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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Really scared and having panic attacks

    Hi, I'm new to this site so I thought I'd sign up as it seems really helpful and full of friendly people going through emetophobia just like myself
    Anyway, on Saturday night I ate half a pizza for tea then at 10pm I had a can of coke (I shouldn't drink this because it usually bloats me and makes me feel sick) but I was with friends so didn't care much. Then at 5pm Sunday morning I woke up feeling sick. It passed within an hour, but then came back again- and I realised my stomach was hungry and I had trapped wind in my throat. This feeling made me feel really sick, and my body was forcing itself to gag- so I panicked so much and went crying to my mum, who made me have some dried toast and water. After this I went back to the toilet , gagged again while having a panic attack and was eventually sick twice. It was so so horrible. But the wind seemed to pass after I'd been sick. I felt sick for an hour after that, my mum said I made myself sick from panic, but I seem to think it was something else. I wasn't sick at all after that, and was eating fine all day, but night came and I had a panic attack again worrying I would be sick again.
    Yesterday I started on prescribed tablets by the doctor 'omeprazole' to help wi my acid reflux, will these help? And I just want to really know what this could have been? All last week I wasn't eating my regular meals, so don't know if it was to do with a bad diet, and if I don't eat before bed I wake up feeling sick and hungry.
    just need some reassurance and calming down because I'm panicking a lot right now. I really appriciate the help best wishes!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: Really scared and having panic attacks

    Sounds to me like you ate bad and your tummy didn't like that. Coke is very hard on the stomach and you ate late at night which is not good for digestion. Panic can make you feel sick. I think it was a combination of the food and panic. If you had a virus I doubt you would have felt fine and ate normally that day.



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