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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Dallas, Texas

    Default For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.

    I broke my foot a couple of days ago and I'm on a heavy mixture of Vicodin and Tramadol, both have a side effect of v*. I've even taken both without food and have had not even a hint of nausea. Just itchy at all heck! So just because a medication has v* as a side effect doesn't mean that it will cause it. Just a little bit of hope for you guys!
    Keep my heart light, maintain internal heights.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States

    Default Re: For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.

    I'm sorry to hear about your foot. Good to know the medications are not a problem for you, though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    United States

    Default Re: For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.

    Yeah, my mom has used tramadol and other opiates with her 2 knee replacements and never v*ed with them. She stayed pretty nausea free until she was on them for a longer period of time. You're right, that's good to remember. I'm really sorry about your foot...how bad is it? I broke a small bone in mine about 12 years ago, and it was really painful the first two days but much better after that. It was very minor though, no cast or surgery and I was mostly back to normal in 4 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.

    My mom has taken so much medication, and even ones she was allergic to haven't made her sick. I think they just put it on the side effects list so that they won't get sued.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.

    I'm sorry to hear about your foot. The only one I'm worried about is when I give birth and they give me morphine, well I think thats what they give you right? And also I remember I wouldn't take sertraline because of the side effects

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.

    thanks alot! i worry about that soo much that i never take anything, even when i really need to! sorry about ur foot..stop being clumsy lol
    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; But of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2Timothy. 1:7)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Dallas, Texas

    Default Re: For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.

    I got hit by a car while walking across the street at a crosswalk...yeah, drunk drivers suck...but I was on Sertraline before and it didn't make me nauseous. I've also been on morphine but I was on Zofran at the same time so I don't know if it would have made me sick without it.
    Keep my heart light, maintain internal heights.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Rhode Island, USA

    Default Re: For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.

    Quote Originally Posted by jadeshine View Post
    I got hit by a car while walking across the street at a crosswalk...yeah, drunk drivers suck.
    OMG! I am so sorry! I'm glad you are okay though and I hope this person didn't get away....

    As far as throwing up being a side effect that scared me, it used to, but never enough where I didn't take what was prescribed/should be prescribed to me. And sure enough it never made me sick

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Southeast USA

    Default Re: For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.

    V* as a side effect does not mean it will. I try to remember that the side effects are from the trial and what someone may have experienced, whether related to the medicine or not, it has to be listed. I was afraid to take birth control pills for a long time because they "might" cause n* and v*. Never was a problem and made me life much better once I got over it. Still fear some meds though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.

    Oh my gosh, I was prescribed birth control pills a month ago so I could go on Accutane and I was terrified to take them. I made my boyfriend stay on Skype with me and watch me take them and then he stayed on with me for another hour or two to make sure I was gonna be okay. He puts up with a lot from me and this phobia but he's so sweet about it.

    I remember the last medicine my dermatologist prescribed for me was minocycline. It scared me because when he was telling me about the medicine he goes "do NOT take this on an empty stomach, you will puke it up". and that's what set me off. I put them away in my cabinet and never took them.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    New South Wales, Australia

    Default Re: For those that worry about medications with v* as a side effect.

    Holy shit, I hope you are okay! As for vomiting from meds, I would say most people don't. I for one have never vomited from pills, only ever felt mild nausea with sertraline.



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