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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Is there anything that can help this phobia? It is taking over my life!

    Here I go again - the fear and anxiety over getting the stomach bug. I am not young like most of you here. I am 60 yrs. old. I always had a fear of having it, but it wasn't so bad when my kids were small. I have gotten really bad in the last few years. I think about it all the time - even dream that someone has it right next to me. I get scared and wake up. I feel so foolish at my age, but it is very real. I only have had a couple of real panic attacks. Normally, I am just jittery and nervous and thinking about it all the time. My husband, who is normally very sensitive to me, won't even discuss it. He looks at me like I have two heads or something. I feel very much alone in this since I can't even talk to my husband or my sister - they just don't get it. My daughter, who is a Social Worker, listens and gives me support but I don't think she can really understand it either. As I write this, I am shaky and don't want to go anywhere. I am so afraid to go to a restaurant in case someone is sick that is handling my food! I have not been around anyone who is sick, so why should I even be thinking about it? I tried to explain to my husband this way - if someone has a phobia about snakes, would you not understand if someone put a snake in front of him and he freaked out?? He could maybe understand that, but not my phobia. "Afterall, it is a natural thing for the body to do!" he says. Yeah, right. I try to rationalize it and think like a "normal" person, but it comes right back. Thanks for listening as I vent to you. Thanks for being people that listen. Stay well everyone! Sincerely, Linda

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: Is there anything that can help this phobia? It is taking over my life!

    I am 42. Lifelong emet.

    Therapy is great. Meds can help some. Not trying to push meds. I take prozac. It has helped with my depression and taken my anxeity down a few notches.

    Our minds get stuck in a loop. Thoughts circle over and over and over again in our heads. Some of these thoughts are irrational and obsessive. Try deep breathing exercises, meditation, or just distracting your mind. You can watch a comedy, knit, sing, dance, anything to get your mind off the sv.

    Emetophobiahelp.org is a good resource.

    Try not to research noro.


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    Kick emets a....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wisconsin, USA

    Default Re: Is there anything that can help this phobia? It is taking over my life!

    I'm on the other end of the spectrum, I'm one of the younger ones here. 15. I get what you mean by feeling alone, I don't even want my mom to know about it, and only my boyfriend and a few of my friends know how serious this phobia is for me. Like Cynna said, don't research noro. it will feed the anxious thoughts. The more you try to re assure yourself, the more your brain thinks "oh, so getting the stomach bug is dangerous, if she keeps re assuring herself I must avoid it" Instead of thinking, "i wont get the stomach bug, everything will be okay", think "If I do get it, I will cope. I am strong and I will get through this". It is hard at first, but if you do end up getting sick, it will help you cope a lot more. Therapy really does work wonders. If your anxiety is bad enough, you can get put on medication, but that's totally up to the doctors. I hope you feel better, and try to hang tough

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Is there anything that can help this phobia? It is taking over my life!

    My grandmother has this phobia, too and she is going to be turning 75 so you're definitely not alone! I wish I had advice for you though, I suffer from it too and am 21. I try to push myself to do things and setbacks will definitely happen.. I feel like the phobia comes with it's high and low points. I think medicine and therapy is the best idea, just having someone to talk to who understands and listens and a shoulder to cry on when you've had a bad time will make you feel better. Plus, we're always here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Northeast USA

    Default Re: Is there anything that can help this phobia? It is taking over my life!

    Hey Winnie, I'm 52 and in the same situation as you, and I'm definitely worse now than when we were bringing up the kids. The media goes crazy and we listen. I shouldn't even go on twitter, because when I did this morning, someone announced they were down with the sv. Next thing happens is my IBS kicked in and now I don't even want to leave the house. That's why I like coming to this website so that I know others "get it". As Cynna and the others wrote above, put it in perspective. I have to keep remembering that there are things that we love to do, and people that we love to see. It's what makes life GOOD. Not being scared of something that may or may not happen. Hugs to you.
    "Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn't change anything. It messes with your mind and steals your happiness" -unknown

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Is there anything that can help this phobia? It is taking over my life!

    Thanks everyone for giving me such kind words...Yesterday was a bad one. I read how this new norovirus is spreading the U.S. I just made myself sick just thinking of it. My stomach was gueasy the whole day. I would think at my age that there would be more serious things to worry about - but my mind won't let me. Normally, I am a rational person and take things in stride. When I say things like, "If I ever get cancer, I will never take the chemo because it will make me v..." to my husband, he really gets upset. But, I mean it. I have read on here that some women don't want to get pregnant because of morning sickness. In my younger days, it wasn't as bad as it is now. I am on antidepressants, but it doesn't really help my panic. Anyway, I do appreciate your responses. Have a great day! Linda



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