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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    California, USA

    Default Just a panic attack. So tired of these

    Been battling with constipation for awhile and taking laxatives almost everyday and only getting cramps. I was kinda ok today. I haven't been eating much since I can't go to the bathroom because I feel so miserable after I eat. So I had 2 cups of coffee today now I have that nausea hunger, where I know I don't feel good because I need to eat, but nothing sounds good either. I took a hot shower and had a panic attack in there because I felt like I was suffocating and I started to sweat so I panicked more. I don't think I got SV I'm just a mess. I tried to make an appt with the GI doctor and left messages but their not calling back. I don't see my psyche doctor till June 14th. These kolonopin isn't helping my attacks anymore. Plus my stomach hurts from too much ab workouts at the gym. That's another thing. When I try to do more cardio I start to get dizzy and nauseated. Yesterday I did 20 minutes on the stair machine but I had to go really slow because the higher I went on the levels the more nauseated I got.

    Sorry if you read all that. I really just needed to whine. I'm sad.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Coventry, UK

    Default Re: Just a panic attack. So tired of these

    Are you eating enough generally? Sounds like your not and that can definately cause that *n feeling! I have always gone to the point of hunger where I couldn't eat and that doesn't do any good at all! Try to keep some snacks with you to keep that kind of hunger away!
    Not eating will cause all kinds of digestive issue for you!
    When you feel a panic rising try breathing in through your nose to the count of 7 and breathing back out slowly through your mouth for a count of 11, my hypnotherapist taught me this and I do it numerous times a day now, I've now found when a panic starts I automatically start to breath properly and it starts to lessen to the point where I've avoided panic attacks for the last 2 weeks!
    Good luck and take good care of yourself! Hope you feel bette soon x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    California, USA

    Default Re: Just a panic attack. So tired of these

    Thanks. I really don't eat much I never have. But lately it's been harder and harder for me to eat. I use to be anorexic so going for days without eating didnt affect me as bad. I may have had an upset stomach for a couple of days but it eventually went away. But I'm older now so I think things are different. I just hate it plus the panic attacks are coming more frequently and feel worse. I've done deep breathing too but it's like everything I use to do for an attack just quit working on me. It's so aggravating.



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