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  1. #1

    Default So I actually v*ed.

    Okay. So let's start our story at the beginning!!
    I was hanging out at my friends house and I drank a coke. This was a bad choice and my stomach pretty much immediately started to hurt. I've been trying to just deal with this stuff head on, and I'm used to always feeling uneasy, so I sat with it for awhile. I ate some lasagna and this was also a bad choice!! I ended up having a diarrhea attack and this helped a little bit but I still felt sick. So I'm sitting in my friend's bed shaking and trying to be chill and telling my mom to come get me, when suddenly I get dizzy and my hands tingle and I just v*. Weirdly enough, I was kind of okay when it happened. I was shaking and scared but I wasn't crying or anything. It helped that my friend understood my anxiety and everything so he was really chill and helpful.
    I drank lots of water and took a bunch of medicine but I couldn't move for a couple hours because I felt really sick still and I knew it was going to come again. I ended up v*ing again, and then pressure in my stomach went down quite a lot and I was able to go home. I really feel like I handled it all really well, I was frightened but I was okay.

    When I got home I had a bad and even though I felt kind of sick still I ended up falling asleep around two or something. I woke up at four, v*ed a little bit again, and then fell back asleep after some tossing and turning.
    I slept on and off for the rest of the day, then came downstairs at two or so and just relaxed on the couch. My dad got me gatorade and I've been taking sips of it all day.
    It's six now and I haven't v*ed again, but I keep having diarrhea. I don't feel super nauseas but my body is sore all over and despite me handling this all pretty well I feel SO anxious. I was fine when it was all happening but now I just really don't want to do it again even if it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. My phobia still isn't gone and I'm just really scared because I want to be okay.

    I just don't know what to do. Should I be okay?? What's wrong with me? Norovirus? Food poisoning? I'm freaking out about it and I just want this all to be passed me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    Bribri, if you would like to chat, please join us in the chat room: http://www.emetophobia.org/forumdisp...etophobia-Chat!

    Sorry you vomited, Bri. It sounds like noro. It came on slowly and suddenly enough that you were OK eating lasagna, and then sudden vomiting. If you are done vomiting, then the worst is probably over. Keep doing what you're doing. Just in case it's bacterial food poisoning, it would probably be a good idea to keep up with the diarrhea, and try to remain lying down as much as you can.

    Last edited by gumdropper1; 01-26-2013 at 08:05 PM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    Sorry to hear you were sick It does sound like a bug since you were sick so many times and had d* as well. It could be noro, yes, but it could be another bug too. The good news is that it is probably close to being over, those bugs don't usually last very long. Try to stick to clear liquids for food for at least a day and then try to re-introduce solids foods a little bit at a time if you feel you can handle it (toast, bananas are good.. avoid dairy for a few days). Make sure to keep drinking lots of fluids because you could get dehydrated. You will be ok, but you might feel a bit unwell for a few more days. You can ask your dad to pick up gastrolyte packets, they help stop diarrhea by balancing the fluid intake in your body but they're not dangerous like imodium in case it's bacterial. Rest, drink a lot of fluids and you will be fine. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Northern California

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    keep sipping on liquids, have some toasts or crackers when you're ready, and hang in there!

    also you can use a heating pad for your back/stomach if it's sore. that's what i did last time

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    Sorry you were feeling bad. Try to just sip water or fluids when you are sick until your body can handle more. Hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you handled it pretty well.

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    Kick emets a....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bridgeport, CT

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    Sounds like a bug sorry you got sick. Hope you feel better soon. The spda
    probably didn't help with the pressure either soda makes
    Me ffeel funny too sometimes.

    Feel better soon!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Wisconsin, USA

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    So sorry you were sick You handled it a lot better than I would have! It sounds like noro, or maybe another milder sv. Keep drinking fluids, rest a lot, and slowly introduce yourself back to food. Feel better!

  8. #8

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    Sounds like Noro. I don't know you, but I'm very proud of you for handling the situation the way that you did.

    I'd say that the worst of your ordeal is over. At this point I think you should just rest, take it easy, and allow your body to recover for a couple of days.

    You'll feel better soon enough! Congratulations on handling it as well as you did. I don't know about the others here, but it made me feel a bit better about getting sick.

    Feel better!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    Well done for coping so well with this. Don't let emetophobia try to creep in and tell you that you won't be able to cope with being sick again- should it happen then you will cope like you did this time.

    I doubt you'll v* again with this virus because you've gone a long time without v* now. If you're very frightened about getting ill again then you could ask for anti-emetics.

    How long after feeling uncomfortable from the coke did you v*?

    I'm sure you'll be okay now, apart from a little d*. Get well soon!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    You handled it well. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    New South Wales, Australia

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    Sounds like you (and kudos to your friend btw, always good to have solid support) handled it fantasic. Obviously no one enjoys getting ill but emets which do and handle it as well as you did are a good example to all that it is not the end of the world. I hope you are feeling much better.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United States

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    You handled this so well, and I'm very thankful you posted your story. It's very encouraging to hear that you weren't terrified or panicking while you were sick. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but it seems like the anxiety afterwards may be more distressing than the actual v*ing. Just remember what you said, that it "wasn't as bad" as you thought it would be, to hopefully keep you from feeling anxious. You will be fine. Sounds like the worst part is over and you should feel 100% soon. Could have been a virus or food poisoning.. don't think you can know that without a test. Way to go though! You're so brave!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    Good job. I could never be so strong. Just know that the worst is over. And if it was a bug, your body will most likely be immune to it for the season, so the worst is over. Don't think about it, you survived and you will feel better soon.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States

    Default Re: So I actually v*ed.

    I got no shame - I would have been in the fetal position crying and shaking in the corner...no joke! You handled it really well and hopefully the experience will help you get past the fear! Great job and I hope you feel better soon.



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