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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Pregnant and miserable...

    Hello, I'm about 7 weeks pregnant and have suffered with emetophobia for as long as I can remember. I'm miserable. I'm not happy or joyful about having a life growing inside me. Yesterday I had my first sonogram and got to see the heart beat of my tiny baby and still all I can think about is this first trimester to be over. My "morning" sickness had been manageable...but last night I vomited for the first time in at least 15 years. I haven't been able to sleep since then...I felt empowered and "better" a few seconds after vomiting but that quickly went away and turned into me fearing it'll happen again. I only vomited up water last night and I'm convinced if I vomit again it'll be MUCH worse than what I experienced last night and that's terrifying me. I should be at work now but I had to call off due to not sleeping and the slightest feeling of nausea or even the feeling of needed to burp is sending me into a panic. I should be thankful I'm not feeling nauseated all day, because like I mentioned, my nausea has been pretty manageable...but I feel like because I vomited last night my morning sickness is only going to get worse and worse and worse and the second half of my first trimester is going to be me vomiting constantly, feeling nauseous constantly, missing tons of work, and wanting to die. I'm feeling completely defeated. I feel like I never should of gotten pregnant, that this was a huge mistake, and that I'm a failure of a woman because I don't feel strong enough to get through this pregnancy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas Texas

    Default Re: Pregnant and miserable...

    I felt that way when I was first pregnant too. Your not a bad person or a bad mom. Remember you have a ton of hormones running through you right now that can mess with your emotions big time. The good new is morning sickness usually goes away at 12 weeks. Your almost there! Have you asked your doctor about getting something for the n*? I took zofran during mine and it helped a lot. Try and keep food in your stomach at all times when your not asleep, even if it is just crackers or bread. You are not alone even though it seems like it right now. You will feel more positive towards the baby once this passes trust me I have been there twice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Pregnant and miserable...

    First of all, the hormones that make you feel so awful usually peak around 6-7 weeks, so from here it should actually get better.
    I have been in your shoes, so I know how scary it is to have morning sickness as an emet. If you ask your OB, they can give you Zofran or Phenergran. And I agree, keep something on your stomach to stave off the ickies, maybe crackers or bread.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Pregnant and miserable...

    Yes, I agree--ask your doctor for something for the nausea. I had phenergan to use during my 2nd pregnancy and it really worked well for me--helped me sleep and took away the nausea, which helped me feel a lot better over all. There are meds out there that are safe during pregnancy, so why not use them?? Especially being emet. I always had a bottle of ginger-ale with me during my nauseous period; also peppermint tea (decaf. of course)--even just breathing in the peppermint aroma helped my nausea. It will get better, and you WILL get through this--I promise!! Hang in there.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pregnant and miserable...

    These ladies have given great advice. Zofran, peppermint tea, peppermints themselves. There is also something called prego pops that work. I found sour stuff worked too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Pregnant and miserable...

    First of all ((HUGS)). I know how worrisome that first trimester can be. I know it seems like it will take forever, but that first trimester will be over before you know it. I didn't v with my morning sickness, but from what I've heard the v with morning sickness is not usually violent. So, it probably won't be worse than what you experienced last night.

    Second, these ladies are right...ask your doctor to give you something for the n.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Yorkshire, UK

    Default Re: Pregnant and miserable...

    I think you should concentrate on what you said about you feeling empowered after, like after all this worrying about getting sick, when it actually happened it wasnt as bad as we all worry about? You should concentrate on that really hard. If it does happen again, I bet you can brush it off in the moment like you did last night. The worrying about it happening IS the phobia, and look, you did it and you felt empowered!!! You are so brave. I cant seriously consider I would ever have kids, and i think its because of my phobia. You've been brave enough to do it even given your fears and phobia, you can do this too. I think youre stronger than you believe you are. Try to keep calm and not let the worry of it make you feel worse. And yes, peppermint is amazing stuff. Also fennel is good for calming a tummy but its a bit weird to get used to the flavour at first. I also heard ginger in various forms is good. And flat cola; the slight bubblyness massages your tummie and the sugars give you a boost if youve not been eating as much as you should. Good luck and congratulations. Im sure itll all be worth it in the end. XXX



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