Re: Emetophobic Dad/Husband here
I'm so sorry that you are in such a dark place with your emet and had to miss such an important milestone in your son's life. Can you and he go somewhere just the two of you as a belated celebration? Maybe try to take that opportumity to explain to him so he can try to understand?
please dont be so hard on yourself-you aren't a failure as a dad or less of a man. You are a person who happens to have a horrible phobia that can really jack with your mind to the point it feels debilitating. The good news is that you know you want better days for you and your family and it can happen! There are different types of help-many people here swear by CBT or anti-anxiety meds. I've not tried CBT but am considering looking into it myself.
Take care
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
― John Milton, Paradise Lost