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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default 3am wake ups!???

    Hi guys,

    It's currently 3:55am now. I'm male and nearly 30 FYI. For the last month I have had my nights ruined by waking up every single day at around 3-5 am Feeling very nauseated with a tight stomach, after maybe 3 hours I got back to sleep. But it's effecting my job, life everything. I have also started to get this in the day now, just sudden nausea attack (very strong) and I have to pull over or walk out of where I am, it is doing my head in. Never had this before. Can someone advise?

    Thanks again

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Washington State

    Default Re: 3am wake ups!???

    Sounds like anxiety or reflux. I'd lean towards anxiety- I had about 6 weeks of every single night situations like this, took visiting my family and having my mom point this out, to realize that I was literally doing this to myself. Being so sure it would happen and fearing it so much basically made it happen for me. Once I realized that, I actually started sleeping again and was able to be logical when I'd start fearing it- tell myself that it was just anxiety, and that I was fine. Soon it stopped being a problem for me as I continued to tell myself that I was okay. It almost was like a form of a panic attack. If that makes sense.

    Have you tried taking any reflux meds or antacids to see if that helps?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: 3am wake ups!???

    Hi thanks for the reply. I too thought it was panic attacks. No idea hey u have started to have these! . but no I haven't looked into reflux, but I will! Thank you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: 3am wake ups!???

    I would go to the dr. I was sick like that for 2 years. The first six months of me being miserable sick (just n* by the way and d* no v*) they finally did a upper scope to see what was going on and they had found a laceration and i have reflux so that was coming up and making everything worse. It was in my lower esophogus. Then I felt a little better but because I was scared for so long I was still sick for another year and a half. The finally figured out that it was stress and anxiety I had no idea it could make you that sick... but it did. I went from 120 pounds to 95 pounds in a couple of months. I couldnt eat anything but rice and bananas. It was bad. I would just go in and try to find out was is wrong. They put me on an antidepressant cymbalta and it got rid of it. I still have problems here and there but I can eat again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: 3am wake ups!???

    Definitely doesnt sound like a stomach virus tho.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Maryville, TN

    Default Re: 3am wake ups!???

    That sounds like anxiety to me. I've experienced that before, but I would get intense waves of nausea right before I would get ready to eat something. Usually I would be extremely hungry, then finally get ready to eat then get hit with nausea. I pinpointed it to some sort of subconscious anxiety, and because the nausea would pass and I could eat perfectly fine. The mind is a powerful organ.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: 3am wake ups!???

    Hey Alex

    I saw you replied to my thread so I'm having a read of yours

    You mentioned you want to try hypno.. i tried it, didn't work for me, but you may be different.

    I have been doing CBT every 3 weeks for about eight sessions so far and it's helping me out a lot - still have set backs, which is normal, but it helps. You have to be prepared to test yourself with things you avoid for it to work though. I was made to handle a load of coins in my last session and then lick my hands ( (i'm a heavy hand washer). It was totally up to me, i was not forced to do it, but i did it... and guess what... didn't harm me.

    The 3am wake up i can identify with - pretty sure it is anxiety. Does your heart feel a bit jumpy? Breathing a bit out of whack?

    I had this for about two weeks a few years ago when i was in a terrible state and lost a stone and a half in about a week (its back on now, with interest!). It is awful, night after night. One thing that helped me... STOP LOOKING AT THE CLOCK! Just shut your eyes and wait it out. I find if you look at it, your body clock remembers a bit and then the next night it happens again, and again!

    I hope you get some better sleep soon!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Warner Robins GA

    Default Re: 3am wake ups!???

    Sounds a bit like anxiety and reflux to me. I go through the same thing. Try taking zantac before bed or something like Pepcid that lasts 24 hrs. Take it right before you go to bed and see if that helps. You could also sleep with your upper body more elevated, this could help too. My husband wakes up sometimes like that, almost choking bc the acid. He has stopped eating late and we have the head of the bed lifted with a rolled up blanket under the mattress and that has seemed to help. If you feel you are having anxiety, try some deep breathing (google alternate nostril breathing) to try and get back to sleep faster....good luck!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    London United Kingdom

    Default Re: 3am wake ups!???

    Thans to all!



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