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  1. #1

    Default Sudden stomach troubles are freaking me out late at night.

    Its just after midnight here and I have to work in the morning and am freaking out because I just had d* out of the blue. Lots of gas, and then intense cramp followed by well... Liquid. Gross. Sorry Tmi. I am now soo very afraid of v* coming out to get me now even though I felt fine and was eating like almost up until it happened.

    I have no idea where it would come from. I ate ribs last night which might have been to rich for me? Would that cause d* the next evening? I know everything I ate today has been safe. At least I think so.

    I'm also really worried ill have to call in sick to work tomorrow either from anxiety, bowel issues or hopefully not v* but I know it a possibility and I have no idea how I will sleep. Ahh.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Suffolk, UK

    Default Re: Sudden stomach troubles are freaking me out late at night.

    I had a similar thing last night but no d* or v*, woke up at 3am with stomach pains and of course this set me into a major panic attack. It's 9am now and stomach still hurts. Do you suffer from IBS? Ribs would most likely set that off for me...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Sudden stomach troubles are freaking me out late at night.

    I'm right there with you. ): I don't have to work tomorrow (At least I don't think, but I'm a birth photographer so I work when the babies are born!). I am freaking out. I took a zofran, and I'm trying to think if anything I ate set me off...):

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Suffolk, UK

    Default Re: Sudden stomach troubles are freaking me out late at night.

    Try to do as much as you can to relax, this is what I did. I sat in a dim lit room taking deep breaths in and deep breaths out and tried to evaluate as much as possible why I felt like this. The more I did this the better I felt until I managed to go back to sleep x

  5. #5

    Default Re: Sudden stomach troubles are freaking me out late at night.

    I managed to sleep ok somehow after a while, but I woke up still having some stomach discomfort and potentially hunger but I can't distinguish between n* and hunger so I haven't eaten. I'm really anxious and scared I will be sick at work but I already missed some hours this week and really need to work. That and I don't even know if it's a sickness thing or an anxiety thing. My bf thinks I'm just working myself up and that's why I don't feel well. I of course am still worried I have food poisoning or am sick. I haven't actually had d* again since last night's episode but I still feel like it could happen again... I have no idea how I am going to make it through the day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Suffolk, UK

    Default Re: Sudden stomach troubles are freaking me out late at night.

    Ok, one step at a time, how long are you due at work and how many hours did you have off before? Have you any dry crackers as these work wonders for me if I feel n* but hungry x

  7. #7

    Default Re: Sudden stomach troubles are freaking me out late at night.

    I've been at work for about 2.5 hours. Had a piece of toast with some 'fake' cheese because I'm lactose intolerant. I'm scared it's made me feel worse. I'm feeling like such an utter disaster. I still have like 8 hours left to my day with the staff meeting and I don't know if I can do it. I also really need the money but I don't know if I can make it and I'm soo soo worried ill v*. I haven't had a bad day like this in so long. Should I just leave work and be done with it or try to push through? The

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Suffolk, UK

    Default Re: Sudden stomach troubles are freaking me out late at night.

    Keep pushing, you are doing so well. If you were going to v you would have done so by now. Just think how proud of yourself you will be by the end of the day. Prove to yourself you can do it xxx

  9. #9

    Default Re: Sudden stomach troubles are freaking me out late at night.

    Thank you for your words of encouragement. I'm starting to think I might make it. 3 hours of dealing with customers left. Then staff meeting. I'm even trying to eat some quinoa. Hope things continue to get better...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Suffolk, UK

    Default Re: Sudden stomach troubles are freaking me out late at night.

    I hope you made it though the days with no issues ( which I am sure you did ) ! Remember this in the future when you are struggling about how you CAN do it! Bit pat on the back for you x

  11. #11

    Default Re: Sudden stomach troubles are freaking me out late at night.

    Hey again. Had d* again a tiny bit yesterday once and again this morning. I feel fine otherwise and did eat some noodles (my safe food). I have the day off thank God but I'm still really anxious. This may seem like a silly question but could just my phobia and GAD be causing this? When I have eaten it's been healthy, safe food like vegetables and quinoa and stir fry. A little chicken. I'm struggling so hard to get out of bed and on with my day and its already noon...



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