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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Tired of people throwing up in my classes.

    This may be graphic so I apologize for that ahead of time.

    Lately going to class has had me walking on eggshells. About 2 weeks ago I'm sitting in Japanese and this guy comes in saying his stomach is still "torn up" from who knows what. About 20 minutes into class he leaves to be sick, I know because when he came back he told his friend. Halfway through class he leaves again, but comes back with vomit on his shirt! >.<. Fast forward to today and one of the instructors for another class comes late, and has her child with her. I didn't think anything of it until halfway through class, I hear the kid retch followed by a splatter/splashing noise. Sure enough, he's thrown up everywhere and since it splattered, I'm worried that I've caught it from airborne particles.

    Even if I didn't have this phobia, I don't have time to be sick. I'm a double major in computer science and applied math, minor in philosophy, I have a part time job as a tutor and I'm doing undergraduate research. I'm just really upset right now. The least the professor could have done was sit with him in the back of the room (closest to the bathroom). She's never brought her child to class before so I assume she knows hes's sick. When it happened she turned around and said "oh Jesus!" because she wasn't even paying attention to him! WTF... okay...I'm done now..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Tired of people throwing up in my classes.

    I would've gone through the ROOF! PEOPLE -- STAY HOME WHEN YOU ARE SICK!!!!! Ugh! There's nothing more negligent than infecting countless people because of your own selfishness. My emet started with school-age experiences of people becoming ill in my classrooms. Horrible. Feeling for you, Mecca. Plug through, get your work done, and do the best you can do with your classes/schedule. This was two weeks ago, so you're obviously fine. Good work and good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: Tired of people throwing up in my classes.

    I couldn`t be a teacher because I hate the way kids are always getting sick. I know they can`t help it, but it makes me dislike them intensely!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Yorkshire, UK

    Default Re: Tired of people throwing up in my classes.

    I remember that feeling of being trapped and on constant stress alert just waiting for something to happen. You cant relax and concentrate on what youre supposed to be doing! I was so glad when I got out of high school and got to college, where I was with people who wanted to work and take things seriously and didnt think it was hilarious to get sick in class. You poor thing, I would have had a massive panic being subject to that. Im sure theyre right, if it was two weeks ago id say youre just fine. Sounds like you have an amazing future ahead of you being brainy enough to do all that studying. Congratulate yourself that youre working so hard to create a great future whilst coping with this sort of thing and soldier on. There will be a time soon where you are able to be more in control of your surroundings and the company you keep and itll all be worth it and just a memory that wont matter any more. I also couldnt be a teacher. Im very wary of kids. I have an emet-friend whos a teacher and i cant believe how strong she is to work so hard on her career and have to cope with that.

    We applaud you as an understanding group of buddies, Mecca! Keep thinking of the bigger picture!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Tired of people throwing up in my classes.

    Wow Mecca you should be proud of yourself! Keep working hard and you will be rewarded

    However looking at the present, you should again be very proud of yourself. As an emet in that situation you sounded cool, calm and collected! If I was in that situation I'd have left my all my stuff and RAN out of that room.
    I think my emet is from being in situations like that, especially when I was younger when little kids didn't know better...

    Here's hoping you don't get sick (doesn't sound like you will) and get the good grades you deserve!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Tired of people throwing up in my classes.

    Thanks guys I really appreciate it =]. Needless to say I'm fine now like many of you said. I had to at least act like I was ok so that I could finish class, but internally I was a mess. I felt like all the blood drained from my body and it was hard to breathe, especially when the kid threw up all over the floor. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed until this virus is out of my school.



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