt VERY sick, had D* (which doesn't bother me at all, i can handle it) but never thrown up that I can remember, not even when I was younger.
    I don't have kids, and don't want children because of my phobia and other reasons. I stay away from hospitals, clinics and old-age homes, especially this time of year. I stay away from people that work in those places, and I *try* to stay away from people with Children. This all may sound ridiculous, but i'm sure some of you can relate.
    Especially this time of year I sanitize my desk, always wash my hands, and alot more other OCD type things im sure you all do.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Portland, OR

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    [QUOTE=Alex-London;445462]Hi people, just joined the other day and was hoping to get some feedback to a few questions. I'm quite a severe sufferer and I'm a 29 year old guy, and it seems there are very little guys that suffer from this ( does nothing for my masculinity!). /QUOTE]

    Welcome to the forums. I'm a guy too, so you aren't alone! I've been v free for 18 years. That was actually only having dry heaves, so don't know if that counts or not. As far as actual v goes, it would be more like 32 years (last time was when I was 8 years old and I'm 40 now).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hi again guys,

    Just wondering for those that haven't been sick in over 10 years- do you know your blood types? apparently some blood types are immune to norovirus or likely to get it less severely.
    I had quite a lot of nasty stomach bugs as a little girl despite being emetophobic from age 7 and always avoiding anyone that was throwing up.
    For the past few years I've been really careful with hygiene and avoided the infections that my family have caught but I was looking after kids 5 years ago and caught a non-norovirus infection (it might have been rotavirus as it was very mild) because a baby put her fingers in my mouth!

    Lianne- what you said doesn't sound ridiculous at all. Emetophobia can be quite limiting really!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Portland, OR

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Yes, mine is O+. Not sure if that's one of the blood types or not.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hi lianne & ewilkins. Thanks for replying. Ewilkins it's good to see I'm not the only guy, when one posts they seem to pop out the woodwork. Sure there are many more. If you've never been I'll like that Lianne that's good, your obviously doing things right.

    Ewilkins, 32 years is good! Why do you think emets have such long records. My belief is our hygiene is higher and most normal people with nausea just let nature do what it wants, but we put up a fight?. It's interesting the blood type thing. Read it was blood type AB & B. But not sure if correct

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hi. Goto the top of the page and click settings. On your left you will see edit avatar. This is the one that shows up when you message. FYI even threads in private can be found using a google search if someone tries hard enough.

    Some who v... after a long period of time do not have their phobia get worse. Some get cured. We are all individuals.

    If Doug (Gumdropper1) does not respond to this in a couple days, try contacting him. He has stats on v.. free people and anything v.. related.


    I am a girl. My pic is my teenage crush.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Thanks Cynna. You uk also?. Thanks about the pic uploading I will try it soon as. I have seen Dougs posts, he seems to know loads! Would like to know his length of years *v free.

    Rest of year I'm cool think about *v only everynow and then. Winter is a different story. Hardly sleep as think I will wake up with it. Sad I know. But can't help it. Hurry up vaccobd so I can have a normal life with proper sleeping patterns!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    I meant vaccine not vaccobd! Sorry it's my iPhone

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Top right of a post has the person's location if they choose to display it. Mine is Midwest USA. Indiana.

    Many on here are afraid of v.. in their sleep.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hey Alex-London! Welcome to the forum. I think you need like, 15 posts before you can put a display picture up. Also, you live pretty close to me.
    Virtue - "You don't need a reason to help people"

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Thanks again Cynna. Still learning my way about the site. Hi Rls1994. Thanks. Yeah I can't see anywhere to upload a pic, maybe your right. I live close to you? Your London too then.... Good to see other emets and speak with them makes me feel less isolated, and a good place to go to read posts to releive anxiety.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Nope, I don't live in London. I live like, 50 miles away from you but anything within the 50 mile range is close to me. :P This site has been extremely helpful. There's lots of wonderful people here that will support you. You've definitely come to the right place.
    Virtue - "You don't need a reason to help people"

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    I guess that is close... Depending which direction. Yeah I have always googled stuff, and had my eye on this site and obe day decided to join. List of people know a lot about this and *sv's so I read a lot of posts!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hi Alex, I'm also male, and I'm vomit free for 37 years as of tomorrow morning. I might have had norovirus 12 years ago and didn't vomit from it. There is no such thing as being "due" for vomiting. On this site we discuss lots of ways of preventing vomiting. Please also read my Emetophobia and Vomiting FAQs at http://emetophobia.byethost15.com.

    To learn more about emetophobia, see
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    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Colorado, USA

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hello Alex,

    I'm new here too! It really is nice to know I am not alone with this fear. As for your question, I have never been sick. I have gotten the Norovirus, but have never gotten sick with it. Hopefully I can keep it that way too! I honestly do think that having the tummy bug doesn't necessarily mean you will vomit.
    I totally get where you are coming from when you say you cut your food up to see if its cooked! It drives my mum crazy, but you can't be too careful, right?

    Anyway, great to meet you!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hey there, welcome to the forum!

    I'm fairly new here too, been around for a few months only. I'm a girl, late twenties, and I haven't vomited from a virus in about 21 years or so. Had dry heaves due to migraines a few times and possibly from a virus once, and got sick from alcohol twice but that's about it. I don't think the migraines and hangovers count really though. I don't catch viruses very often because I am very careful, but when I do catch them I manage to get away with just other symptoms and no vomiting (I do get nausea though). I had norovirus once when I was a little kid, I don't even remember it really except for the image of a toilet in our hotel room and there was a picture taken of me looking more dead than alive.. but I honestly have no recollection of how severe the illness was. My parents said I was sick a few times, though. And it's not like there's a timer that starts to countdown after the last time you were sick, it all comes down to good hygiene and a bit of luck!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hi Doug. Thank you for the link it's a great read!!. Also very glad to see another male here, it's always reassuring. 37 years is amazing. Gives a lot of people hope no doubt. Thanks again

    Hi evee. Never *v is amazing. I do constantly cut food up whether this is in or out. Any doubt and I leave it. I'm seem to wake 3-4 times a week at like 5am feeling *n which is annoying. I sometimes also have issues swallowing! Lol. No idea why I think maybe I focus on it, and then it gets to a stage where I can't swallow. There's 100s of things I do, which annoy me.

    Hi Avd. Good to know you can have noro without the *v thanks for the post. I may try this grape juice as well. Seems many have had success. Thanks to all replies xx

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Portland, OR

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hey Alex, it's hard to say what seems to prevent emets from v as much as our counterparts. Like you mentioned...I think it's because we tend to have better hygiene. I also think it's because most of us will go to great lengths to prevent ourselves from it when we feel n. Either way, I'm just glad that I don't do it often! *knocks on wood*. I think you'll find this forum to be a great place to vent!

  24. #24

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Hi Alex! I haven't v'd for 8 years. And for the sv* immunity... blood type b provides some protection, as does being a non-secretor. Around 20% of whites & blacks are non-secretors. Non-secretors have 100% protection from most strains of sv*, although there are a few that can infect them. If you have 1 copy of the non-secretor genes, then you have partial protection.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Thanks what's non secretor? Apologies.

  26. #26

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Most people's cells secrete their blood type antigens and most strains of norovirus infect you by latching onto them, but if you don't secrete the antigens they have nowhere to attach to so you don't get infected.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Thanks aquamarinist

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    I don't know if I believe in this non secretor stuff. My hubby is AB and my daughter is B and they both get noro worse than me and I'm a O. Welcome to the Forums, Alex.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    Quote Originally Posted by Grace47 View Post
    I don't know if I believe in this non secretor stuff. My hubby is AB and my daughter is B and they both get noro worse than me and I'm a O. Welcome to the Forums, Alex.

    Non-secretors can be found across any blood type groups, the b type thing is a different thing altogether that also might offer protection.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: New joiner. *v free years??

    I live in London too, as for gastric bugs, I haven`t had one in over 40 years, when I was pregnant & my immune system was low. I caught it from a sick baby whose mother insisted on bringing into the hostel where I was living every evening. I live on my own with no contact with children, but every time I set foot out of doors I`m scared that I`ll come into contact with norovirus, & I try to steer clear of anyone who looks ill. Iv`e been v free for 16 years this month, & if I`d been teetotal I would have been clean for 40 years.



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