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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wisconsin, USA

    Default Hi, I'm new here!

    This is going to be kind of long, so please bear with me. Well, I'm 15 years old, and this phobia started in the 2nd grade. I v'd in school on January 13th, 2005. So I've basically had this phobia for 8 years. I haven't v'd since then thank god. After that day I couldn't leave the house. When I would go to school, I would go home early literally every day, either that or just stay home. I became home schooled a month later. For years I couldn't even hear the word without having an anxiety attack, now I can talk about it with only feeling a little anxious. Now, 8 years later, it's still bad. Between the grades of 3rd and 8th, I would miss school if I even had the slightest stomach ache(which would be often because I was so anxious). If somebody at school complained of a stomach ache, I went home. My attendance was terrible. In 6th grade, I started failing classes because I was so behind everybody else. I would constantly have panic attacks, and everybody viewed me as an outcast because I was always washing my hands and not touching anything. Now I'm home schooled again(for other reasons not due to emet) and I want to go back to school next year. I think I might be able to deal with it because well, usually high school students are smart enough to know that if you feel sick you should stay home. Still, even when not in school, if I hear somebody say they feel sick, I have a panic attack. I don't even want to discuss what happens when I see somebody v.. . I can't eat in public without having an anxiety attack. I'm scared to have kids in the future because of morning sickness. Luckily I am an adrenaline junkie, so I don't get motion sickness unless like I ride a carnival ride while on my period or something like that. I don't like being around little kids because they touch so many dirty items and aren't that good at washing their hands. And I live in a constant state of terror...whens the next time I'm going to v? Will I see somebody v today? Does anybody I know have a virus? It's a constant struggle, and I don't want to have to deal with this for the rest of my life. Sorry this is so long, but does anybody have any tips to at least cope with it? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wisconsin, USA

    Default Re: Hi, I'm new here!

    Oh, and one other thing that I forgot to add in there. When I was little, I would never eat. I would literally go days without eating, because I was terrified of getting sick. I would end up passing out sometimes. Now I still sometimes go a week or so without barely eating anything, but it's nothing like it was when I was younger. Due to me never eating when I was little, I have no appetite ever now. And I'm really skinny and underweight. I eat lots of junk food because it's not as filling as an actual meal, and the feeling of a full stomach scares me. Which means I'm lacking important nutrients, which can still get me sick! It's like a lose-lose situation, and I don't know what to do..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: Hi, I'm new here!

    Hi Amanda. Firstly definitely eat. If you did get ill and *v (which you won't!) it won't matter if you have eaten or not. Your body needs food to fight things like this and be strong. Us emets are very hygienic so just worry about your hygiene and wash hands before you eat anything and rinse them well and you will be fine!. There are loads of people on here who have been ill with an sv but did not v. Most people here have not v for 10 20 even 30 years!. Just don't let it rule your life. Have fun and stop thinking you will be ill, you won't. Google noro myths and emetophobia FAQs. This will help you. Eat fruit, take vitamins drink water and eat regular meals. Small if need be. You will build a strong immune system, much better than not eating. Do you have motillium where you live? Buy a pack kept it on you and that usually helps me along with my day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wisconsin, USA

    Default Re: Hi, I'm new here!

    Okay thanks for the advice! Yeah whenever I get anxious about eating I just keep reminding myself that not eating will be worse in the long run.



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