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Thread: Every night!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Johnson City, TN

    Default Every night!

    Ugh. Every. Single. Night. After dinner, my stomach just feels yucky. Like, my food is not settling and horrible acid indigestion and over full. I eat small meals and can eat the same exact thing for breakfast (am known for eating oatmeal all the time ) and feel great... Then eat it for dinner and feel like crap. I feel like if I bend over, it will all come up! but i can't sit down because i feel like i have to walk around to "settle it." The pain even goes around my back! Freaks me out. I rarely ever have to take my Vistaril for anxiety until dinner time. I don't get it! I have had an ultrasound on my gallbladder about a year ago and nothing showed up on u/s. Had upper endoscopy in January and some things showed up but not gallbladder-- do they even check for that in upper endoscopy? I am clueless as to where the gallbladder is lol. Anyway, I'm just venting because my daughter is running around 100 miles an hour; I'm trying to get her bathed and in bed; and I am trying to prevent myself from having a full blown panic attack. Grrr. I also take Nexium. Am prescribed 2x a day but usually just take it once. Was thinking at one point I may not have ENOUGH acid in my stomach so tried apple cider vinegar but started getting sharp pains-- my GI doc recommended against it because I have some gastritis that showed up in endoscopy. Anyway. Thanks for "listening." I wish I could just take pills instead of food! It's not worth it sometimes!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Long island ny

    Default Re: Every night!

    Have you ever tried cammomile tea? It works wonders for me. I started drinking it after a bout of gastritis from antibiotics. I had been popping pepto pills like crazy and is want helping, i found cammomile tea in a home remedy book. It was the only thing that helped! After one cup i felt great! If you google it it says it its also great for anxiety and the cramps that come with the sv.
    We are each our own devil and we make this world our own hell - oscar wilde

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    australia, NSW

    Default Re: Every night!

    I know how you feel with this. I get a bit 'sluggish' of a night. But even throught the day sometimes. Its an annoying feeling. What else came up on your endosocopy? Do you know what it is? It would be a good idea to look into that. I does sound like indegestion to me but I wouldnt eat the same thing twice in one day. If you had oatmeal for breakfast, then leave it for breakfast. Have a look at some 'anti reflux' recipes online for dinner and ake sure you dont eat aything too close to bed time. It may also be the stress of having to go throught it everyday as well as the stress of your daughter. I know if Im stressing about something happening before it even happens, next thing you know its there!
    No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Every night!

    Your gallbladder is in your right upper abdomen just under your ribcage--it sits kind of on top of your liver. A typical "gall attack" will produce pain in that area which may radiate around to the back--right shoulder blade area. That being said, not everyone has "typical" symptoms for medical problems. I had my gall bladder removed when I was 25 and did not have typical symptoms--I basically had a dull, annoying pain in my right upper abdomen that wouldn't go away, and eventually had to ASK my dr. for an ultrasound. The gall stones did show up on ultrasound--I would think they would have on yours, too. In an upper endoscopy they would be able to see where the bile ducts enter the duodenum (which is the very beginning section of small intestine, right after the stomach)from the gall bladder--if the endoscopy went that far in.

    Maybe you need something different than the Nexium for the acid in your stomach?? Did they ever check you for H. pylori?? That is a bacteria that can overgrow in the stomach and lead to gastritis and ulcers, and is treatable with antibiotics. They may have taken a test for it during your endoscopy.

    Did they mention any sign of a hiatal hernia when they did your test?? That can cause a "full" feeling and the sense that things are not "going through" sometimes.

    I don't know, just a few suggestions. Goodness knows I have gut troubles too, I tend to blame it on all these years of intense anxiety and panic attacks.

    I hope you feel better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Johnson City, TN

    Default Re: Every night!

    Thanks, guys. I just get so frustrated with it! Esophageal candidiasis (yeast infection in esophagus) showed up on endoscopy, as well as mild gastritis. I have taken meds for the yeast thing so hopefully that's cleared up. They did check for hiatal hernia and H Pylori-- all good. I think it bothers me that it goes around my back-- why I was thinking gall bladder. But-- I think acid indigestion can do that, too? It's confusing, because I also have a lingering injury at my right shoulder blade (were rhomboid meets scapular), so I can't tell! I have tried chamomile tea, but only the Celestial Seasonings brand. Maybe an all natural deal would help more. I try to eat a varied diet (well, varied for an emet :/), so I usually don't have the same things for breakfast and dinner-- but will sometimes have breakfast for dinner, if that makes any sense . I think I'm going to look into a different med for the acid. Maybe it's like all things-- your body adapts after awhile and needs a switch. Sigh. Thanks, again, guys!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Every night!

    Jennjt, I do know how you feel. Dinnertime is the hardest for me also, and for some reason I often feel n, overfull, and anxious after eating. It does not help that my kids are bouncing off the walls around that time, either.

    Some things that help me are sleepytime tea (it haschamomile in it) and, oddly enough, walking around. I am so glad for the time change and warmer weather because I'll be able to take my kids out for a walk or to play in the yard.

    Hope you can find something to help soon



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