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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Having a really bad night :(

    Hey, I had flu a month ago and haven't felt right since (also it turned into a chest infection and was put on antibiotics which have destroyed my stomach). I got another cold last week too. My nose is clear but the cough and phlegm in my throat has persisted. Tonight I feel so nauseous. I can feel gunk in my throat, it feels sore and everytime I cough it's full of phlegm and I feel like I want to gag (sorry for TMI). Why why why do I feel nauseous? What can I do? Everytime I get this bad with this phlegm I feel sick and then convince myself it's Noro. But I have no tummy pain, no d... Just a throat absolutely full of snot. And it just won't go away. Having this for a month has been so stressful. It's 2am here in the UK and I need to sleep but I'm terrified of waking up v*. The nausea is real - it's not anxiety. But it's a nausea that's a gaggy type of nausea, more in the throat and chest than in the stomach. And I've just started a new medication which can cause nausea.

    Just so tired of this and going to the doctors is useless and they just tell you it's a viral cold thingy that will clear away itself. Fair enough - but after a month you start to really get fed up. Please help xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Having a really bad night :(

    It sounds like you have two things going on-too much phlegm, which is irritating to the stomach, and an already irritated stomach from the antibiotics. I would suggest some probiotics like acidophilus to rebuild your gi flora, and try to keep something in your stomach, something small like crackers or whatever appeals to you, to cut down on the irritation from the phlegm. I hope you feel better soon!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Having a really bad night :(

    Thanks - I think I've underestimated how much antibiotics and phlegm can irritate the stomach. I know deep down the nausea isn't going to actually make me v* but the irrational side of me persists. Eating does help! And definitely going to try the probiotics. I had over-the-counter anti-nausea tablets which help but my doctor is reluctant to prescribe anything for it - mainly because he knows I have anxiety I think and he doesn't think it's a physical problem, more a psychological issue x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Having a really bad night :(

    It does sound like too much phlegm. I hope you can get to the bottom of this. If you don't mind eating it, I cured my phlegmy throat with hot sauce.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Having a really bad night :(

    It's really really really annoying. Today it's snowing here again and it aggravates this persisting cough and it's literally making me wretch. I'm coughing up what I can - I don't think it's still a bacterial infection though as the phlegm is clear (sorry for TMI). I'm just going to have to ride it out I guess. Hot sauce is a great idea! Haha!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: Having a really bad night :(

    That`s the thing that really p*sses me off about colds, the way they leave you coughing for weeks afterwards, it seems so unnesesary for them to hang around for so long!



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