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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Midwest, USA

    Default Anti Nausea Meds?

    Hi guys! I have been suffering from a lot of issues with my stomach for a very long time now. Thursday, the gastroenterologist put me on Zofran. I took it all day Friday, and at first I felt amazingly better. Later that day and through the night though, I had a lot of stomach cramping and become completely unable to have a BM - it was like my bowels weren't moving at all. I stopped taking it over the night and morning today to see if I could get my bowels moving again...I have, but I've also become very ill...needing to V. I went ahead and bought some stool softener/bowel stimulant pills to take with the Zofran and I went ahead and took a dose of the Zofran. I still don't feel great...but it has kicked in and helped somewhat. Can anyone give me advice or have any stories about experiences with this and other medications for N and V? Also...does anyone on here suffer from gastroparesis?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    LI NY

    Default Re: Anti Nausea Meds?

    Hey I started a thread last week called emets with stomach problems and what they are. I would look there to see what people have posted everyone has listed what kind of belly issues they have. I can tell you I have tried zofran and have not had those issues. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Default Re: Anti Nausea Meds?

    Zofran can cause serious constipation. I've only taken it a few times and I went a few days without a BM. Have you considered a less powerful antiemetic, such as Meclizine?



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