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Thread: Starting again

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Starting again

    So I realised today that the reason that my emet hasn't been as bad as I actually thought it was in recent months. I had one little blip on a train a few days ago but I made it through and I've made it through my fair share of close calls in recent months. Taking all of this into account I've decided that I can't let myself keep thinking that my life is so much worse than it really is. I guess it isn't really a triumph as such but more a triumph in the making, I think I'm ready to start tackling this now, I feel strong enough.. If anybody cares to join me in this battle against the emet beast, grab your sword and shield and let's go fight it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Starting again

    Woo! I really like this post! Very uplifting! I too have noticed my anxiety has been going down.
    *grabs a sword* let's slay the beast! *attacks emet*

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Starting again

    Im with you on this one. Ive been reading a thrive book specifically on emet and the phobia is all due to our thought patterns, ive been using the techniques in the book to change my thought patterns and it works.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: Starting again

    Hey Simm, that is totally kickin'. I'm a firm believer of where the mind goes, the man often follows. It's proven to be true with many emets here. We have a comfort zone when we feel fear, so we assume since it's all about how we feel (it's not!), we should stay in those zones. You're telling yourself things that remind you you can overcome this, and it could take some time; take it from me as I am in recovery for three years now. There's no one solution, or one size fits all, but telling yourself you can when your feelings may or may not say otherwise is a great start.

    Rock on!
    Life is so worth living.



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