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Thread: baby no2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default baby no2

    i want to start trying for baby no2 but terrified of getting morning sickness ever got any with baby no1 but no its gonna be likely this time also i hardly eat anything because worry about food poisoning all the time i know this not good for babys development. anyone else experience this am desperate for more kids but my mind is stopping me i suffer from bad acid reflux to doctor told me today gotta take tablets because think ive damaged my stomach lining!! does anyone else suffer with this? like a vicious circle i dont eat cuz im scared of being *s then cuz im not eating i get acid and feel *s

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: baby no2

    I'm really unsure of ever having kids myself. I don't even know if I'll get a girlfriend let alone kids, and I'm not sure I'll want kids when the time comes.

    EDIT: In fact I'll make this into a topic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: baby no2

    There are many safe options for nausea in pregnancy. Supplements like promethazine are considered safe in moderation, or zofran. Ask your doctor about it, and don't worry about not eating too much, just try to get a multiple vitamin in and a folic acid supplement. It's said you should do prenatal vitamins, but they honestly made me sick as a dingo, so I just took regular vitamins and 400 mg of folic acid. My two came out healthy as Clydesdales, physically speaking.
    Life is so worth living.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: baby no2

    i take vitamins daily now my anxiety never started till after i had my first child ive never spoken to drs about it. everyday is just a tiring struggle and this phobia takes up most my energy l never spend that quality me with my ittle girl but without her i dont think i could cope

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: baby no2

    I have had 3 children now. I was just pregnant last year, so I can definitely relate to your fear. For me, I had less morning sickness with each pregnancy. The first one, I had it moderately bad. I didn't ever v, but I felt pretty bad for a few months and had to carry a bag in my purse just in case. The 2nd one, I had it less and it didn't last as long. With my 3rd last year, I didn't really have any. A couple of times I smelled something that didn't agree with me and had to go outside and get fresh air and I couldn't let myself get really hungry or I'd feel n, but that was it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    CLE OH

    Default Re: baby no2

    Currently 35 weeks with baby number 2. Had not a lick of morning sickness with baby number 1. Barely any with baby number 2, but I was more aware of feelings of pregnancy with baby number 2 and knew about baby number 2 much earlier. Still have never gotten sick from morning sickness. Just had to eat as soon as I got up and I wouldn't get nauseous. I only got nauseous maybe 2 days out of 2 weeks of the whole pregnancy. And now I'm ready to be done. lol. I would hate to see anyone let this fear affect their want to have a child. A lifetime of happiness with your child will always always always be worth the 0.000004% of the time they or you are sick.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2013

    Default Re: baby no2

    oh really thats reassuring i never had anything with my first just a major craving for mints my little girl is my world she gets me through my bad days and i definitely want to do it again. i just fear the fact that 2 kids means twice as many bugs in the house and means more likely ill catch them!! thank u for your help speaking to people helps alot

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: baby no2

    I had two pregnancies. I got one episode of nausea with my first, never vomited though. The rest of my first and all of my second I had zero nausea. When I got pregnant both times I was imagining terrible morning sickness and being sick the entire time. I was so pleasantly surprised when I didn't get any.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: baby no2

    I think that if you want another, you need to talk with your Dr, and let them know that you have issues that cause those problems. Hopefully you have an understanding dr and maybe they will be able to give you something ahead of time? I was lucky (I know it's not legal), and a friend of mine had Zofran left over from her pregnancy because they made her sicker. I was nauseated but didn't v when I had those in me. I got an Rx for myself after a while (when THEY thought it was time...ugh), and it got better. And I know it's gross, emet makes you do crazy things, but I didn't brush my teeth for a big portion of my #2 pregnancy because part of my emet obsessions/rituals .....I won't get into what, because I don't want to cause panic.... didn't allow for it.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2013

    Default Re: baby no2

    when i had my little girl i went to the dr and told her and she said i just had anxiety from having a baby and said i was probably depressed and wanted put me on depression tablets but i didnt want them since that day i just never bothered to tell them about how i was feeling. and i know what u mean about obsessive habits i have plenty myself

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: baby no2

    Yikes. New plan, shake your dr. Shake them hard.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: baby no2

    I'm the same about another baby... However, with my first I felt sick for the first couple months, then after I had never felt any healthier! Was amazing! My anixety has become awful after my little girl though, I never use to worry unless I felt ill, now I worry 24/7. But I still want number 2! X

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: baby no2

    I just think two kids twice as many germs but I don't think I can go through life not having anymore being a mum is the best feeling ever. it's so hard being a mum and trying to cope with this everyday I just wish I could find a way to get over my phobia

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: baby no2

    I can so totally understand how you feel. In a way I'm really glad my emet didn't rear its ugly head till after I had my 3 kids because not sure if I would have had more than one. I had bad nausea all 3 pregnancies but never once v* (sometimes I wish I would have just to feel better but that was before my emet). But good news is for the most part I managed the nausea with sea-bands. They work on acupressure points and are perfectly safe... in fact I still used them these days when the nausea gets really bad. So there are ways to manage ms if you happen to get it and like another poster said, it's such a small percentage of your life to deal with this in comparison to the payoff.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: baby no2

    Have u ever *v since having your kids from stomach bugs?? Sometimes I just wish I could *v once to see wat it's like so I can maybe get over it but I just panic at the thought of it

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: baby no2

    Yes I have several times.. And you know what... I lived thru it every time! Having 3 young kids means they bring this stuff home that's probably the hardest part for me. I sometimes think if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have been sick so many times in the past few years and probably wouldn't have developed my emet.....but deep down I also know that's not true because it goes back much deeper and further than that but these episodes probably just brought it to light for me.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: baby no2

    Really my little girl has not been sick before but is starting school soon and I know she is going to bring bugs home home its the not knowing and waiting for it to happen that I hate several times I've felt like it's going to happen even sat by the toilet and nothing and I think because I've not been *s in about 11years it's the not remembering what it feels like my phobia is mainly night time when I'm alone it sounds funny but if my mum is with me and I feel Ill I seem to get less anxious I just hope one day I can beat this and stop it controlling my life



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