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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Boston, MA

    Default Gastritis? Noro? Help!

    I am not sure if my anxiety has given me an ulcer or what. I always wake up with N/panic, But for the past few days I've had burning cramping pain beneath my rib cage (went away somewhat when I ate) and last night I had two bouts of watery (not totally liquid) burning D after intense cramps. I couldn't go to work this morning because I was so N, gassy and uncomfortable. I took a Zantac which helped somewhat but i still dont feel right.

    I think my anxiety is exacerbating these symptoms but something is definitely wrong. I ate spicy food last night (which I do often) so could that be it? The other symptoms showed up before that.

    Does this sound like gastritis to anyone? Or something? Please help, I'm so uncomfortable.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Dallas, Texas

    Default Re: Gastritis? Noro? Help!

    Anxiety. You'll know if you have gastritis. I was in the hospital with it three times. Didn't have any d* with it.
    Keep my heart light, maintain internal heights.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Gastritis? Noro? Help!

    Could be gastritis. I have suffered on and off for over 4 years. For the first 2 yrs it totally took over my life despite being on medication. I hardly ate cos the nausea was so bad & lost a lot of weight. I also had that pain just below my ribcage on the left side. It got so bad once I honestly thought I was gonna have a heart attack. I went to my GP the following day & they did an ECG but it came back ok so they explained that it was caused by the gastritis. the pain also used to radiate around to my back. Thankfully I dont get too many really bad bouts but the nausea is the worst part of it.

    Could also be IBS. Or maybe you havent been eating the right foods. Spicy foods, stress, alcohol & smoking all affect gastritis. Also a poor diet can cause the stomach to produce acid & if theres nothing for the acid to work on ( i.e. food!) it just aggravates the stomach lining even more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Boston, MA

    Default Re: Gastritis? Noro? Help!

    I now can't get warm and all my joints ache ontop of these symptoms.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: Gastritis? Noro? Help!

    I was diagnosed with gastritis some years ago when I had a test done to investigate the same kind of pain that I get from time to time. I take some ranitidine if it`s really bothering me. You can buy it over the counter if your doctor won`t prescribe it.



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