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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Well... after four years of having a perfect driving record and 8 months after purchasing my new car I had my first ever wreck and boy did it SUCK!

    Thankfully no one was hurt and that's what everyone keeps telling me, but it was totally, 100% my fault (no questions asked cause I ain't denying it) and it was a "stupid, could have been prevented if I wasn't in such a dang hurry" type of wreck.

    I was turning into my work parking lot and I totally didn't see thecar that wascomingtowards meso I hitthe front, driver side of her car with the front, driver side of my car.It was such a stupid mistake on my part and I know that it was an accident and I totally didn't mean to do it, but I still feel terrible that it happened. I keep thinking "If I'd just waited five more seconds", or "If I would have just slowed down a little bit more before turning"... (I wasn't speeding or anything but I was really taking the turn a bit faster than I should have)... but I guess all those "would have", "could have", "should haves" don't help now because it's over.

    I know I'll TOTALLY 500% learn from this mistake... but it still sucks that it happened at all. My car is pretty badly damaged, it's a pontiac Grand Am and it's made of fiberglass so the part that hit just smashed into pieces... her car wasn't too terrible, but she had a flat tire and couldn't get her door opened so it's gonna need some work. Again... it just sucks... I cried for hours!

    Anyone else ever had a wreck?
    I just can't believe that my FIRST EVER wreck, after FOUR ENTIRE YEARS of no accidents had to be a bad one... I mean I would rather have had a little fender-bender than that.
    UGH... what a day!
    My journal

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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I have had several wrecks. All in my teen yrs. One was my fault, the others werent. Lets see, I have been rear ended, turned into, and pulled out in front of. All before I was out of high school. Rachel, try not to feel bad about what happened. It is over now, and no one was hurt. Im sure you have learned from your mistake. I pulled into a parking space way to fast one time and hit this metal bar that was in front of it. Then, I was circiling (?) around the gas pumps one day and hit those metal thingys at the end of the island thingy that the pumps are on. Tore up the side of my car!! See, Ive had accidents where no one was involved but me!! LOL!!

    I hope you have a much better day tomorrow!!

    Edited by: jennyleigh1975

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    United States


    It sucks getting into an accident, but sooner or later it will happen to most people one way or another. Don't dwell on it - what happened has happened, and no amount of What If's will make it go away.

    I had my first accident a few weeks ago after 10 years of driving - I rear ended some guy just because I wasn't looking in front, I was looking at traffic coming from the left. I got lucky, as the only damage was to my car and the guy was (obviously) rich - he told me not to worry about it!

    It scared me, but like I said, welcome to life

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    that sounds scarey!

    i had my first accident last summer. all my fault, I hit a contruction truck because I wasn't keeping my eyes on the road. well the car was 1 month old(my moms), and they were away on vacation in the states. I totally wrecked the car, it was unrepairable, and I was sent to the hospital with some neck and back pain, thankfully nothing was wrong, I just pulled some muscles on the impact. I was covered in glass, it was everywhere, in my hair, down my shirt, I was a mess, and I didnt even have my parents there!

    luckly my parents work at the hospital, so everyone knows me there, and one of the girls who works there drove me home. I held in all my fear till i got home, but as soon as the door shut I cried for a good 2 hours.

    I mean, If I hadn't of swurved the way i did( in defence), in time, I would have had the end of the truck in my face. I was very lucky, it could have been so much worse.

    It scares the bejezzes out of you, I'll tell you that much, and you learn to be much more careful on the road!
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Hey gals, thanks for all the advice/support.

    I'm feeling so much better today simply because I realize now that it's over and done with and I have to move on and we're all fine so that's what really counts. The insurance is going to take care of things and though it's my fault, it is, as I said before, my first wreck and they tend to go easier on you the first time around. Trust me... I don't plan on there being any seconds!!!

    I guess the main thing that I've learned from this whole ordeal is to remember if I'm ever faced with a situation where someone hits me and it's their fault, I now know to stay calm, be kind, and realize that it's only an accident like the person I hit did... or as my boss says to "pay it forward". Hopefully that will never happen, but I know that having the other party not screaming and yelling at me put my mind at ease a WHOLE LOT when I was already freaked out enough! I'd like to do the same because I know how horrible it feels.

    Thanks again!
    My journal

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    Giving up doesn\'t always mean that we are weak. Sometimes it just means that we are strong enough to let go.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Do me a favor, if something else should happen with your car, will you tell us again?


    I know its a weird question, but its a private reason for me.



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