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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Phobia categories

    I wonder what others think about this. I often think about my own emetophobia and if it is different from other cases.

    My case is extreme - but very selective. I am not afraid TO v myself. I would most definately prefer not to - and will do just about anything not to - and never do - haven't in over thirty years (because being an emet - I seem to have control over it). I am also not afraid of others v* due to NON-contagious reasons. I don't want to see, hear, or know about it/them and avoid it/them at pretty much all costs - I also don't watch TV or movies that seem to enjoy showing v* - but it doesn't cause me extreme panic and freaking out OCD.

    What I AM deathly afraid of is contagious v*. Namely - NOROVIRIS. I can deal fairly well with everything else (non-contagious), but when it comes to norovirus - I'm the end all be all basket case.

    So what does that make me? Am I an emetophobic or something else?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Phobia categories

    I think we all have varying degree's of being emetophobic some are worse than others, but in the end its the same phobia.... just my 2 cents i thought i throw in

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Phobia categories

    Norophobic!? I have no idea. I guess like Love says, we're all emets to some degree, it just affects everybody differently. My phobia is ANYTHING related to v*, although like yourself, I think I could probably deal with it a little better if it was non-contagious x



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