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Thread: Almost gone!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    United States

    Default Almost gone!

    I joined this forum back in 2008. I was a freshman in college. My emetophobia was terrible. It stopped me from going to parties.

    To this day, I have never been to a college party. I probably never will. I have graduated college with my science degree though. And my phobia has improved! I'll write in the treatment thread how it got better for me.

    -I now work in a hospital full time before I go to grad school. My job is basically a CNA job. I've been around a LOT of vomit by now tons. Whatever, doesn't bother me!

    -I live with my boyfriend of two years (we were friends even before college) who has a very sensitive stomach and v* a lot.

    -when he v* in the bathroom, I have to hear it because our place is so small.

    -My cat got sick and v* mass quantities of junk. My boyfriend would have helped to clean it up but he would v* with the smell. So guess who did it? Me.

    -I now see v* in movies and am largely okay. I sort of prefer to know if it's coming or not but if it's a surprise, I'm okay too.

    I lurked a lot here and was inspired by many stories. This phobia has been with me my whole life. I still have some anxiety surrounding my boyfriend's v* but it's getting better over time.

    I'm glad I didn't let my fear stop me from living with this wonderful man and pursuing my dream of working in the health care.

    Thank you all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Yorkshire, UK

    Default Re: Almost gone!

    Wow, to me being that ok with it would make me feel cured! I cant watch anything on TV unless I know theres no V in it, my partner sits with his finger on the remote the whole time just in case something looks like its going to happen. Even if im on the laptop and not watching and hes watching something, he turns it over if he thinks something will happen. He looks after me! I get anxious if I have to visit someone in hospital and fear a time my boyf or me might get ill (hasnt happened in the 8 1/2 years weve been together yet, lucky us!). We do have 2 cats though that we've had about 4 years and I was so frightened when we first got them. I havent actually ever seen on actually V-ing but ive had to clean it up a few times, and im actually not that fussed by it anymore! Just looks like cat-fod! I wouldnt like to see them getting sick though, and have to shove them out of the room if theyre gagging but theyre good cats who normally stop once youve patted their tummies!!! Im still slightly weirded out by the thought that someone would be wholly unaffected by V. For ages I thought anyone who got ill for any other reason than a genuine bug or medical reason was disgusting and abhorrant, and im not sure id want to be someone *completely* unaffected by V and getting sick. Probably because I would still feel sensitive to other people who might have the phobia and would understand how I would make them feel. But well done you, it must be great to hardly give the phobia a second thought day to day and really to be able to live and not have it put you off making the most of your life. Youve worked hard to get to that stage and well done you!!!!



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