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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default feeling very n*, and like I could sneeze?

    I ate dinner about 2 hours ago, baked potato, beans and salad, nothing which could really make me that ill, but now I'm feeling so so sick. Like just thinking about my dinner is making me want to v*. I've not felt this bad in ages. My stomach doesn't hurt, its more throat nausea, but sometimes I feel like I really need to sneeze, but when that feeling comes my throat goes funny and I need to cough to make it go away. Does this happen to anyone else? I'm pretty sure I got this feeling last time I v*, so I'm doubting its just anxiety, hopefully it is! Anyone else get that sneeze feeling? Does this mean I'm gonna v*? when the sneeze feels like its coming I really feel sick! I hope this post makes sense!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: feeling very n*, and like I could sneeze?

    I get a weird feeling in my throat when my acid reflux is acting up. That might be happening to you. Try an antacid maybe dinner just didn't agree with you. If you had a virus I'm sure you would have some stomach issues too. Try to relax and sip some cold water.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    United States

    Default Re: feeling very n*, and like I could sneeze?

    It doesn't sound weird to me. My husband has reflux and sometimes when he has a coughing fit, he will sneeze two or three times real fast afterwards. So yeah, i would say its probably the feeling in your throat making you want to sneeze.

    I have problems eating a baked potato or mashed potatoes with out feeling like i swallowed a rock! My doc told me to eat other food with it like A protein and it does help. I also make sure I've taken my prilosec as well. I love beans and so i always try to eat them with rice which does the same thing to me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    United States

    Default Re: feeling very n*, and like I could sneeze?

    And looking back at your post i see you did have beans. Maybe try some prilosec?



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