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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Co-Worker Sick in Shared Bathroom

    All-day panic attack....

    Around 10am, my co-worker said she had just V* in the bathroom that she and I share. She said her mom is sick at home with a stomach bug. After she left, I RUSHED (and I mean, I was nearly in tears, even borrowed my boss' car, saying I had a work errand) to the store, and bought grape juice, apple cider vinegar, latex gloves, and dramamine (I was out).

    Now, the issue at hand: Our bathroom. The Norovirus can live on surfaces for 3 weeks? So, what do I do? My boss is already rolling his eyes at me and won't tell me where the bleach is. He even said "You know, you're all worried about germs and stuff, and you're the one with the cough. You're spreading your germs all around the office every time you cough." THAT'S NOT THE ISSUE.

    So, I have been using the men's restroom, but I'm afraid the guys will see me and start making fun of me for using that restroom, because everyone thinks I'm just absolutely ridiculous. No one understands this debilitating fear, and I play it off most of the time, but I don't know what to do about this bathroom. I mean, it's not like I have to "clean anything up", but I'm terrified of all the particles of norovirus everywhere.
    She might be back as early as tomorrow, and she's a horrid witch and always complains that bleach makes her break out in hives, and blah blah blah. So, if she smells it, she'll make a big deal about it.
    And, I don't have a face mask (the particles get stirred around when you clean) either.

    Do I stay late one day and clean it when no one is here?
    Do I use the men's restroom for 3 weeks?
    Maybe I will just "hold it" for 3 weeks??


    P.S. I just remembered that she's one of those disgusting people that never closes the toilet lid when she flushes, so it could potentially be everywhere?! What do I do????!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Yorkshire, UK

    Default Re: Co-Worker Sick in Shared Bathroom

    I tell you what you do, you go to the doctor and get signed off sick with stress and try and get someone to educate you stupid boss about phobias. Dont you just hate it, these people who dont understand try and fling it back at you like some hideous joke the moment you expose the most vulnerable part of your personality and confide in someone!!?? Im so angry! Cant you threaten him with some sort of action against being so unhelpful towards you!? If I were you I would be educating him about his ignorance and getting every authority out there that was able to to stand behind me on it! Does he want you off work with stress because of having to put up with this as well as your phobia! RAAAAARRRR!!!

    On a more positive note, bleach the thing to hell. Who cares about that cow!? Youre doing everyone else a favour in the office by sanitising for everyone! I would take a deep breath and run in and spray everywhere with whatever cleaning solution you think is best. Then run out and take a clean breath and leave it as long as you can really. Then mop up! If you use something bleachy or one of these kills 99.9% type bacteria etc cleaners that should zap it. I would watch out for using the usuals, keyboards, phones, bannister rails, door handles, light switches - clean all those too. Then just keep up with your own cleanliness and keep co-workers at arms length as if they have the virus that hasnt manifested yet they could still be carrying it in the meantime. She shouldnt be coming back so soon after being ill either. She could still be infectious.

    Also, if your boss is complaining about you merely coughing, cough on his sandwiches. I think he deserves it, the backwards BLEEEEP! Let us know how you get on and try not to stress *too* much. Youll get through this. Sounds like youre a much better person than the rest of them!
    X clare X

  3. #3

    Default Re: Co-Worker Sick in Shared Bathroom

    Just wait a couple of days and then use it. I work in retail and people are ALWAYS sick in our bathroom, but we still have to use it. Just wash your hands for an extra-long time. If you're really worried, don't flush if you just go #1. Someone may call you out on it, though, LOL.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Johnson City, TN

    Default Re: Co-Worker Sick in Shared Bathroom

    I agree-- I would clean it anyway. I found a mini purse-sized can of Lysol last week, and that would be helpful, too, for handles, etc. it's so small, you can be discreet about it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Co-Worker Sick in Shared Bathroom

    Oh wow. I'm sorry but your boss is a jerk!

    I would clean it. Just bring in your own bleach and go to town. Get a bottle of lysol and spray it anywhere you need to as well.

    I'm so sorry you are going through this. Just remember...you stayed away from the infected area. As long as you use a bleach cleaner, you will be just fine.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Dunedin, NZ

    Default Re: Co-Worker Sick in Shared Bathroom

    Mischief, you made me laugh! I too am really cross at her boss, and you articulated that beautifully! I think mischiefs advice is sound, you need to give yourself a break and get signed off even just for a week. My thoughts are with you. X



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