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Thread: mirtazapine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default mirtazapine

    Hello! I hope everyone is feeling alright and hasn't had any n* or v* today! My psychiatrist prescribed me a new medication I haven't ever heard of, its called mirtazapine (generic for REMeron). It seems to be working great for my anxiety as well as n*. I was just curious as to whether anyone else had tried it or has heard anything about it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: mirtazapine

    It is supposed to be excellent for nausea and anxiety. I took it for short time and I did feel better but stopped when I gained 6 pounds in a week. When mirtazapine didn't put me to sleep, I ate. LOL. Just what I needed - more food in my stomach. Interestingly enough, a small, one time dose was prescribed to my cat when she was v*. She felt better within a few hours and ate non-stop for the next few days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Berkshire,United Kingdom

    Default Re: mirtazapine

    I was on Mirtazapine for about 6 months but im now off it now and on Imipramine.I still had panicky moments on Mirtazapine but it is a good drug.I also had some wonderful nights sleep on it as it makes you feel nice and drowsy at bedtime :-) i have trouble sleeping now i am off it.Im pleased for you that you are finding it helpful.Also If ever you find it isnt for you and you want out then it is easy to taper off it too.I came off it with no probs.No withdrawl symptoms at all.

    I did still get a bit of n* on it but not because of the tablets just the usual n* us emets get all the time.For N* i take Metoclopramide and it works a treat
    Last edited by R1ch1973; 04-04-2013 at 04:01 AM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: mirtazapine

    Hi guys (My first post, huzzah!)

    I've been on a decent number of anti-depressants in my life, starting from a young age of 13 - immediately on seroxat, at least till reports came in of it making kids suicidal. Anywhoo, i digress.

    I've been on Mirtazapine. It worked wonders for my terrible sleep, my anxiety and on occasion, n* too, but the withdrawal was torture.

    Withdrawal was the complete opposite of every benefit it offered. I had intense n*, stomach cramping, dizziness, anxiety and depression. Yet on the other side of the coin, a friend of mine came off it with little to no ill effects.

    R1ch's point on Metoclopramide is a valid one. I've also tried that and that stuff is a lifesaver. It restored my stomach to somewhat normality, along with my bowel movements. I could actually eat without fear of frequent problems - but it's only something you can be on for a short period.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Warwick, RI

    Default Re: mirtazapine

    I have been on Mirtazapine for a year now. I started with 15mg for about 5 months and I felt GREAT! I could sleep, I was not having panic attacks daily, and I could eat "normal" sized meals without feeling sick after. In July, I started to feel like crap again and my Dr. increased me to 30mg which I have been on ever since. I only gained about 12 pounds in total.

    It is not working as well for me now (other than it still helps me sleep) but I am afraid to come off of it.

    I may try going back down to 15mg again though...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: mirtazapine

    This medication does not work for me at all... It didn't do anything and now I'm dependent on it unfortunately I don't mean to scare you but these medications affect different people in different ways. You said your nausea has decreased and that's great!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: mirtazapine

    I just seen all these posts! My doctor refuses to prescribe me Ativan anymore due to my age which I think is total bullcrap. I didn't abuse it nor did use an abundant amount. I didn't even take it as often as prescribed. Anywho, the REMeron rally seems to help me at night. I don't know what I'm going to do should I need something during the day! :/



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